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Ig's On Tv Tonight

Finally watched the whole programme (we'd recorded it), snorted with laughter ... and did anyone catch the bloke's expression in the pub? It was when Bertie the IG had been taken "as a treat" because mummy and daddy were going away, so they'd taken him for his lunch out - and they were feeding him from their own forks!!! In one shot there was an elderly bloke in the background and the camera caught his stunned expression as he watched Bertie being fed from forks ... priceless!!

I did like the end bit tho where Bertie went to stay at his brother's gaff and was running free in the garden ... somehow I got the impression Bertie wouldn't be wearing too many t-shirts or jumpers while his "parents" were away!

we too were laughing at the elderly guys expression when he saw the iggy being fed steak on a fork.he looked disgusted!lol! (w00t) i thought the choice of music was brill throughout the program especially the barry white number when the jrt's were in the bedroom getting it on!lol!and when freddy the jrt was going to the point to point and meeting lots of lady jrt's it was dean martin singing 'that's amore!' :D
i wish theyd start a regular tv series like this about dogs and their sure it would be a success. :thumbsup: especially if the same producer/directors were employed in order to ensure the program kept its humourous appeal. :D much more interesting than some of the rubbish currently on the box :D
wilfred said:
Finally watched the whole programme (we'd recorded it), snorted with laughter ... and did anyone catch the bloke's expression in the pub?  It was when Bertie the IG had been taken "as a treat" because mummy and daddy were going away, so they'd taken him for his lunch out - and they were feeding him from their own forks!!!  In one shot there was an elderly bloke in the background and the camera caught his stunned expression as he watched Bertie being fed from forks ... priceless!!
I did like the end bit tho where Bertie went to stay at his brother's gaff and was running free in the garden ... somehow I got the impression Bertie wouldn't be wearing too many t-shirts or jumpers while his "parents" were away! 


I thought the poor bloke was going to be sick!! :x At least I use my fingers if I'm going to share my food! :- "
It's on again this Thursday, same time, about how wealthy people go about recovering lost dogs (i think) so maybe it won't be so amusing this time :(

God if i took Gucci to a restaurant she would do a wall of death pinging from table to table devouring every mouthful she can scoff, she certainly wouldn't sit there daintily nibbling steak off a silver fork :clown:
gina said:
It's on again this Thursday, same time, about how wealthy people go about recovering lost dogs (i think) so maybe it won't be so amusing this time :( God if i took Gucci to a restaurant she would do a wall of death pinging from table to table devouring every mouthful she can scoff, she certainly wouldn't sit there daintily nibbling steak off a silver fork :clown:

My two gh's would probably pee up the walls, possibly do a big poo and then bounce round all the tables stealing food! (w00t)
clairej810 said:
gina said:
God if i took Gucci to a restaurant she would do a wall of death pinging from table to table devouring every mouthful she can scoff, she certainly wouldn't sit there daintily nibbling steak off a silver fork :clown:

My two gh's would probably pee up the walls, possibly do a big poo and then bounce round all the tables stealing food! (w00t)

oh god, mine would be so bad!! they would do all of the above, plus the warbling they do when we stand still for more than 2 seconds, swiftly followed by their kareoke versions of 'blue moon'

then they would clean all the other customer's noses and teeth :x
doris said:
clairej810 said:
gina said:
God if i took Gucci to a restaurant she would do a wall of death pinging from table to table devouring every mouthful she can scoff, she certainly wouldn't sit there daintily nibbling steak off a silver fork :clown:

My two gh's would probably pee up the walls, possibly do a big poo and then bounce round all the tables stealing food! (w00t)

oh god, mine would be so bad!! they would do all of the above, plus the warbling they do when we stand still for more than 2 seconds, swiftly followed by their kareoke versions of 'blue moon'

then they would clean all the other customer's noses and teeth :x

I don't think I'd have nose cleaning but probably kisses and sticking heads up jumpers, oh and I forgot singing too! (w00t)