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In Season


Warrior Queen
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Hi all. Just wanted to pick your brains about bitches in season.

On Tuesday morning Josie came into bed with us as usual. White sheets. When I went to get her out of the bed to walk to school with me, there were two fresh-looking bloodstains the size of 10p pieces down at the bottom of the bed, just where her bottom end had been. I checked her 'bits' and there appeared to be some sticky blood there. Diagnosis made.

The thing is - I've not seen a single dot of blood since. I know whippets are clean... but is this normal? I have had another look at her 'bits' just now, and they look a bit 'moist' (Sorry... :x but I want to give full and frank info :lol: ) but that's all. Also I'd heard that bitches get a bit swollen or puffy down there, but everything looks pretty normal-sized :b

She's 9 months old, going on 10 months.

What do you think - is she in season, or not? It's just that I feel so mean keeping her on the lead all the time if she's not... :(
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Our last bitch produced very little discharge at all, we were never in doubt when she was in season though, with 20-odd randy dogs camped outside in the garden for a fortnight :(
Sounds like she is Helen. Keep an eye on her bits. Some don't bleed much at the beginning, some don't bleed much at all, some keep themselves really clean so the only time there is visible discharge is when they've been sleeping. Then you've got the ones like Savvy who bleed all over the place for ages.

If this is her first season, then she may not produce much discharge at all, but she may still be attractive to males, so be careful. Some bitches may have a very light first season, and some can then come back into season again before the next is due. It can take a season or two before the hormones settle down in a regular pattern.
Certainly sounds like it Helen :b Ditto on what Wendy has said,but will also add that some bitches may swell up fairly soon,but others don't until they're well into their season! It's a bugger on their first season as you don't know what to expect! (w00t)
The way to avoid 20 randy dogs camping by your front gate is not to walk her in and out of your property. Either drive her to the park or at least carry her some distance. That way the dogs will not be able to find her. Do not allow her in a front yard.

My Bess (nearly 5 years) had a very strange last season. First it came 2 months ahead schedule, she hardly swelled at all, she had only very little bit of discharge. However she did concieve - albeit on the 18 day.

So do not think that just because it does not look as a "proper" season she cannot get pregnant!

Ella has a few days of spotting then nothing for a couple of days & then a full on season, maybe Josie just hasn't started properly with it only being her first?
Seraphina said:
The way to avoid 20 randy dogs camping by your front gate is not to walk her in and out of your property.  Either drive her to the park or at least carry her some distance.
Yes, we did do that, it didn't always work though. The real problem was the estate culture in South Wales where kicking your dog out at 9am to fend for itself all day, and not being too bothered if it didn't reappear later on either, seemed to be a socially acceptable way to keep a dog :angry: . Things are a bit better these days, thankfully, although my parents have recently been finding dog mess all over the garden again from a couple of latch-key doggy neighbours :(

[SIZE=14pt]Okay - I definitely got it wrong before.[/SIZE]

Josie is now in season, to be sure.

Damn and blast - I kept her on the lead for 3 weeks last time for nowt :(

Oh well, you live and learn :- " I was never totally convinced before but thought it better to be safe than sorry :b This time I am convinced. Lots of "evidence" on the bedding and Baboon-Bum doesn't begin to describe it :lol:
~Helen~ said:
[SIZE=14pt]Okay - I definitely got it wrong before.[/SIZE]
Josie is now in season, to be sure.

Damn and blast - I kept her on the lead for 3 weeks last time for nowt :(

Oh well, you live and learn :- " I was never totally convinced before but thought it better to be safe than sorry :b This time I am convinced. Lots of "evidence" on the bedding and Baboon-Bum doesn't begin to describe it :lol:

Ah on her birthday too??????? (I think?????)

Happy birthday Josie :thumbsup:
Awwww callie too today, they are all growing up Helen, where did our puppies go (w00t)
hi helen you can tell shes got parkstone in her if shes got a baboon bum as we have one exactly the same trouble is shes like that for about six weeks after she stops being in season to. we also have one that hardly bleeds at all and two that look like a scene from texas chainsaw massacre.
Paula Roberts said:
like the new banner lesley did you do it or did tina

I wish I was that talented Paula :clown: Tina did it for me so I can swap and change now :thumbsup: :D
~Helen~ said:
[SIZE=14pt]Okay - I definitely got it wrong before.[/SIZE]
Josie is now in season, to be sure.

Damn and blast - I kept her on the lead for 3 weeks last time for nowt :(

Oh well, you live and learn :- " I was never totally convinced before but thought it better to be safe than sorry :b This time I am convinced. Lots of "evidence" on the bedding and Baboon-Bum doesn't begin to describe it :lol:

Not necessarily! Just because it was not looking like a proper season it did not mean she could not get pregnant. I would not take the risk. I know a Whippet bitch who came in season at 6 months and then every 3 months - as it was already said all the girls are different. Any suspision she is in season and precautions must be taken. :luck: :luck: :luck:

I hope that was a one off Lida I don't think I could cope with every three months, twice (w00t) it's like being under house arrest and I'm hosing the flags every hour :lol:
*Lesley* said:
I hope that was a one off Lida I don't think I could cope with every three months, twice (w00t) it's like being under house arrest and I'm hosing the flags every hour :lol:
:D Don't worry, most Whippets come in season about every 9 months and some only once a year..

Seraphina said:
*Lesley* said:
I hope that was a one off Lida I don't think I could cope with every three months, twice (w00t) it's like being under house arrest and I'm hosing the flags every hour :lol:
:D Don't worry, most Whippets come in season about every 9 months and some only once a year..


I wish that was the case here :- " .......... Most of my whippet bitches have had 6 monthly seasons; Tilly decided to go only just over 4 mths between her first and second season and at this moment Diva is having her first season with the bleeding going on forever.......... my poor new floor !! (w00t) :lol:
My Bess bled for 5 weeks with her first season. Although, her subsequent ones were "normal". She ovulates late in her seasons, testing was a good idea before driving 200km to a dog. She used to come in season pretty much every 9 months, until the last time, she came in after 7, (w00t) and I thought i have another 2 months to make arrangement for her mating! :teehee:

In the end she mated on the 20th day and had her huge fully formed pups whole week early.

By the way that girl who had seasons every 3 months also settled down after a while. As soon as her owners decided to mate her from the next one, actually. Then she took 7 or 9 months.

Hope your girl will settle down soon too.

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Callie is acting the same( she's quite moody anyway :lol: ) but bleeding a lot more than Sienna did, luckily we are mainly tiles and laminate, so the mop is permanantely out, OH says she is definatley not wearing dog knickers (w00t) which to be honest I agree with him there :blink: