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Incontinence / overactive bladder?


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We have an ageing Rhodesian ridgeback bitch (14yrs) who keeps urinating in the house. She does not appear to be incontinent as it is not involuntary when she goes.. Plus we have tried incontinence treatment such as propalin which has made no difference. The problem appears to be that she can't hold her bladder like she used to. We have had blood tests and she is free of infection. Kidney and liver function is fine and it's not diabetes. She is not drinking excessive amounts so we are stumped. The problem means we can't go through the night without an accident in the house. Any ideas? We will try anything, natural remedies included, to try and avoid getting up every night at 3am, as this is the only thing which works. Many thanks forum friends!! X
As dogs get older (as well as people and every animal) their muscles stop having the regeneration and elasticity they once had, so they get weaker easier. I can only assume because she is healthy otherwise, that her sphincter muscles have atrophied and so are just weak. I am not an expert in this matter, it could be a case of physio with her on the back end may improve things. Add a bit more fibre in the diet just to soak up a bit of the excess water so that it takes the strain off her bladder a bit more. Sorry I couldnt help more, I hope you find a solution!
Thank you for that it's good to understand what might be going on. I'll Google the physio and we'll try the dietary idea too. perhaps try her on an 'older dog' formula - if they are fibre-rich maybe that will help. Thanks again
Some dogs urinate to relieve anxiety. Is she showing any signs of anxiety? Loss of hearing can make dogs anxious. If hearing is good then strange noises in the middle of the night might make her anxious. Just a thought :)

Also is she confident in emptying her bladder outside? Sometimes they get nervous out there on their own.