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I have a problem with ziggy my guide dog

mad basset women

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about 3 months ago ziggy my guide dog was attacked by an out of control

Japanese Akita that got out of its loosely fitted harness I might add

& pinned her down to the floor without warning

on 3 attempts to attack her if it hadn't been for me literally having to

drag ziggy out from under the Akita & my husband having to punch & kick the dog

it would of viciously attacked her but it scared both me , my hubby & poor ziggy

it was a dog on a mission to attack her

what got me more mad was the owner of the dog just standing there doing nothing

but telling my hubby to stop kicking & punching it

but she showed no signs what so ever of getting her dog off ziggy

but anyway weeks & months have passed & ziggy has been showing signs of

I wouldn't say dog aggression but bullying other dogs

there has been some fights with her & my bassets & its always been with june

the top dog in the home she is the oldest out of all of them & has always

sort of kept them in check so to speak ie ; if they push her to far she will tell them off

but when she has tried to correct ziggy she has gone into full scale fighting with her

this has only happened since she has been attacked

& yesterday while I let her have a free run to blow some energy off after working

she ran & barged a young golden retriever that was training with its owner

she knocked to the floor & was stood over it not letting it get up it was

submitting but she still sort of bullied it as if to not let it get up

I know it wasn't play I've seen her play with other dogs & this wasn't play

she was being relay dominant with it I called her over & told her of by saying

NO & that she was naughty in a relay stern voice I made it known to her I wasn't

happy with her

then & little while later a lady came past with a couple of greyhounds ( they was both muzzled )

& one just came up from behind ziggy to just say hello & she chased after it as if to have a go

at it I instantly called her back & again told her off & put her on the lead enough was enough

I did apologise to the lady & she was a lovely very understanding lady I did explain that she

had been attacked ( but it doesn't make it right )

I just don't want ziggy to turn into this dog that has a go at dogs every time she sees them

this could fail her as a guide dog & all because of a stupid irresponsible women

that had no control over her dog

I have got to call Ian from guide dogs & explain all this to him & ziggy will more than likely need retraining

..................... JOY ....................... not :> :ermm:

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Your doing all the right things and sound responsible but one thing id like to ask, them akitas are a pain amd can be very nasty, i hope you did the right thing and report it to the police or dog warden as somebody eles dog could be killed or worse it could be a yound child playing
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yes apparently the women is known to the police

but they haven't managed to catch her yet

she always seems to disappear

I have given a statement

I'm just playing the weighting game now :ermm:

& I know akitas can be quite nasty

I was told by guide dogs that they are the most common dog

& staffies that attack guide dogs

but I don't blame the dogs I blame the person controlling the dog

there are no bad dogs just bad owners im afraid

what annoys me is that this is the second guide dog i've had

that has been attacked through stupid irresponsible owners

the 1st attack was my 1st guide dog someone set a pit bull onto her

while she was working & laughed about it as they did it

I will be honest with you it makes me question why I have a

guide dog sometimes & then the answer is because I need one :(
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Well done, I will say thow there are certain breeds that are bad dogs as they have it in there d.n.a but yes of owners was better then the dogs would behave better, doesn't matter if the dogs are trained correctly they are still a animal are can attack so for me I always keep a kean eye on all dogs
im afraid I don't trust any dog when im out :(

even labs & bassets & I own both breeds of these dogs

just because I own them it doesn't mean that other peoples

will be ok with other dogs I have seen some very out

of control labs & bassets & not very friendly either

like I say it all how they are brought up

im afraid some people relay have no idea on

how to bring a dog up let alone train it properly

they just see them as lovly balls of fluff or doe eyed

& before they know they have an out of control dog on their hands

it relay dose annoy me they do no research into the breed of dog they

are taking on what so ever & then can't understand

when something goes wrong & its the poor dog that suffers in the end :shifty: :unsure: :(
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You talk sence lass and I'm with you on other peoples dogs, owning a dog in this day and age is like owning a car!!!!!! You never know when a accident will happen