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It You Couldnt Have A Whippet Or Any Hound


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Just reading another post about a neopoliton Mastiff and how some like them , others dont even like Whippets , :eek: and just thought Id see what breed youd chose if you couldnt have a hound

Starting off .I think maybe I wouldnt have a dog at all but at a push ,

no I cant thnk of any breed Id want . Id probabley get more cats , Burmese :wub:
If I couldn't have a hound then I would have a Border Collie.

i always quite fancied a black lab, as its what my gran had when i was growing up.

and doberman, if my kids were a bit older.

but i have to agree with you probabily more cats, would have liked a bengul one (snow leapord) and a siamees(sp) one

but i wouldnt want to change now whippets are to nice :huggles: :huggles:
A cross breed with hound in it but really please let me have a hound....if not a whippet atleast a little beagle!!!
Well it's a tough choice because I couldn't be without a whippet now and I really like hounds but I think I'd have a Parson Russell Terrier.

Oh I'd definately have cats too :D . I have 6 moggies (2 of them are lodgers) just now but if I were to choose a pedigree cat I'd either have a mainecoon or a norwegian forest cat.
I love my hounds but I really only started with greyhounds and lurchers because there are so many of them in rescue desperate for homes, so I'd go for anything with sad eyes that needed a home really. I think I just like dogs!

My last fosters have been a huge hairy collie x, a corgi and my current one is a little elderly terrier x. They've all been gorgeous dogs who have fitted into the household and with the other dogs just fine and I could very easily have kept any of them, so I'd go for good temperament and not worry too much about breed.
I think if i couldnt have a whippet i would have to have a English Bulldog :wub: only because i dogsit a couple of them and they make me laugh just like my whippets do
Whilst whippets are lovely I think there are lots of excellent breeds out there all capable of offering just as much as our whippet companions. You get out of anything the effort and energy that you are prepared to put in.
oohh thats a difficult one

think i would have a beddlington terrier or a JR terrier
I think Bedlington terriers or Norfolk terriers look nice ;)
Well, I already have 2 GSDs as well as my beloved whippets and I would still have my little smooth coat collie if she had lived.

But apart from those, I would probably have a small terrier of some description so that it could chase the rabbits out of the hedges for my whippets to catch :thumbsup: :D

....... oh, and more cats too! Probably a Maine Coon :wub:
think i would go for a jack russell ,little dogs with bags of character :D
apart from whippets ,i just adore rhodesion ridgebacks and i used to own a gorgeous one called gemma sadly she died at a only 6 due to an enlarged heart :(
This is so difficult because my second choice (in an ideal world where they didn't get muddy or need grooming!) would be an afghan, third would be saluki lurcher, fourth get the picture. I managed to resist the lure of two litters of terriers that my sister's JR had, so no terriers for me. I had a weimaraner/ lab cross years ago who was lovely so perhaps down that route again. Trouble is, when you've had a whippet, you're spoilt! Why would you choose something else that (a) didn't live as long (b) was prone to genetic problems © sheds loads of hair (d) needs tons of grooming .....and so on!! ;)
I like Curly Coated Retrievers, Anatolian Shepherd Dogs, Estrela Mountain Dogs and Tibetan Mastiffs. If I had to chose though it would probably be a ASD or EMD.
I've always breed hopped...until I discovered

Bedlington probably...could it be crossed with a whippet please :-

I live in a tiny house...but I've always wanted a Blue Great Dane...