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Is Ernie A Whippet ?

Martin Tucker

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I do the report for Longford Greyhound Track in the IRISH GREYHOUND WEEKLY and whilst talking to them today they told me that somebody had phoned them and complained about the photo I sent in after Ernie had won the Whippet racing section at Shanes Castle ! They stated that he was a half bred Greyhound X Whippet and shouldn`t have been let run ! Also there was an objection and was he registered with some Organisation ?

Firstly, i`ll make no secret of his breeding. He is by:


Now as far as I`m concerned he is a racing whippet. His mother was a legend in Whippet racing and won everything there was to win in the UK. His sire was also a prolific racer who also won at the highest level. No wonder he can run a bit !

Now is he a Whippet or a lurcher, you tell me ? If the Whippet Racing section at these shows is for Kennel Club registered animals, then fair enough, but I was the opinion that he would be classed as Whippet. He weighs 29/30lbs, but he gets regular spins up my gallop and would be fit. He also had a very small amount of racing in England last year, so he would know what was going on. He was competing that day against bigger and heavier whippets than himself.

This has left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth and makes we wonder is it worth making the effort to travel up on the 5th August.

I would be glad to hear of peoples views on the matter.

Yours in Sport.

Martin Tucker.

Jealousy is terrible thing! Now, : the Scottish people I live amoung call me English, but me Granny was from Cork! anyway yer hound looks like a Whippet to me.thumbsup:
Jealousy is terrible thing! Now, : the Scottish people I live amoung call me English, but me Granny was from Cork! anyway yer hound looks like a Whippet to me.
martin im disgusted with this, theres dogs that race here are 15/16s greyhound does anyone complain about them noooooo...why ? because they dont have to race against them so what does that tell you..the person who complained is someone you raced that day and beat !!! im sorry that somebody done this martin after you making the effort to drive up here. hope it doesnt stop you coming to our show . i will get to the bottom of this and already i have a name in my head. if i find out it was them they will not be at our show.

keep doing what your doing mate !!

Adrianlazarus said:
Jealousy is terrible thing! Now, :  the Scottish people I live amoung call me English, but me Granny was from Cork! anyway yer hound looks like a Whippet to me.thumbsup:
:p Hi Martin, i have the same problem but the other way around. My two brothers look like whippets but are not. There mother was a rescue bitch who had bedlington in her and she was put back to a pure pedigree whippet, which makes them look like whippets. My local club had no problems with this when the dogs were pups but as soon as one of them began winning at the coursing thay tried to call them whippets. (This club nolonger exists thank god) but they were happy enought to give my dog resurve champion at ont of their shows!!!! WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU. Don't take any notice of these people, they are just bad loosers mate. :thumbsup:
Hi Martin.Take no bloody notice.Sore losers aint worth worrying about.OK if it was listed as pedigree whippet racing whoever it was as got a gripe,but plain old whippet racing and you had every right to run and win(Well done by the way :thumbsup: ).No non ped racing in Ireland so you did the next best thing.Think John can solve the problem for you,seeing as Ernie technically as a bit of greyhound in him.Put an under 21" race on at your show John open to whippets(of any discription)and lurchers under 21"in height.George and I would be very happy to put up a trophy for the event.Let me know John :D Karen
Well for me, i would say that he is a lurcher but a lurcher which is very whippet like in appearance, after all the event was The All Irelands Lurcher and Terrier Showing and Racing and when he goes to England he is a non ped whippet. If anyone is complaining it it should be you as a pedigee whippet is not a lurcher. Also as far as i'm aware the show class and race class is called out for any whippet or whippet type lurcher in appearance.

Well done Martin with Ernie and as others have posted don't be put of by those negative phone calls from others, also the persons or people who are making complaints should leave their names and contact numbers.
He most certainly is not a Lurcher, (in the true sense of the word), he would correctly be termed a "Longdog". I would call him a Non-Pedigree Racing Whippet. If the race was specifically for Pedigrees, then the complainer would have a point; if it was simply for whippets, (or Lurchers), then it's just sore losers and sour grapes !! At the recent Herrington Show there was racing for Terriers, Under 23" Lurchers and over 23" lurchers. The overs were won by a Whippet/Greyhound, unders by a whippet, I didn't hear any of the Lurcher people complaining !! If they measure in, they race !!!
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Thanks for the`positive` replies !

I raced Pedigree dogs in the UK in the `70`s when the `famous` BESAPS hit the track and dominated the racing scene. They were rumoured to be sired by the great GOOD AS GOLD and not what appeared to be on their Kennel Club Card. This led to a lot of resentment and trouble in the pedigree world. I remember Peter Scott telling me that the first time he saw them you just knew they wern`t Pedigree dogs !

I thought the racing over here would be a bit of fun and if you won it was a bonus ! I admit there is Greyhound blood contained in his pedigree (VIEW BELOW)

However, I would class him as a racing whippet, as opposed to a show whippet. He is not a lurcher and his parents and the multitude of his descendents raced under BWRA rules and were acknolwdged RACING CHAMPIONS by the various WHIPPET organisations in the UK.

If there is a Whippet Racing class at any of these shows, then I feel he is entitled to compete as a Whippet, unless it states it is for Kennel Club registered Whippets. I`d be happy to race against the much bigger and stronger under 23` `lurchers`, if that is the only alternative.

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My opinion only...for me all non-ped whippets can be classed as lurchers also. Oddly enough some of the breeders of the non-ped whippets in England and over here must be of the same opinion as i have seen on many occasions their pups advertised for sale in the Lurcher section of the Countrymans Weekly.

I think as Karen has rightly said the easiest way to stop all the envious mouths is to have racing for 21" and under, 23" and under and over 23"
think its about time the irish had a non ped whippet club over there,and as for lurcher racing well my thoughts on that are if u wana run with lurcher run with them if ye wana run non ped run with them, one or the other not bothe,and if court running bothe ban for this little dog sounds like u pished some1 off m8 let them stew lol
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:D The joys of buying or breeding can race/show them at lurcher shows and race them with the non-peds and if you really want to you can hunt them also, or do all three....looking back on things a few years back thats probably why i decided to get a non-ped :lol:
If this someone has whippet's racing at (LURCHER SHOW'S),i was wondering,do they show em in the under's,as quite a few (WHIPPET'S) are to be seen strutting round the ring,with the lurcher's.And ive seen em win this class in time's gone past.Ive also,in all my years of racing,seen (WHIPPET'S) run in the under's.Ive had whippets year's back,with no paper's.Does this mean they were'nt whippets.As already has been said,the race was not announced for all pedigree ,kennel club whippet's.Problem seem's to be that the heat has been turned up, and someone is burning bad.I just hope the heat rises even more,and every hair on their arse,or where ever else,get's singed so bad that they cant take the smell,and clear off.When there's a new kid on the block,these thing's happen(.I know.)Ernie is classed as a None Ped whippet.

(Ie,no paper's)So i recon he can run ligitamately at either,as the under 23 racing has been dominated for year's by None Ped's.And for as far back as i can remember,even to when we raced under 21s,it was predominantly whippet's or whippetx that won. If you ,whoever you are dont want to race against this wee dog,then please stay at home.Martin and his son,put in a big effort to get to these show's.When i seen the joy on that lad's face when i was taking his photo,with Martin n Ernie,it spoke a thousand word's.Now some evil excuse for a human being,want's to wipe it away.Grow up please,and take up a new hobby.We dont need you here. ...Billy... PS. Martin,Gavin.I think i speak for all of us true racing men up here,when i say you are both welcome to race the pocket rocket,at any, and all show's that we have anything to do with,and we also welcome you into the sport with open arm's mate.ALANNAH__S_VIDEO__S_023__2_.jpg
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Whoever said he's 1/2 cross whippet greyhound wants their head seeing to!

Show Three wasn't even whippet greyhound.

Bad losers if you ask me!!! :- "
unwanted said:
think its about time the irish had a non ped whippet club over there,and as for lurcher racing well my thoughts on that are if u wana run with lurcher run with them if ye wana run non ped run with them, one or the other not bothe,and if court running bothe ban for this little dog sounds like u pished  some1 off m8 let them stew lol
What a load of bull,just because a dog is registered with the fed or Bwra,doesn't guarantee that they can go and win at the lurcher racing.Registered dogs have been running with the lurchers for WhatuppyRicky,Whatuppy Ben,Stagnight B A,and others that I won't mention,and I licked them with a collie greyhound.

As for banning them,that is the biggest load of tripe I've ever heard in all the years I've been running dogs :rant: and in my opinion a grew is a lurcher,if it can fill the pot!

WHO CARES,theres people down here who run pure whippets at lurcher shows 15/16th greyhound whippets and pure greyhounds,without these people the small pocket of LURCHERS which regulary win will never have any competion???? its all about runing your dogs and enjoying the day what pisses me of is these people know whats in there dogs but dont tell you ??why lie.iam sure martin is tellin the truth and old stormy will get to the bottom of it but people will do anything for a rossette :thumbsup: mark
Ooooops!!! and forgot to add you can run them at the flapping tracks....with all these benefits makes me wonder why anyone would want any other type of lurcher :thumbsup: :p waiting for the backlash from all the collie lurcher enthusiasts :p
Wait for it....will Markbrick take the bait :lol:
dazgail said:
Ooooops!!! and forgot to add you can run them at the flapping tracks....with all these benefits makes me wonder why anyone would want any other type of lurcher :thumbsup:   :p   waiting for the backlash from all the collie lurcher enthusiasts :p
cause greyhound whippets arnt true lurchers, and really are only suitable for straight racing,never seen one yet do the longjump, simulated, hurdles and racing one after another and win most and compete against fresh blood in each one,thats why the collie x is nu 1 and they are more loyal :thumbsup: mark
My opinion he's a non ped racing whippet. However, I do have to say if you do end up consistently racing him against peddy whippets, it's likely you'll get easy wins all the way and you may not feel he's competing like for like.

Like's been said, I think you and John need to get your heads together along with other keen racers and sort out Ireland's lurcher and whippet racing.

Reading posts so far this year, events have been farsical with dogs being put at risk. It's about time someone lead the way on this. Ignore the sly remarks and show them what good racing is all about. :thumbsup: