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Injured Household


Warrior Queen
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:( this year hasn't started off too well for me, one way and another :(

I'm suffering with this horrible cold virus that's going round, my daughter has earache, my lovely black rescue boy Monty has a nasty graze on his leg - and I nearly lost Josie on Saturday :eek:

For anyone who remembers, she's the born hunter who had great recall till we moved to the country and she discovered deer.

After several mishaps, and being torn on barbed wire in 2006, I went right back to basics with her training and kept her on the lead in 'deer danger areas'. She had a really good year in 2007, and since we got Monty seems to have clicked with recall and knows she's part of a pack - and returns to the pack when called. She is still on the lead in danger areas though.... or was! Over Christmas, complacency set in a bit and I started letting her off more freely. She was great - no running off, alert to my calls, staying with the pack. Until Saturday :blink: when I threw a ball, all three dogs ran for it... Monty came back... but Josie and Lola just kept running, and running, and running. They disappeared across two fields and into the woods.

Lola was missing for 20 minutes and came back unharmed but soaking wet and knackered. Josie didn't come back. It got dark. I was frantic and felt so responsible. I know I shouldn't have let her off. It nearly cost her her life.

To cut a long story short, Josie tried to go home and cross a busy road (blue dog nearly invisible in the dark) caused a transit van to do an emergency stop, went under its bumper, came out untouched (had an angel on her shoulder at that moment for sure!). I saw it all happen and my scream had several people running out of their houses :unsure: I thought she was finished - and couldn't believe it when she made it to me in one piece. The van driver could have been (rightly) really angry but he was lovely, just really concerned to make sure she was alright.

At home I discovered nasty tears in her chest and shoulder (clean, so probably from barbed wire) and she ended up with a GA and lots of sutures, some antibiotics, and two days of almost toal shock. She just lay there for 48 hours, staring into space.

She's back to her old self now and alternate stitches will come out Monday, but I keep thinking how lucky she was and how nearly I lost her :(

Things can change so quickly, can't they? One minute you're playing with your dogs, the next - wham, fate has the potential to deal you a slap round the face. Needless to say, Josie will be a lead-prisoner in future...!
:( ooo helen how awfull for you :huggles: hope she makes a good recovery :huggles:
How awful for you all, such a shame but as you say, she will have have to stay on lead for her own safety unless you can get permission to use a really well fenced area occasionally. So pleased to hear that she is OK now, what they put us through on occasion! :thumbsup:
ooooooh Helen im so sorry what a terrible have been screaming too! (w00t) she was very,very lucky to come out of that have her glued to the lead in future now! :thumbsup: must have been terrified :eek:

what a awful start to the new year :(

hope josie is ok now :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
How horrendous for you - so glad it all turned out ok - but so hard to have to keep her on the lead :(
i can imagine how frightening it was for you throughout the whole thing :( i have two bitches that can just take off without warning so we only walk them where we know its 99% safe.

hope she recovers quickly from her ordeal and you do too :huggles:
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:eek: Poor you and poor Josie, how terrifying :(

So pleased she is safe and getting well :huggles:

OMG what a terrible nightmare, Helen, I bet you will be replaying that moment in your head for a while yet! :eek:

So glad dear Josie is still with us and getting better, she is such a lovely girl, but as you say she has such strong hunting instincts that she just can't ignore them.

:huggles: to you and Josie (and Lola and Monty and the girls of course!)
What a dreadful start to the new year for you all Helen, I can't imagine what it must have been like for you on Saturday. Hopefully Josie and Monty will heal quickly from their injuries, and you and your daughter are soon fighting fit again. You definitely need to be fit to live with whippets.

Having hunters myself, I know what you go through Helen. The worst one of mine did end up by dying so I never had the option of keeping her on the lead, but I still do not know if I would have stuck by it because it seems so hard to have to keep a dog born to run (and hunt) on a lead.
Poor you Helen,how awful it must have been :( Glad Josie is safe and well :huggles: :huggles:
~Helen~ said:
:( this year hasn't started off too well for me, one way and another :(
I'm suffering with this horrible cold virus that's going round, my daughter has earache, my lovely black rescue boy Monty has a nasty graze on his leg - and I nearly lost Josie on Saturday :eek:

For anyone who remembers, she's the born hunter who had great recall till we moved to the country and she discovered deer.

After several mishaps, and being torn on barbed wire in 2006, I went right back to basics with her training and kept her on the lead in 'deer danger areas'. She had a really good year in 2007, and since we got Monty seems to have clicked with recall and knows she's part of a pack - and returns to the pack when called. She is still on the lead in danger areas though.... or was! Over Christmas, complacency set in a bit and I started letting her off more freely. She was great - no running off, alert to my calls, staying with the pack. Until Saturday :blink:   when I threw a ball, all three dogs ran for it... Monty came back... but Josie and Lola just kept running, and running, and running. They disappeared across two fields and into the woods.

Lola was missing for 20 minutes and came back unharmed but soaking wet and knackered. Josie didn't come back. It got dark. I was frantic and felt so responsible. I know I shouldn't have let her off. It nearly cost her her life.

To cut a long story short, Josie tried to go home and cross a busy road (blue dog nearly invisible in the dark) caused a transit van to do an emergency stop, went under its bumper, came out untouched (had an angel on her shoulder at that moment for sure!). I saw it all happen and my scream had several people running out of their houses :unsure: I thought she was finished - and couldn't believe it when she made it to me in one piece. The van driver could have been (rightly) really angry but he was lovely, just really concerned to make sure she was alright.

At home I discovered nasty tears in her chest and shoulder (clean, so probably from barbed wire) and she ended up with a GA and lots of sutures, some antibiotics, and two days of almost toal shock. She just lay there for 48 hours, staring into space.

She's back to her old self now and alternate stitches will come out Monday, but I keep thinking how lucky she was and how nearly I lost her :(  

Things can change so quickly, can't they? One minute you're playing with your dogs, the next - wham, fate has the potential to deal you a slap round the face. Needless to say, Josie will be a lead-prisoner in future...!

my heart was in my mouth when i read this.... :( sooooooo pleased your girl came through ok. I do wish you and your dogs all the best, I know it will be hard but please try not to blame yourself... :huggles:
Having had the same problems with Archie as well, I really feel for you. I am so very glad Josie is okay - she definitely has a guardian angel somewhere. I hope 2008 gets better for you :huggles:
Im sure as everyone else has said the guardian angel was sure looking after Josie that day... :huggles: :huggles: So glad she wasnt too badly injured... :huggles: and you have them all back safe last. :luck: :luck:

I hope the rest of your year is problem free. :luck:
Oh what a nasty experience! :( So pleased it's had a happy ending though. :huggles: :huggles:
(w00t) She was lucky, my heart would of been in my mouth and to see it happen as well, :) Look on the bright side, things can only get better. :thumbsup:

Glad she is ok. :) Diane
OMG,what a nightmare for you :huggles: & thank God Josie had her guardian angel looking after her!

My friend Linda has the same problem with Meadow,& can't let her off lead at all unless it's an enclosed field or down the beach,where she knows there's nothing but the birds to chase.It's awful having to keep them restrained,but if it saves their life,then so be it.

I hope you & your daughter feel better soon :huggles: