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Independent Jubilee Weekend

Mark Roberts

The Ringmaster
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I'd like to thank everyone at the Indi for organising and running such a fantastic any enjoyable long Bank Holiday weekend, The Sun shone all weekend (well almost all) The atmospere was very relaxed and nothing was to much trouble for Ray Jones & John Bishop.

The welcome we recieved from Marcus & Maureen (Fat Boy Slim Fame) on arrival was second to non and that theme was carried over the whole weekend by all the Indi members.

The Games on the Monday were interesting to say the least, if memory serves me right it was the Northern Team that beat the Indi Volly-Ball Champions?. :p

The Racing Video's shown on the Monday night were very interesting, watching dogs that only exist in pedigree's racing.

hopefully the Indi will organise more weekends like this one with maybe an inter-club thrown in for good measure :D

Thanks to All at the Indi and see you all at the Interclub I hope you're going to organise :D
You're right Mark, the weekend was excellent!  I must thank Paul and Jo, and Marcus and Maureen for their thoughtfulness for my birthday.  At my age I normally try to forget birthdays, but they made it very special with balloons and birthday cake etc.  As usual we were blessed with good weather at Worcester, and except for a couple of showers on Monday morning, the sun shone continuously.

The "Northern/Maidstone Volley Ballers" did beat the previously unbeaten "Cocoon Killers"!  Shame there wasn't time for a re-match.  You have to mention the "Cocoon" team though, consisting of Ray and Lin Brion, John(The Diver)Bishop, & John Broderick, who ran around like youngsters and played fantastically considering all are around the 60 year mark!!  It was the reason they were given the team name - you'd have thought they were all from the film of the same name, you gave the rest of us a run for our money!!  

Nigel and Judy proved to have hidden skills at crown green bowling (which turned out to be straight track bowling). Are they closet bowlers we're wondering?

There weren't enough hours in the day to finish all the games, but a few took part in "Whack the Rat", and there was a rather rough football game to finish the day!!  

I think the Inde would love to stage an inter-club at the end of the year - the suggestion will be made, and I'm sure we'll get back to you on that one Mark.

Just to finish, thanks also to Marcus and Maureen for putting on the barbeque, I know they put a lot of hard work into it, and it paid off with a lovely spread.

Roll on the next fun weekend!!!! :D   :D   :p   :D   :D
Was the football rough? :0  

I don't remember much of that as my eyes were full of tears due to Mr Bishop and his laid back goal keeping? :p

I heard the Local A&E had cancelled all leave and put the air ambulance on call when they heard of the game and is there any truth in the rumour that Paul Chappell & Ray Brion have been called up to the England Team. :D

You're Birthday Party? I spotted the odd clown :D  
It was fairly rough Mark.  As far as I know there was only one injury - Jeff Houchen went back to Geordie land with his ankle strapped!  It was very competitive, and I have to say Jeff really deserved two injured ankles after he injured me in the Volleyball in an unmentionable place - I'll say no more except that I'm sure one is now much bigger than the other!:0!  It was all great fun, and I'll get my own back on you Jeff when we have a re-match.  If not before, it will be at the Northern.  Everyone enjoyed it so much, I think we will now travel with the net permanently stored in our van.  Judy has already said she can't wait for the next game.

John Bishop frequently has me in tears, he really should have been a comedian! :)

Paul Chappell and Ray Brion playing for England ??? Well who knows - I was certainly impressed at their athleticism, but I don't think there were any talent spotters there.  I'll tip a few off next time :p

By the way, the inter-club has a thumbs up from the Inde, so preparations will soon be in force. :D
Our thanks to the Inde for a great weekend, and yes an Interclub would be a great idea - I don't know if I could persuade our lot to cross the border, but I'd give it a try!

Yes I can vouch that the football was a little rough!  Donald is still limping!


I hope June and Judy have both recovered from injuries received at volley ball -  :0    I just chickened out and ducked each time, or perhaps as John said, my tangerines were too small to hit!!!

Thanks to everyone - see you at the next one!
Yep! I agree with all that's been said. It was a great weekend. Full of fun and violence! I think it was my lip and nose that got hit. I'm not sure 'cus it stunned me. We Cocoon Killers were only beaten because we were so tired from slaying the oldies. I think John B. nearly slaughtered himself though! Very entertaining.  :0 :D

The sight of John Broderick as goalie with his wellies on and blind without his glasses was nearly as funny.   :D

Thanks to the whole of the Independent crew for such a great time. Can't wait for the next one.
What a weekend +2 thanks to all the indie members for making everybodys stay so enjoyable, but no thanks for the aching muscles i didnt even know i had boy was i stiff (still no complaints from carolyn ) i think nigel & judy had inside info on the bowling and honed their bowling skills before coming.

A special thanks to Marcus & maureen for the wonderful food and the company. im sure if you put on a inter club you can put maidstone down as were looking forward to it and Donald & June if you cant persuade your lot to come down your more than wellcome to be on our team tangerines as well, while on the subject of fruit Carolyn thanks the person who lent her the melons  

        see you all soon

  Gary Carolyn & Sarah
Thanks for the invite Gary, lets hope the Inde do have an interclub ??   Is it a Yes Inde???

Hope June and Judy have recovered from their bruising!  Also all the mad footballers, Judy I have to agree with you - John B in goal was a wonderful sight!

My disabled bitch Blue is I suspect fitter than some of our footballers, as after her runs on Monday she is now in overdrive!!   So more racers for the 3 leggers please!!

Thanks again - see you all soon
Brings a whole new meaning to the 3 legged race June - the sight of your disabled bitch running and obviously enjoying it so much was wonderful.

I have spoken to the powers that be at the Inde (well they think they're powerful, but really we know it's the women that have the say!)), and everyone is keen for an interclub.  Anyone any suggestions for a date?  As soon as anything is decided, I'll post it on the board, with the format for teams etc.

Hope you're all recovered now, and getting in training for the next one!  See you all soon.
Hi June

        Anything after the 15th September would be a good date for me, that way the pups would have gone and I could camp?. before that date i'd just have to come on the day!

Did you put it to the big boss's the suggestion of running bend & straight racing for the inter-club?.

i've still got the old inter-club team trophy here if you want to use that for the winner?.
I don't think there are any opens on August 11th. Either that or maybe you should wait till after the opens? Weather might be better for camping earlier on though. Not that the weather stopped us having fun last weekend. :D