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I Finally Took The Plunge!


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Well, I finally took the plunge and got myself a gorgeous lurcher puppy. I have been agonising for ages about what type to get and what size etc etc. Then I saw this little one advertised and fell head over heels in love. Never mind that he is going to be the size of a small donkey!! :D He's just perfect. :wub: Life didn't feel complete without a proper hairy lurcher. :D So I spent yesterday doing an 8 hr round trip to deepest Wales to collect him. I'm struggling to think of an appropriate name for him, any suggestions gratefuly received. Here he is...



Having a chase round the garden with Uncle Busta...



Good luck with him, he's a little cracker :)
Awww , he is gorgeous I love hairy lurchers :wub: :wub: :wub:

Why not call him Chase :D
He's beautiful. I feel lurcher-envy coming on!
He's a lovely looking pup. Name, you have a Buster how about a Badger?????
Ohhh to cute, love the markings aswell should make a lovely rough haired dog.

I dont no what has came over me but i just looked at that wee face and thought he looks like a horris :eek: :lol:
he is gorgeous vicky ,how about Bruno
what about spike hes so cute :wub: :wub:
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Thanks everyone. He's just unbelieveably cute and I keep thinking of cutsie names which will be ridiculous when he's full grown. He's Deerhound x Deerhound/greyhound/collie so he's going to get really big and then a cute name will look silly. It feels like such a responsibility getting the name just right. I'm sure there must be a perfect name out there it just hasn't come to me yet! :D


he is gorgeous my type of lurcher what about calling sika as he is deerhound x
I say ditto on Bruno - it's got a nice chunky feel.

awwww! wat a cutie...wat about calling him taffie.. :wub: :wub:
:wub: oh vicky what a lovely little boy...i look forward to meeting him one day :wub:

Dave :thumbsup:
Very cute :wub:

If he's from Wales then maybe a name with Welsh origins would be good for him??

Taffy (as suggested above :thumbsup: )

Dai (means "to shine")?



Emyr (means King)



Rhys (means "enthusiasm")

......... there's lots and lots!!!!!

Good luck with your choice :luck:
Aww Vicky,

You know which one i liked best!!He will do you proud,and no,you not nicking my Lurchers name,Spike!!!!

Cant wait to see him

"Turk" dunno why .. that face though aint he just beautiful...

hope he stays that handsome
What a beauty - gorgeous markings. (Mine is Deerhounds X Greyhound - Scottish connections on both sides hence Glen.) The name will come to you eventually and feel right. Good luck with him.