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Hunting With Dogs - For Or Against?

Are you pro or anti hunting with dogs?

  • Are you anti hunting with dogs and don`t belong to a recognised racing or coursing club?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Are you pro hunting with dogs and don`t belong to a recognised racing or coursing club??

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Are you anti hunting with dogs and belong to a recognised racing or coursing club?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Are you pro hunting with dogs and belong to a recognised racing or coursing club??

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I think you could say I'm pro hunting and coursing where it is still very much legal in the USA.

Pictures taken in Wyoming last week.

tlewis said:
I think you could say I'm pro hunting and coursing where it is still very much legal in the USA.

Pictures taken in Wyoming last week.

Its still legel here aint it...... :( have i missed something :oops:
nigelmcfc said:
Debbie b said:
nigelmcfc said:
sparky said:
Debbie b said:
[SIZE=14pt]I have hunted and coursed with my lurchers, i was a member of the east of england coursing club, even though we had competitions, we were there to keep the hare numbers down, where we coursed was on crop fields and the hare's used to devestate the crops, we didn't mindless kill as some of you might think, i can't understand why people own sighthounds or lurchers an wrap them in cotton wool, they were bred to hunt, and no amount of fluffy jumpers will keep their natural instinct at bay, everyone is entitled to their oppion, fairs fair but don't condone people who use their dogs for hunting its a way of life i'm affraid, my grandad had a border collie just after the war, he used the dog to put fresh meat on the table as you know meat was hard to come by, i'd rather someone catch their own meat than get it from mass produced farms where they are only bred for meat and live in the most horiffic conditions.[/SIZE]
I am pro hare coursing but lets not kid ourselves or others that rules coursing in any way can be seen as pest control, maybe the infirm or weak are killed by the dogs but rarely a fit hare will be pulled down.

Giving the hare fair law,running the dogs in pairs and judging the merits of each course can neither be seen to be pest control and expecting the non coursing public to think any other is never going to happen.

like ARRIAN laid down in AD116

The true sportsmen does not take out his dogs to destroy the hares,

but for the sake of the course and the contest between the dogs and the hares,

and is glad if the hare escapes..

His words seem just as relevant today.. :thumbsup:

[SIZE=14pt]Perhaps i said the wrong thing about coursing hares as pest control, but the farmer whose land we used is now allowing shooters to kill as many as they can to clear them, and devastation was the wrong word to use as well, at the end of it no matter what you do the anti's are going to around like a bad smell, until we change the goverment we can't do what our dogs were intended for[/SIZE]

The sooner the biased bigoted lefty prats that make up this sad excuse for a government get the boot the better. This country is now a complete shambles and people don`t know right from wrong.The antis funded labour to some tune and as a result the hunting act was pushed through not by democratic means but by enforcement using the parliament act, They are so bigoted they had to get the hunting act in at all cost, 1000s of hours of parliamentary time used , but when the chance to do something worthwhile comes up they dissapear. I had to laugh when we met mr hilary benn recently , he likened coursing to bear bating , should be called hilarious not hilary :wacko: but they are all the same. What all coursers must do is vote Conservative at the next general election. The Tories have promised us a free vote - democracy . We should all be supporting the CA too.No other organisation is campaigning for the return of Hare coursing , the NCC has seats on the Repeal committee. Get your fingers out and join the CA if you ever want to see Hare coursing return to these green and pleasant lands , apathy will get you------nothing apart from coursing carrier bags, might suit the antis amongst us, but true coursing people will know what I`m talking about :cheers:


You posted this poll to get people's views, but when they differ from your own, you resort to name calling, bunny huggers, plastic bag hunters etc. Then you talk about biased and bigoted views, and know alls, but go on to spout what you believe as if YOU are right - isn't that bigoted?

Here's the description of bigoted from the dictionary

utterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own. [/color]

YOU started this poll, and it would appear that you started it to cause an arguement, as you are unwilling to listen to anyone else's point of view (which you asked for) unless they are pro hunting. People have complained about the tone of some of the replies - and having now read through this thread - I can see where they are coming from. If this was just an excuse to get on your soapbox and have a moan - then do so, but don't invite people who have different views to yourself to take part, and then shout them down for it. Start a thread called lets all moan cos we can't hunt anymore, and then all of you who keep spouting off can do so together :thumbsup:

If there are any more rude and ignorant posts, I will close the topic, or remove it altogether.
nigelmcfc said:
The architect of the hunting act Alun Michael admitted that the hunting act was all about`class warfare` and not animal welfare. It was `their revenge for what Thatcher had done to the miners`,

Ironic when you consider that whippets were an important part of many mining communities, both for racing and for putting food on the table.

The assumption that only upper class people support country sports is ridiculous too.
This is an open forum where everyones views are valid both pro & Anti hunting.

as June says this thread was started and asked for views from members who didn't support hunting which from what i've read have been put accross in a sensible thought out manner it's a shame some of the pro hunting replies havn't been in the same vain.

as June says if this thread turns into a pro/anti slanging match it will be removed.
tlewis said:
I think you could say I'm pro hunting and coursing where it is still very much legal in the USA.

Pictures taken in Wyoming last week.

Nice to see you about :thumbsup: ......You ought to tell us some of your many stories Tony :D ... :thumbsup: .....Hope you are both well x
Saw this elsewhere & it Made me chuckle!! :lol:

Start your day right. Put yourself in a good mood:

1: Open a new file on your computer.

2: Name it "Gordon Brown".

3: Send the file to the Recycling bin.

4: Empty the Recycling bin.

5: Your PC will ask "Do you want to get rid of Gordon Brown?"

6: Firmly click "Yes."

7: Feel better? Tomorrow we'll do the RSPCA!
Pennymeadow Whippets said:
Saw this elsewhere & it Made me chuckle!! :lol:

Start your day right. Put yourself in a good mood:

1: Open a new file on your computer.

2: Name it "Gordon Brown".

3: Send the file to the Recycling bin.

4: Empty the Recycling bin.

5: Your PC will ask "Do you want to get rid of Gordon Brown?"

6: Firmly click "Yes."

7: Feel better? Tomorrow we'll do the RSPCA!

Fantastic (w00t)
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