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I Am Sorry But I've Had To Stop Working For The Npwra


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What follows is a copy of the letter that I am sending out to all NPWRA members - I don't believe that it breaks any board rules but if it does then I apologize. I am only posting it on here to try to circulate my reasons for having to stop working for the NPWRA too ALL members in the hope that I will reach everyone who voted for me to be on the committee.

Dear fellow members.

I am very sorry to have to write to you all over this matter, but as so many of you voted for me to remain on the NPWRA committee I feel that I have to explain my current actions to you in the hope that you will understand why I’ve been forced into making this decision.

Due to some members expressing their concerns over Question 5 on the recently sent out NPV I was asked by the Chairman to put a press release onto the Members News section of the NPWRA website. He dictated the press release to me over the phone and I read it back to him several times to ensure that he was happy with the statement. Both of us were happy with the wording of the statement and I was in agreement with the Chairman that it should be emailed to the rest of the committee for their approval and if they also were in agreement I would put it on the website.

2 committee members did not respond to my request to read the statement and give their views but as the rest of the committee (ie a majority) were happy with it then I put the statement on the website as asked to by the Chairman an action that I now bitterly regret.

As a direct result of my posting this statement on the NPWRA website I have had unfair and untrue allegations made against me from a member. Because this is NOT the first time that she has made this type of allegation about me in emails I feel that I must take steps to defend myself from her.

Therefore until this matter is resolved by the committee I feel that I cannot do any more work for the NPWRA. Whilst I dislike giving in to such behaviour I do not see why I should stand by and watch my reputation being smeared in such a way via the internet. In the past I’ve let it go but enough is enough and I have had enough.

Barbara Jackson
so sorry to be reading this Barbara :( realy hope you get this sorted once and for all,xxxx thinking of you,x
Was sad to read that Barbara :( you have worked so hard for them Hope its all sorted soon :thumbsup: Love to you xxxx
Been there, done that. It is such a shame that people can't get on. All folk want is to race their dogs without any back biting and hassle.

I feel for you Beejay.

what goes around comes around lets hope its all sorted quickly
This just reminds me why I walked away from the sport.

It's dog racing people, and frankly meant to be an amicable environment for ENJOYMENT. For a second, I succombed to the undertow of seriousness, now, glad to be back in reality and not involved in any bitchy silliness.

Digging your own grave springs to mind pedigree racers.

Kind regards

Pet Owner
well said Joanna if only ALL racing people looked at it the same way.
Im sorry you are feeling so distressed Barbara. I hope whatever has happened comes to an amicable conclusion.

Im sorry you feel that way too Jo, we miss seeing you. Ive just had a lovely evening trialling our boys with friends at Weyhill tonight and find it so sad that so many people are feeling so disillusioned with what still can be, a great, enjoyable hobby.
well said Joanna if only ALL racing people looked at it the same way.
we dont race anymore but still here alot of what is going on. why cant certain people just go and enjoy themselves instead of all this nastiness. i dont know the person who has left npwra but feel sorry for her, she has left something she loves which is not right