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I love it when my dog does this -

I love that to @JoanneF - when they are so content with life and dreaming away.

Dennis is doing this right now actually! Probably dreaming about all the swimming he has done this weekend
Yes, that makes me laugh when Jimmy does it, even at 3am and he wakes me up! :eek:
I love the dreams where Jasper's tail thrashes on the floor :) Sometimes he has scary dreams too and will be letting out whines and whimpers, but if I say, 'There there, nothing to worry about, Mummy's here' then he settles down again:)
Dennis has done that to me to! He's started howling at 3am :D scared the hell outta me!
Hmm interesting - our collie sometimes randomly is howling at night, I go down and it seems he's just woken up (from me opening the door) and seems perfectly fine.. could be a dream I never thought of that!
I love it when Murphy howls at the ambulance or police sirens, Oscar used to do that and it never fails to impress me..

I loved it when Benny would turn his face to the sun, looking up closing his eyes he seemed to smile, he was blind but the feeling of the sun on his face was one he loved.
I love it when Jake still has a totally random mad minute, running like a loon from out the back door, round the front garden and back again a couple of times, still don't know what triggers it but seeing him move like that and thoroughly enjoy it always makes me smile (aswell as hold my breath a bit coz I think he's going to fall over!)
I love it when I spot someone I know but that Jasper has never met and say, 'There's a friend,' and he recognises the word 'friend' and wags his tail ready to greet them.
We had a firework go off last night outside, and Jimmy howled at that which he's never done before. We also had some thunder/lightening over the weekend and that frightened him silly :(
We had a firework go off last night outside, and Jimmy howled at that which he's never done before. We also had some thunder/lightening over the weekend and that frightened him silly :(