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Wendys asked me to cross post this about Indy she has posted on another site as shes still very upset about whats happens a we all are. I will also put it on the non ped section as well for her


Well I have carmed down a bit from last night so will fill you all in on whats happend. Indy jumped of the sofa knocked into lula she screamed and screamed and her botom hafe of her leg just hung there limp she bit me and tony badly cos she was in so much pain poor thing. Tony nad joe rushed her to the vets and she was keeped in she has brocken her front right leg below the wrist joint. its a clean brack but shes brock both bones there. she is home with a splint on now and will have to go back of friday for a cast fitted.

Iv ben beating myself up all night cos of it other peoepl have puppys and they dont break there legs. I thought we had been so carfull with her not letting her run about to much only letting her off lead on her won not letting her run up and down stars. even though shes home i still feel sick inside with it and still have to tell Ricky and Debbie bet they wish they hadnt let us have her now i still carnt believe its happend

Sorry to hear this hope it mends well. :luck: :huggles: Hope Wendy is ok too? she hasn't been on K9 much recently :luck:
Oh dear, poor Indy but accidents do happen and Wendy shouldn't beat herself up about it. Wishing puppy a speedy recovery :huggles:
Get well soon Indy and cuddles to Wendy. :luck: :huggles:

Like Dessie says these things happen and so it is not worth beating yourself up about. You obviously love Indy to bits and I am sure no one would wish they hadn't let you have her. :huggles: to Indy for a very speedy recovery.
Sorry to hear about Indys accident, I very much doubt it was your fault Wendy,

pups are pups and accidents do happen however much you watch them.

Hope Indy is better soon :luck: :huggles: :luck: :huggles:

Hi Wendy & Tony

Please dont beat yourselves up about this accidents happen all the time no matter how careful we are, everyone on k9 know how much you think of your dogs, they mean the world to you & Tony. :luck: With Indee, Hope to see you all soon. :thumbsup:
It's one of those things that we all dread happening. But no one is to blame. Puppies will be puppies they have to run and jump and bounce around. Owners can only keep their fingers crossed that nothing bad will happen. Sometimes the pups are unlucky.

She'll heal. A friends little pup broke her leg at 6 months, had to have it plated and then the plate had to be removed. Last week she trialled with 2 other dogs. Not long till she clears for racing.

Puppies are tough little things and recover. :thumbsup:
Don't beat yourself up Wendy pups have no fear or sense, how mine haven't broken something I don't know (w00t) I bet most people could say the same too, :huggles: :huggles: to Indy for a speedy recovery :luck: :luck:
Don't blame yourself Wendy............. My sisters whippet broke her front leg as a youngster........ she was just left in the kitchen for a few minutes whilst she was eating her food, next thing a yelp and both her bones were broken through, how on earth she did it we'll never know but after being plated and pinned (these were removed at a later date) she's made a full recovery.

:huggles: to both you and Indy :huggles:
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So sorry to hear about Indy,but honestly these things happen and it could've been any of us writing that post!

Dogs are dogs and you can't possibly wrap them up in cotton wool and molly coddle them all the time,some things they just need to work out for themselves.I'm sure the breeders will understand :) I know I would if one of my pup owners phoned to say the same thing had happened to them! So please don't feel bad Wendy,Indy will recover and be back to her usual self very soon,the good thing about pups is that they are pretty resilent and bounce back real quick! :D

:huggles: to you all.
Dont beat yourself up about it. These things happen. When Mij was a pup Zak ran into him and hurt his leg. He was in a little bandage...I felt terrible about it, dont worry Indy will be fine and as everyone is saying. These things happen. 8)
She'll recover :luck: :luck: These accidents do happen unfortunately. My first Whippet Hero broke his leg when he was 10 months old in a friends garden.

Don't blame yourself Wendy :huggles: :thumbsup:
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its not your fault...accidents happen...puppies are very tough and before you know it she will be ok....dont feel guilty....if you had seen what i had seen when i worked with the rspca years ago ....those people did terrible things to their pets on purpose!!! and they didnt care!!!..this was an accident that could happen to any of us...good luck :luck:
I can only repeat what others have said - it could be any one of us writing that post! :huggles: :huggles: The first week I had Logan, he had a fall and I thought then he'd broken his leg, especially as my floors are concrete. :( He hadn't, fortunately, but it was the only time he cried. He's a tough little boy! I felt pretty bad about it though which is why I haven't mentioned it until now. :)

Indy will be fine. She still loves you. :huggles: :huggles: Nobody can blame you for a genuine accident! :huggles: :huggles:

Get well soon Indy. :wub: :wub:
Poor you and poor Indy. Hope her break heals quickly.

What an awful thing to happen. Once you see how well she starts to heal and the initial shock and depression wears off you will start to feel better I'm sure, and stop blaming yourself.

Please let us know how she gets on. :luck:
Can only echo what everyone else has written on here.

It could have happened to any one of us, that's what puppies can do, despite our best efforts to the contrary.

Hoping Indy is soon on the mend, and Wendy, you be kind to yourself. Don't be giving yourself a hard time about this.

Best wishes

Wendy, hope Indy soon heals, it was an accident and it's so obvious from all your posts how much you love your dogs, I'm sure you'll give her more than enough tlc while she's recovering. I know you can't help feeling responsible but that's just natural when you do care so much.

:luck: to little Indy and :huggles: to you, hope you're o.k.

let us know how she gets on please
Hugs and kisses for Indy and Hugs and kisses for Wendy. It's because we love our dogs so much that we feel so much hurt when anything happens to them. I'm sure Indy will heal quickly and soon be back to ruling the roost.

thank you all for your messages of support it has helped wendy a lot indy is

felling sorry for herself we have done some photo's
