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Identifying Dog Behaviour


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i have a 4yr old kelpie cross which i rescued from the pound, she had been rescued by them because she was abused at first she was very timid but slowly came around, we got another pup 12-18 mths after that, for a bit of company (both Female) and they have been getting along fine for the last 12 months but recently the pup is starting to growl and nip at the older more timid dog, they are both approx the same size and weight. Any suggestions to the reason for this and should we look at moving the pup to my sisters place for an extended holiday before they hurt each other?
Are they actually fighting? It sounds like a supremacy thing, you need to let the dog that is nipping that you don't like her doing that. Does you other bitch bite back or just submit?
the younger one has always been playful ie grabbing her by the cheeks with her mouth. but this time i was woken by the sound of a full on fight and the older one had a cut on her tongue i dont really know which one started it or what it was over. Because it was 4 am i assume it wasnt over food or anything like that.

more often then not the older one walks away or doesnt move if she is getting growled at from a distance.

im just concerned because of the older ones past prior to us getting her.
Are they still arguing? Maybe the fight sorted things out. Perhaps they should sleep separately?
they are fine every other minute of the day it just seems to be when im not around, i let the old one sleep inside last night and by morning the young one was crying and the old one was fretting wanting to go outside
Sorry you are having problems, it's a worry when dogs don't get on :luck:

It's difficult to advise when you haven't seen what has sparked things off or who started the aggression. Although I can imagine it sounds pretty alarming I suspect if they really were full-on fighting you'd have a lot more damage than a cut tongue - when bitches fight seriously they tend to really go for it.

How old is the younger dog now? Possibly she is reaching the age where she's making her bid to be top bitch? Are they spayed and if not is either of them near to coming into season?
both have been de-sexed, the younger one is 15mths. Last night was all quiet so im hoping that its sorted out, ive noticed the younger one is licking the older ones mouth alot this morning, maybe a sign of submission? but all seems peaceful at the moment, thank you both for your ideas and knowledge