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IG or Whippet

John L

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I recently adopted a dog which I was told was a whippet. It was from a pet rescue. They said it was 18 months old and received it from a person who had died recently. It is grey with a white neck and underside. It is 18 inches tall and weighs 18 lbs. I take it to a dog park and have had a few people tell me it is not a whippet that it is an Italian greyhound. He seems to me to be too big for an IG but rather small for a Whippet. So how do I find out what he really is?

View attachment 2016
Hard to be sure from a photo but to me he looks like a whippet, a fairly light framed one but a whippet.

You might have a better idea when he moves, an IG should have a high stepping action & a whippet, less flamboyant, lower & longer. Also temperament might tell you too.

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Hi John, you have an Italian Greyhound albeit one on the large side. He is very typical. Are you from the states as you mention a Dog Park? If not can I ask where in the country you got him from, which rescue? He looks in lovely condition, a credit to you. Regards Jan
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I shouldn't really butt in on this topic, but how can you be so sure Jan? :b

You've got me intrigued now. I know you own both whippets and IG's and are very experienced with both breeds. What features can you immediately identify as IG features? (would love to know just out of curiosity and a desire to get to know the breed better).

It's just that my whippet Fred, is 19 inches and is very light boned, and looks very much like the picture above. Is there any chance ithe dog in the picture could be a cross between the two?
Just spotted this topic elsewhere, and have read Alfie's (Liz's) explanation as to why she thinks it's an IG.

Sorry...ignore my response above. :b
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He is lovely John but what ever he turns out to be he is most definately a he and not an it!! tut tut :p
To me he does look like a cross between a Whippet and an Italian. His head looks typical Italian whilst his body length and hindquarters including length of whip (tail) is more Whippet. Love his colour. It doesn't matter what he is, he's clearly loved a lot and that's what matters most.

Jan Fiers
How did you manage to get a dog from a rscue and not know what it is? In the U.S. Rescues specialize in particular breeds such as Greyhound Rescue, Boxer Rescue and etc. Breed is the first thing you look at with gender and age on the adoption list anyway. It could be a mixture or anything. If you want to go coursing how could you with no breed papers?
In this country most IGs are identified as small Whippets when they first go into a rescue. Unless someone comes along who knows the breed that is usually how they are rehomed. This particular boy is also a fair size at about 18ins if I remember rightly so again unless someone really knows the breed a mistake in identity would occur.

In my particular line of IGs are dogs are regularly insulted by being called small whippets and they are only about 16ins max. Do I care though no I flipping dont :D
The pet rescue I bought Cooper from was actually the animal control center, or as we call it the dog pound. They said he came from a family of 4 dogs and that he was a whippet. The other day I met a woman who had an IG that looked almost identical to Copper, same size, weight and color and she said she bought him from a pet store and it was an IG with papers.
What are you talking about? Here in California we have Italian Greyhound Rescues as well as Whippet Rescues and they usually request something proving the breed. It may be different in animal humane shelters, SPCAs or dog kennels where they accept just about any pet. It's like a greyhound rescue will not accept a whippet or a Afgan Rescue will not accept a Saluki as a shaved Afghan Hound. They will give you referrals but no acceptance. Papers are most important!
John L said:
she said she bought him from a pet store and it was an IG with papers.
My messeage above wasn't directed towards John. John I would rather go with what the adoption people said than some lady off of the street. I mean you did get it from an animal shelter. It could be undergrown as most animals their are abused. You cannot tell by looks. Height and weight vary. but my advice is to get some kind of papers from the shelter. If you want to coursing of anytype, they are not going on looks. It could be a lurcher or anything. They may not giveyou the previous owner address but may be asked to leave some message on their line through the agency. It looks to poor to be a Italian Greyhound because its chest isn't deep enough or head high enough.
Hello everyone. I'm new here and this thread caught my attention. IMHO this is an IG. I'm a member of IG Colorado rescue and we host playdates. We've had upwards to 50 IGs at once. 10% are 8 lbs & under, 60% are 12-14 lbs (AKC standard) and 30% are jumbo over 14 & up to 30lbs. Yes, I said 30lbs. Yikes! I made the ill-mannered mistake as to joke w/the 30lb IG owner that it was an honorary Whippet. No good. They didn't think it was funny. Seems their 30lber had AKC papers. :oops:

If an IG is turn in w/AKC papers the policy of IGCA is to keep the paperwork. But not to fear if you want to LC just complete paperwork for ILP off the AKC website. Lots of rescue owners lure course.
Hi August,

welcome to the site. Nice to hear from people who do rescue, you do such a wonderful job. Loving this breed as I do I couldnt imagine them ending up in puppy mills although we are beginning to have our fair share of Back street breeders in the UK. Jan
August, would you mind putting some info on the rescue you work for? In California, the rescues are ever empty and are overpriced when the dogs are in. Do you guys ship them or what as well?What are your adoption rates for the dogs? Do they have to be nuetered? Because most dogs look all fat and get girlish and lazy when they do! You also presented interesting about a 30 POUND ITALIAN GREYHOUND! These are rarities if so. I am interested in upbreeding the size of the Italian Greyhound eventually and want the anomolously large Italian greyhounds to do this. See if that rarity got nuetered then lifting the Italian Greyhound from a miniature to a middle size dog would be even more complicated. The Italian Greyhound has better laid shoulders than any animal in the animal kingdom (even the cheetah) as well as a superbly pinched waist. It would be interesting to see the performance of an animal with competent height with its already distinct performance.

Why do you want to upbreed the size of the Italian Greyhound? What's wrong with the Whippet if you want a medium sized sighthound?

I would also have to disagree on the layback of shoulder point, the IG has a more upright shoulder than most sighthounds, so although they are fast, they will never have the extension and speed of the true sighthound breeds, so will not perform like a Whippet, Greyhound, Saluki etc.

Also, most IG's do not have the hunting instinct of the sighthound, so although many will hunt and chase, they will not be as efficient at coursing etc as a good Whippet or other sighthound.

Just my opinion!
