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In Season

Seraphina said:
  Hope your girl will settle down soon too.


Well I hope Tilly does the same :thumbsup: I'm planning on mating her at her next season........ whenever thats going to be (3mths from the last one so far) but at least the intended father is only about 10mins away :lol:

I know what you mean about the knickers Lesley, have thought about them for Diva too :b But like you my new floor is washable and the mops in constant use :lol:
~Helen~ said:
Hi all. Just wanted to pick your brains about bitches in season.
On Tuesday morning Josie came into bed with us as usual. White sheets. When I went to get her out of the bed to walk to school with me, there were two fresh-looking bloodstains the size of 10p pieces down at the bottom of the bed, just where her bottom end had been. I checked her 'bits' and there appeared to be some sticky blood there. Diagnosis made.

The thing is - I've not seen a single dot of blood since. I know whippets are clean... but is this normal? I have had another look at her 'bits' just now, and they look a bit 'moist' (Sorry... :x but I want to give full and frank info :lol: ) but that's all. Also I'd heard that bitches get a bit swollen or puffy down there, but everything looks pretty normal-sized :b

She's 9 months old, going on 10 months.

What do you think - is she in season, or not? It's just that I feel so mean keeping her on the lead all the time if she's not... :(

Blue has diabolical seasons of the bleeding to death variety... flora is quite spotty but now having them both under the asme roof at least they co-incide their cycles so poor basil only has a few weeks of starry eyed-ness and hiding from them

(he is so good, if he goes to mount you only have to say no and he immediately sits down... )