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Hunting Rabbits With Dogs Your Views

masta you may be right there, but hunting with dogs has not been banned yet has it ??
JoJess said:
but WHY all of a sudden is there lots of rabbits with myxi... and could I personally kill it my answer would have to be NO  :b
Precisely because there was a huge explosion in the population following on from an extended period of no hunting, exacerbated by populations colonising new areas following the flooding too... I'm afraid Nature doesn't practice 'moderation in all things', but tends to favour peaks and troughs, feast then famine and plague... :(
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i just want to say that i love your pics levs :thumbsup: i worked and hunted with wynstay hunt for around 10 years, and your pics bring it all back to me :)
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JoJess said:
What I was saying is : it is quite natural for sight hounds to chase anything that moves they are trained to chase  :- "  that is why mine are walked on a lead and only let off one at a time...... I spend a lot of money going to osteopaths to get the dogs in tip top condition so that they can race and DO NOT want them picking up injuries from chasing rabbits etc.......Also if you DO NOT want to hear other peoples views on hunting rabbits with dogs then make the topic for people who like to course only...... :blink:

You can't call what you do coursing it's racing round rollers (simulated coursing).

I train my dogs and they will not chase just anything. They will only chase when encouraged to do so. A sharp no and they will stop. I've found that dogs tend to get injured more if you wrap them in cotton wool. If you let them do what comes natural they tend to keep themselves right.
moriarte said:
JoJess said:
but WHY all of a sudden is there lots of rabbits with myxi... and could I personally kill it my answer would have to be NO  :b
Precisely because there was a huge explosion in the population following on from an extended period of no hunting, exacerbated by populations colonising new areas following the flooding too... I'm afraid Nature doesn't practice 'moderation in all things', but tends to favour peaks and troughs, feast then famine and plague... :(

the increase in cases of myxi has nothing to do with periods of "no hunting" we have a few areas with myxi rabbits round here that get hammered all year round, but it tends to frequent more in the summer months, not through the breeding season of the rabbit but through the life cycle of the flee that causes myxi. i personaly would wipe out any rabbits i see with myxi, but some people seem to think that if they are left to fight this horrible disease they will eventualy become immune. now if this is true its not going to happen in my life time or that of my children who will step into my boots when my old legs pack in.
*Lesley* said:
*Lesley* said:
JoJess said:
Oh dear  :b   sorry didn't mean to cause offence to any one  :blink:

I am a vegetarian and NO I do not drink cows milk I have soya milk  :)

No offence but why on earth would you be looking on this topic Jo jess didnt you realise what coursing was? and the title is hunting rabbits with dogs, you must have known it you wouldn't like it :unsure:

beaker said:
don't worry JoJess i'm not offended , it does after all say [SIZE=14pt]"hunting with rabbits your views[/SIZE] ", it would be very boring if everyone had the same opinions. :thumbsup:

I wasn't saying Jo Jess shouldn't have a view or that she's caused offence, I myself am very sqeamish about hunting anything with anything, I just tend to stear away from anything I would find upsetting,and also try to not think about where things have come from when I'm eating it, head in the sand approach I know but hey it works for me, I know that by having whippets I am openening myself up to hunting but I'd still freak if they caught anything :x :b

Also I don't understand the point she made about it being natural for a dog to hunt a rabbit and not a fox, lets face it if it runs it will get chased, and fox's leave a path of destruction in their persuit of small animals, rabbits don't

JoJess said:
What I was saying is : it is quite natural for sight hounds to chase anything that moves they are trained to chase  :- "  that is why mine are walked on a lead and only let off one at a time...... I spend a lot of money going to osteopaths to get the dogs in tip top condition so that they can race and DO NOT want them picking up injuries from chasing rabbits etc.......Also if you DO NOT want to hear other peoples views on hunting rabbits with dogs then make the topic for people who like to course only...... :blink:

Whoa I wasn't getting on your case I was asking a question, I respect your views what I said is whats the difference between a dog chasing a rabbit or a fox they are both animals, I didn't train my dogs to chase it is their instinct and IMO they are as likely to get injured racing as they are doing anything else, I believe the main reason my dogs are good at lure coursing is because they course round trees ect in the woods everyday in the hope of finding something to chase, it has given them strength and stamina, they love it more than anything else and I would never change it
JoJess said:
and could I personally kill it my answer would have to be NO  :b
but you'd be condemning the animal to unnecessary suffering and/or passing the problem on to somebody else to sort out :blink:
JoJess said:
masta you may be right there, but hunting with dogs has not been banned yet has it ??
only since 12pm 17.02.05 says it all really.

melanie said:
i just want to say that i love your pics levs :thumbsup:   i worked and hunted with wynstay hunt for around 10 years, and your pics bring it all back to me :)
Thankyou Melanie, I've hundreds more but I think I've lost them on a broken CD :( but I will never lose the memories as I'm sure you won't either.

how many foxes you recon are left in Retford after the other night.
Mark Roberts said:
how many foxes you recon are left in Retford after the other night.

Don't know what you mean mate, we only got nine.

was going to post the pictures but people may be offended.

we've had alot more this year, we think local authorities are releasing them from nottingham into our area. as they are really thin and can't survive without dustbins and takeaway meals. If it wasn't for us they would starve to death.
I remember having a discussion a few years back in work, or should i say a rather heated debate, :lol: , about hunting. I was trying to defend my hobby to a work colleague who said it was wrong to hunt when to my complete surprise and shock a devout christian stood to my defence, quoting from the Bible he said that God commanded Adam and Eve to have dominion over the animal kingdom meaning to control them and keep them in check as well as to preserve their numbers so if God says its ok then everyone else who doesn't agree with God, is wrong in my books :lol: :lol: Most of us who hunt love wildlife and help to preserve and conserve the countryside, we are not blood thirsty lunatics who kill for the fun...ok well maybe not all of us :teehee: .
To everyone that keeps having a cheap shot about 'posting pictures but not wanting to offend'. Grow up. :angry:

This thread was started in general dog discussion and not coursing. It asked for views (a verbal contribution) and not pictures. Under those circumstances why was it necessary to start posting pictures of dead animals?

There will not be a open debate as it is obvious that some members think that their view and right and everyone else is wrong. Some people are obviously not interested in what anyone who disagrees with them has to say. Isn't it a shame that I have not been offensive to anyone and yet I get snidey comments and incorrectly generalised by some other members. It's not far short of bullying is it?

I'm realistic I'm not even against hunting rabbits/foxes with dogs in some circumstances. Some of the things that go on are IMO cruel and unecessary, and purely for pleasure rather than functional. Yes, I am a vegetarian, and I do drink soya milk, but that's my choice. My dogs all run free everyday for approx 2 hours. They have been killing myxi rabbits for the last few weeks but I personally wouldnt go out and deliberately work them just for 'fun'.

Who can say what a dog would prefer? They prefer what they know best. Would my dogs like to go and live outside in kennels and only be exercised when they work? No. Would working dogs like to live in a house and treated as pets, given free running everyday, but not just to work? Maybe not. Who is going to be 100% confident to say which dog is happier though?
Rae said:
This thread was started in general dog discussion and not coursing. It asked for views (a verbal contribution) and not pictures. 
I agree that perhaps it was in the 'wrong' section - but nowhere did it state only verbal contributions and NOT pictures. Sorry if you were offended Rae - I'm sure it was never anyones intention, its just showing a picture of a dog doing a job.

There will not be a open debate as it is obvious that some members think that their view and right and everyone else is wrong. Some people are obviously not interested in what anyone who disagrees with them has to say.  Isn't it a shame that I have not been offensive to anyone and yet I get snidey comments and incorrectly generalised by some other members.  It's not far short of bullying is it?
There has been 9 pages of posts and I think there has been only 1 or at the maximum 2 posts where you were generalised, which is not right - but other than that I think it has been a good debate, with questions being asked eg rabbit damage and well thought out factual answers.

but I personally wouldnt go out and deliberately work them just for 'fun'.
Isn't this the point you have completely missed - its not just for fun, IT IS FOR CONTROLLING & MANAGING THE COUNTRYSIDE!

Who can say what a dog would prefer? They prefer what they know best.
I can see your point but I don't think anyone can disagree, that different breeds have certain characteristics which defines the breed and what makes them happy as they do it naturally and by choice! For example beagles love to follow scent, sighthounds love to chase, german shepherds naturally herd and guard etc etc. They do these things as they are in their genes and naturally they do it as it makes them happy! Which is why people when choosing a breed take these factors into account, I personally fancied a PBGV when I was younger but after research found out that these dogs given any opportunity will disappear after a scent and unless you have hours to spend looking for them they probably aren't the dog for you, why do they do this? because they love it as it is in their genes! I do agree that if a dog eg sighthound has not been trained to hunt it will not miss it as much but as we all know on here they will still do it - probably because they enjoy it!

I think at the end of the day it has been a very worthwhile thread , with interesting points raised from different 'camps'! :thumbsup:
To everyone that keeps having a cheap shot about 'posting pictures but not wanting to offend'. Grow up. 
This thread was started in general dog discussion and not coursing. It asked for views (a verbal contribution) and not pictures. Under those circumstances why was it necessary to start posting pictures of dead animals?

Rae you have never been anything other than kind and nice to people on this site, and you offer very good and experienced advise :huggles: ...........I totally agree with you that general discussions was definatly the wrong forum for pictures of dead rabbits etc ........
as it is obvious that some members think that their view and right and everyone else is wrong.
Am I missing something or doesnt everybody that holds a view think its the correct view not just the 'some members'?

I must say I just gone back through the thread and cant see why you think your being bullied your first post was constructive made some good points, people disagreed. This thread is like politics and religion an emotive subject and as such peoples responses are often direct. If you find this a form of bullying then perhaps a thread like this is not the best to get involved with, the title really did let you know the sort of responses that would be received.
Seeing as I was the only one who put a picture up it's obvious that Rae has aimed her attack at me! I'm sorry that you disagree with my way of life but that is your problem I'm afraid, as I live a wholesome and legal life and will continue to hunt as long as the law allows after all if Tony Blair says I can it can't be wrong :lol:

Hiya Levs,

I cetainly wasnt getting at you. I actually thought that your responses were interesting and constructive. :) You believe in what you do and you can argue your point. What I was getting at was the silly childish comments that have been posted by other members who are perhaps less articulate than you :p

Jo - I understand what you are saying about countryside management, Hannah also made a good point on the same subject. I know the argument for controlling numbers....but...I think that sometimes people hide behind it and use it as a reason to go off and have 'fun'.

I have 2 friends that are landowners. One of them has 3 farms, he must have thousands of acres. He keeps cattle, horses and grows hay. He allows the deer, foxes and rabbits on his land and does not allow anyone to deliberately kill any of the wildlife on his land. Now it might be different if he kept sheep or grew crops. The deer cause more damage than anything crashing through the hedges and fences (they lay on top of the hedges and sleep too - they have given me a fright jumping over my head a few times) in 40 years of farming he has never had to shoot an animal that has damaged itself in a rabbit hole, and has shot 1 deer which was injured. His Father did the smae and I'm sure his son will continue in the same way.

The other friend has land but only a few animals and yet she keeps the rabbit numbers down as part of 'countryside management'. (But has to get the grass cut by a farmer as there is too much for her small number of animals to eat :blink: ) I know she has lost quite a few of her birds to foxes so I can understand her wanting to shoot them when she sees them.

I heard last week about another local farmer who shot and killed his neighbours dogs for being in his field with his adult cattle. (I thought they had to be bothering young livestock to justify that?) He then put the dead dogs on the owners doorstep. This is the second time he has done that. The first time the JRT belonged to a lovely lady and he did it on the day of her husbands funeral. He did that to 'protect his livestock' but lets be honest, a old JRT was not going to bother his adult cattle. He did it because he wanted too, but had an excuse.

We've got 2 warrens here, and apart from all of the droppings you would'nt know they were here. No damage to the ground and unfortunaltey I still have to cut the grass every 5 days :lol:

What I think is that if numbers need to be controlled then it should be humane (yes I agree a swift kill by a dog is humane). I can understand pepople being proud of their dog seeing it run and work, but don't hide behind countryside management as an excuse all of the time, just admit you like to kill things!
Max&Smokey said:
as it is obvious that some members think that their view and right and everyone else is wrong.
Am I missing something or doesnt everybody that holds a view think its the correct view not just the 'some members'?

I must say I just gone back through the thread and cant see why you think your being bullied your first post was constructive made some good points, people disagreed. This thread is like politics and religion an emotive subject and as such peoples responses are often direct. If you find this a form of bullying then perhaps a thread like this is not the best to get involved with, the title really did let you know the sort of responses that would be received.

No -I dont think everone does think their view is always right. I was genuinely interested in what other people had to say on the subject actually, and there has been some intersting points shared by some members. Just a shame that other members have resorted to being childish. Have you never listened to what someone else has to say and thought they had a good point, and perhaps changed your opinion? :blink:

Why should I not take part just beause my opinion is different? Surely that was the whole point of asking for other views? I knew people would disagree, but I dont need to be protected from the nasty big wide world and avoid threads on a forum such as this. :thumbsup:
Levs said:
Seeing as I was the only one who put a picture up it's obvious that Rae has aimed her attack at me! I'm sorry that you disagree with my way of life but that is your problem I'm afraid, as I live a wholesome and legal life and will continue to hunt as long as the law allows after all if Tony Blair says I can it can't be wrong :lol:

Levs I just love that picture. :thumbsup: :wub: