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Is Ernie A Whippet ?

Adrianlazarus said:
milly said:
unwanted said:

I'm fully aware that I race in the non-peds, and when I joined the BWRA/FED I didn't sign a contract stating that I should not run my dogs at lurcher racing.

If this rule came about then I would have to think very carefully before joining.

Right young man, let me put you straight, I was racing whippets before you were a twinkle in your dads eye, yes in the early sixties at Hillstown whippet club :oops:

And to say that we have only been back in the sport about 6 years we haven't done too bad as regards training CHAMPIONS.





And look at my signiture for ALL my dogs other achievments :- " ;)

ps and I have never raced my grews against greyhounds on the flapping tracks.


When I bred WhippetGrew Whippet/Bedlington/Grews one in four pups were smooth, with out papers any small whippety looking dog passes as a Whippet, whippView attachment 45814ets aint a breed they're a type

AH.See someone suffer's from the same problem as myself,when it come's to posting pic's with a bit of writing.Nice to know that im not alone.Thought it was only me.
rodders said:
once upon a time a few years ago Mark,had a dog that won racing and hurdles at Chatsworth guess what he was?Yes you've guessed it Whippet/Greyhound :p :D

Shhhhhhhhhh, don't tell him who gave him to you :D :thumbsup: :- "

And didn't you have one that raced and did long jump and if my memory serves me correctly Geoff didn't Midge also take part in an obedience competition.So if anybody out there wants an all rounder get a whippet/greyhound.Midges dad did a cracking job behind a hare,with 100yd slip.Beat that Mark :- "

cant be bothered now, ive got 2 lurchers here that jump 22 ft regular in the long jump and there 21 inch tall and to the 100 yrd slip well i wont say anything i was runin hares a lot back in the 60s and 70s and i will show a bit of respect to people like you karen but to me theres to many numptys on these sssssssssites and ive had enough,take care mark
Now for the final decision from everyone ! Should I be allowed to run `Ernie` in the Whippet Racing section at these shows, if there is such a section to be contested, unless it states it is for KC Registered dogs only ? (Papers to be shown on the day !)

YES or NO ?

Your decision will determine what class he runs in on the 5th August.

Thanks everyone for the input.

Yours in Sport.

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martin as a club we are holding a meeting on sunday were we will be forming the rules and regulations for any further shows by ndltc.

i can tell you now you will be welcome to race at them in the under ifs or buts...if a pedigree whippet wants to race in under 23s or if it s small enough under 21s so be it. we dont do the non-ped thing here..its lurcher racing end of !

im sure we will be looking forward to seeing little ern whizzing up our track !



Quite simple Martin YES :thumbsup: :D Karen

Hope you're not upset Mark,see you in Ireland ;) Karen
I see some people said there is no non-ped whippet racing in Ireland. Unfortunately there is no pedigree whippet racing either. In Britain the peds and the nonpeds are raced separately as the good non-peds (part greyhound) could beat the good ped by a good distance. (15 yards in a 150 yard race?)

While it is fair that the fastest dog wins, my concern would be that it is safer to run dogs of similar speed together as the dogs behind might come crashing into the front runners at the end of the course. (that is why I have asked previously whether some kind of pre-trial and handicapping/classing system might be introduced and if separate races can be provided for veterans)

the majority of the whippets at Randalstown were pedigreed and I think someone actually announced out loud that there would be racing for pedigree whippets

Someone certainly did announce "pedigree whippets" when calling for entries in the show ring, but I'm fairly sure not ALL the whippets in the ring were pure-bred. That announcement really surprised me as I had previously heard and read that it was not the done thing to enter a pure-bred whippet in lurcher shows.

... on the other hand, there will probably be complaints when Ernie races in an under 23" lurcher class and beats all comers and they'll be saying it isn't fair to race a whippet ...!
Martin Tucker said:
Now for the final decision from everyone ! Should I be allowed to run `Ernie` in the Whippet Racing section at these shows, if there is such a section to be contested, unless it states it is for KC Registered dogs only ? (Papers to be shown on the day !)
YES or NO ?

Your decision will determine what class he runs in on the 5th August.

Thanks everyone for the input.

Yours in Sport.


Put him in the under 21" or if he's just over put him in the un23" lurcher racing.

Seen this little dog go up the field over here :thumbsup: he will hold his own no matter which he goes in :thumbsup:
There may yet be a race between all 3 size group's,to find the overall racing champion.But as yet,there has not been a go ahead for this one,and as i need to give at least a month's notice to the bloke who was going to make the special shield for this event,it does'nt look likely for this year.Might be able to run it at our show ,on 28th july,and then move that particular race to the N.D.T.L.C,as the ground the club has,is the best around,and ideal for this event,as it would be 100%fair to all 3. We dont yet know if our's will be an anuual event.Will probibly depend on the turnout,and as( ALL MONEY'S) taken in all Lurcher & Terrier event's (WILL BE GOING TO THE FOYLE HOSPICE CHARITY),we would hope that all the regular's will support this venue.There will be lot's to keep the whole family amused on the day,as this venue is also a hotspot for kid's,with all sort's of animal's on vieu,that can even be handled by Adult's and kid's alike.At the moment,the racing is only about 200 yds,but if we can talk him into taking a fence,or a large part of it down for a few day's,we might get twice that.We are also going to have the field well rolled.The lad's who actualy came up with the idea of a show are hoping to start a new club down here,and would appreciate any help on running it. It would be great to see wee Ernie racing at this one too,in the under 23s,as i dont think there would be enough wee dog's to merrit an under 21 race.We'll see. ...Billy.
Me and Gavin will come for the day out and race Ernie in the under 23`class, that way there won`t be any arguements, but we will take the winner of the Whippet section on after, if there is one, if he fancies his chances !

The suggestion about grading dogs on speed is silly, because I know he would beat some of the over 23`and I wouldn`t fancy them running into him and chasing him around afterwards ! Also, some of the under 23` would still carry a fair bit of weight to them. When you see him, he is very slighty built and is still lighter than most of the `Whippets` on show.

One thing organisers ! Why do you always have the racing at the end of the day ? We wern`t home from Shanes Castle until nearly 11pm ! Makes for a long day, especially when you have as many dogs as we have too see to when we arrive home !
aren't there enough dogs racing to group them by both speed and size?

I also would like the racing to be on earlier (I don't care whether or not I show the dogs, including my non ped lurcher, at these events)
Some lurcher shows and events can be long enough without making them any longer, too many classes and races aren't always possible, although i remember Billy Craig once telling me that in years gone past at one time there was occassions when he and Billy Harper were the only ones who raced in an "Elite Category" and the others raced in seperate races...once a dog won so many races it then moved into the Elite race...maybe Billy Harper can shed some light on this. Martin just out of interest what is the height of Ernie and his weight
Martin, just of the phone with Stormydog and he has said that the up and coming show organized by the NDLC format is as follows:-

11:00am prompt...not a minute after....Straight Racing followed by the showing and then simulated coursing.
Looks like me and Gavin are going to have an early start ! Day after my Birthday as well ! !

Ernie is 21-22` and weighs 30lbs.
good luck in whatever event you choose, dont let the bas****ds grind you down! :luck: :thumbsup:
Martin Tucker said:
Looks like me and Gavin are going to have an early start ! Day after my Birthday as well ! !
Ernie is 21-22` and weighs 30lbs.

yes good luck in whatever you choose and it will have some competion with mine shes 19 inch and 28llb,see you in ireland :thumbsup: mark
OK.At long last,thing's might be the way they used to be.With a few good racing bred dog's in the under's again,just like the old day's.We used to have to race 3 heat's over 4 or 500 yds,just to reach the final.Over the last few years,most of the show's had maybe a couple of 3 dog heat's,and a 4 dog final.But a fair few also only had a one off race.There has been no under 23 inch racing bred dog's in this country now for quite a few year's,other than Rose's little flyer,Tori.So it will be very interesting in the next month or 2,with a bit of antisapated exitement thrown in for good measure.Next year,i will have a couple of under's myself,and it will be a good feeling,just to be back,win or lose.It must stay a bit of sport,and it would be good to see a few old handshake's comming back too.Megan is also being bred,next time around,to a 21,or 22 inch English dog,so that i can bring another line in,to breed back to the pup's i have at present.Now these i do look forward to.Happy racing everyone.See most of you on Saturday. ...Billy...
dazgail said:
Some lurcher shows and events can be long enough without making them any longer, too many classes and races aren't always possible, although i remember Billy Craig once telling me that in years gone past at one time there was occassions when he and Billy Harper were the only ones who raced in an "Elite Category" and the others raced in seperate races...once a dog won so many races it then moved into the Elite race...maybe Billy Harper can shed some light on this. Martin just out of interest what is the height of Ernie and his weight
Yas Darren,you're right about that,in a way.But it only happened the once realy,and it turned out to be my last day's racing for quite a few years.It was at the Northern Ireland final's(.Yes we had one of those too).Iwill be doin a couple of coppies of this for Saturday,as i promised John one.I had stupidly took Silver along to race him,after he got perminently injured in Chatsworth,and was forced into retirement.I thought a run would do him no harm,and as there was 4 different catagories,i thiught i would race him in an easy one,away from all the big boy's,as my own Ricky pup was beatin him by quite a bit,and he was only 11n1/2 month's old.But no,they would'nt let me,so i stuck him in ,as you called it,the elite competition.Anyway,in that final,he led Billy Craig's D
Opps ,have to finnish that.... dog for a bit,before folding,and comming home a very sore 30 odd length's behind everything else.He never raced again.Jet,Flash,and Ricky,who were all littermates, and 11n1/2 month's old took the other 3 final's,and one of these final's, led to me being banned from racing my dog's at their show's for life.Incedently,at that time,they ran about 80% of all show's here.Now before someone goes off thinking i was druggin dog's or summit,cause little mind's are funny that way,let me explain roughly what happened.

Flash,my 21 inch bitch,won her final by at least 12 length's.But when the result came back,she apparently did'nt count.Matt even said himself,that the idiot on the line must be blind,and we would sort it out at the top of the field,when the other 2 final's were run.At the top of the field was my wife and 4 kid's.The wife was doin the videoing.Now when the video evedence was produced,we were told in a not to polite way,what to do with the camera.When i replied that a camere(at that time)cant tell lies.The man who was on the line shouted back,no but the fat B.....d using it can.He then accused my wife of fiddling the camera,and again refered to her as a big fat b.....d.Can i add here that she was 8 n 1/2 month's pregnant,with Alannah.Needless to say,i flipped the lid,smashed the other trophies over Seamus's van,as i think i missed his head,and poured all the bag's of dog meal out on the ground at his feet.Ishould have busted the line judges head,but i had a pregnant wife and 4 daughter's with me,and did'nt fancy being locked up for a while.A few other thing's were done and said,and a week later i received word never to come back to one of their show's. ( Alannah was born 3 day's later.)

At the time i had a litter of pup's out of Tarn,and another out of Bonnie,Silver's sister,who reached the Chatsworth final,under 23,but did'nt race owing to Silver needing treatment for his injuries.These pup's would have kept me on top for the next few years,of that i have no doubt's at all.Silver was one of the fastest,if not thee fastest dog to ever race over here,and Tarn was a legend in her own right,winning 4 All Ireland's in a row,when you had to race good competition.I had 7 pup's from these 2,and 6 out of Bonnie.I had to gave them all away to hunting home's as they would'nt even let my breeding run.But i'll finish with this.I kept wee Megan for a reason,as i dreamt that one day i would be back on top.Im hoping to make that dream a reality some day.So Megan is being bred to what i think,is the perfect partner.And both her and him,have proved their worth up a field.She's an old woman now,and still the 2nd fastest under 23 in the country,as the only dog to beat her is 5 years her junior.Iwould argue that when she was a young bitch,nothing would have held with her.Silver is her dad,and a litter sister to a bitch that threw 2 top irish stud dog's is her mum .These dog's being MR PICKWICK,and MR BOZZ.Enough said.I just hope i live long enough to fulfil my dream,so leave me alone,im just a plonker like all the rest of you.Ha ha. ...Billy...
Yawn -_-

When are you going to come over to here for an event Martin?