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Iida the terrier's maternity diary

They are just gorgeous! Proper little chunky monkeys:D, she's a bit of a star your Iida!!
And as I was kinda close too, saying 8, can I please have no.7:rolleyes::p:D
Our 'star' had a 'fit' today. As OH took her into garden for a quick relief, I had opportunity to swoop up all the dirty bedding and put fresh ones on. I literally moved the pups about 4" and when she came in...she started frantically look for her pups...even when they were there where she left them! :rolleyes: She even forced herself into living room for a search, and all the while pups were calling her. But I suspect in her panic mode her brain didn't register it as their smell was missing/lesser from the box.
It wasn't until I pulled couple of the dirty cloths out of washer and put them back into box that she calmed down and settled down with the pups again!?
And hour later I went and removed them again and she didn't bat even a eye lid about it....she is totally find about OH and I handling her pups long as she can see them all the time.
That teach me try not to do things behind her back! :rolleyes::D
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That's it for a day or two....I have to get new memory card for the camera as current one is getting full! :D
Have you got homes for any yet ....
I would be rubbish as i would have to keep them all ......xxxx
Have you got homes for any yet ....
I would be rubbish as i would have to keep them all ......xxxx
As I keep one for myself and another for a friend, those are spoken for.I purposely haven't taken any bookings until we are few weeks 'in' and on safer 'waters' with their survival. So far I've only taken advance notices from those that are interested of pups but no further promises have be exchanged for one way or other. I don't want to tempt the fait and 'count my chickens' too early...;) I like to keep the feeling 'they are all MINE (well, Iida's actually) ' for as long as possible :rolleyes:
At two days old, they are the most wonderful gorgeous scrummy beings ever.

At 7 weeks old, when they have sharp milk teeth and argue about everything, you are tempted to raffle them!

Enjoy this precious time.
It's just humour, @excuseme, same as I might say I felt like throwing my husband under a bus when he was annoying me. It goes without saying that no one here would let their pups go to anything other than a decent home, however chewed their limbs were.
Tbh, I actually wouldn't have a puppy if you paid me:p, I remember how much hard work they are!!:eek::D
But I can enjoy other peoples, no probs;).. @Finsky I have to say Iida is looking very content at being a mum, really beautiful...

How's Eva coping with it all?
As delightful as a new 8 week old is, I much prefer them from around the 6 month age.
Our oldest at the moment who is 10.5 years now, was 6 months when we bought her. There were no problems that came with her.

A litter newborns is toally different and the rewards are fantastic, but a relief when they leave home at 8 weeks.
Gorgeous pups and such a beautiful mama dog! Congrats!! Will #'s 1 & 5 be brindled?
Tbh, I actually wouldn't have a puppy if you paid me:p, I remember how much hard work they are!!:eek::D
But I can enjoy other peoples, no probs;).. @Finsky I have to say Iida is looking very content at being a mum, really beautiful...

How's Eva coping with it all?
Oh Eva is quite ok...having us both to herself...what's not to like! She was at first very curious and when she court a glimpse of the little 'rat' looking 'things' in the car in a box...she did let quite growl and excited bark out. But she was sharply corrected from the behaviour and she shut up. The last night Iida just came from garden while Eva was waiting other side of the the child gate in the kitchen (divider from the puppy area)...Eva was pleased to meet Iida and they had their noses together with few 'kisses' as well...but as Eva got more excited and showed wanting to get to Iida's side of the kitchen, she was sharply put into her place to keep away. That was first time ever Iida has shown her sharper side to Eva and you should have seen her little face...totally gobsmacked about it :D:D She had half'n hour sulk about it and then the toys were out again and she was like nothing had happened.
There haven't really happened much as we've pretty much kept them separated and exit to the garden is like well organised cattle fencing gate opening one way and other again differently...blanket covering over so there is not glimpsing what is happening on the other side when one is walking by. ;)
The question in the future is Eva going to cope with 7 sharks around her! Now that will be interesting!!:D:D
Gorgeous pups and such a beautiful mama dog! Congrats!! Will #'s 1 & 5 be brindled?
Thanks. No I don't think so. I don't think these sort of dogs do come with that sort of patterning. Generally they come as 'full colours', even some whites too, but it is not that usual. And most typical is varying amounts of black & tan colouring. Iida is more of in the broken red range...and those pups you mentioned are quite I'm not sure if they will turn out to be 'broken' darker reds..time will tell. But because these are not pedigree Lakelands, these have much more variation in the looks..not only because of the colour but with their coats textures and lengths too. Bit of a lottery what one gets when mating them...maybe the 'raffle' would be appropriate after all!? :D:rolleyes:
Puppies day 4....I think...I'm already lost with days....(sleep, what's that!?) o_O

Yes, there is awful lot of info out there about pregnancy and whelping and all that....but feeding a bitch during lactation is something one would write whole new book about it! :eek:
As soon as Iida's pups were out, I needed to crank up the speed of food delivery line and shovel food and drinks into her! Nobody mentioned it could be so drastic change for a bitches needs :eek: All I've read is odd note here and the about increasing the amount and calorific value as the pups grow up and the demand increases. Seems like Iida's pregnancy book chapter for this category needs writing differently again :rolleyes:
Girl is literally shrunk on front of my eyes and is back to being slim and 'normal' looking bitch again ..just tits are slight give away that she might have some pups.

The trouble with feeding Iida is that I cannot give her hugely rich food in fear of aggravating her pancreas again and as I tried to increase the fat content...she already started to show signs of runny bum....not good!
Even this is only early days yet with pups...those little bleeders are sucking life out her. For my eyes her pups are HUGE...certainly their birth weight was generous and even the vet commented their 'good size'. So no complains there really.
But boy are they eating and going fatter by the day! :eek::eek: By the look of it...I'm sure one of them is Rottie pup and other one English bulldog! :eek::D

Back to feeding....I've sort of had to 'experiment' to find right level of food intake for Iida's 'comfort' and at the moment we are both happy and things are going smoothly. Although no doubt I will have adjust things as we go along.
Last 48 hours she is been fed 4-5 hours apart around the clock, given fluids as much as wants with added bone broth/hydration drink (alternatively) & glucose. I have also added little puppy milk powder into her food to give more calories but with sensible level of fats as rich meat seem to aggravate her digestive system.

Girl is like a cow...she has milk almost dripping from her little teats and the pups look like they've not been short of supply. Smallest pup was given additional feed from a bottle at start with as the big lumps were taking over the 'milk bar' and she wasn't bully enough at first to push through for her share...but no more! She doesn't need any helping hand anymore :D
Only issue is that although there is plenty of milk on offer...Iida is short of space on the table when ever they all decide the moment of feeding has to happen in same time...there is absolute panic over the space! :rolleyes::D
So to alleviate the 'puppy fight'..I pick one pup out of the queue and give some bottle while others get the first urges out their system. When they feed slightly different times...there is no issues what so ever. But it means we've had to take turns around the clock to keep eye on the situation.

Look at these fat little buggers....these were taken yesterday when they were only 3 days old..


Our 'English Bulldog ' :D
And the 'Rottie'...:D..
DSC_0118 (1).JPG
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They look super shiny and plump. You are doing such a good job.
Have you noticed any difference in personality yet, or is it too early for that? Have you started thinking about which one you would like to keep?

Iida sounds similar to me after DS1 - he sucked the calories out of as fast as I could shove them in.
Iida sounds similar to me after DS1 - he sucked the calories out of as fast as I could shove them in.
It's a bit of an extreme way to diet though!