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Hunting Bill

My late father was a gunsmith and loved all aspects of hunting, he went on the protests in London, before he passed away he spent a bit of time in Texas and Arizona.

He was so pissed of with the so called gun laws and hunting bills in this what he used to call pussy law country, that he planned to move to Arizona sadly he didn't make it.

This country is going to crap when it comes to country side laws, tony Blair should know better coming from trimdon co Durham where hunting is a way of life, hope his country home gets a plague of rats and over run with vermin and see who the two faced sod turns to then.

I personally race my dogs non ped whippets. but had lurcher's in the past no one should give into Blair no matter how it ends up. :angry: mutley come on lad ..lets go get a get the lamp,i'll get the dogs... :D
ey paul i found your asylum seeker rep a tad racist you got some thing against terriers he he
Tony Blair doesn`t come from Trimdon, - he is actually Scottish. He represents (if thats the right word) Trimdon because its the safest Labour seat. You could put a red rossette on a dog turd in Trimdon and it would get elected. Much the same in our ward - our MP is Terry Lewis which sort of proves my point about the turd.
if anything blair should introduce a new type of coursing - asylem seekers coursing using the biggest hounds possible!
Paul I always understood that what pitt bulls were bred for?

see you Saturday.
They'd better not ban it before my pups get a go, they'll miss this season exept for trialing, because of stupid rules brought in to try and slow the ba**ards down :angry:

I don't think they can stop it altogether because of the difficulties of enforcement, can they ;) ;)
Government doesn't listen to me so........ I don't listen to them!

Putting things into perspective, what do you think the Police will do ?

A/ Set up a mobile camera unit and get motorists at £60 a time (money they get to keep in Lancashire).

B/ Wade through muddy fields to catch somebody with a dog chasing a hare. (no cash incentive).

I'd be very surprised if the crown prosecution service took anyone to court without video footage of the coursing. In my opinion even if the law were passed it would be unenforcible!


They can't enforce illegal coursing (hare poaching) at present so they aren't going to be able to/ want to enforce the small private meetings. However the Waterloo Cup etc will go. Also there's always the job's worth, sticking their noses in sorts which could cause trouble.

I think that the biggest problems will come if landowners are liable if dogs are found to be hunting the wrong sort of bunnylike things or foxes and deer. After all how many of us live near foxes (all of us) and a lot of us live near deer (even if many folks know about them). If the landowners end up having to make sure that hunting with dogs doesn't happen on their land then the only way that I can see this happening is a ban on dogs being allowed off lead. And that will effect ALL dog owners even those in city parks 'cause the foxes are there and so in a lot of places are the muntjak.
Those photos Tony make me wonder why I'm still in the UK. I think that you defo made the right decision to leave.

Nice to see a decent number of blacks too. :) I've finally put a face to Bro'Shine.
Mark Roberts said:
if anything blair should introduce a new type of coursing - asylem seekers coursing using the biggest hounds possible!
Paul I always understood that what pitt bulls were bred for?

see you Saturday.
There was me thinking that that was why Plummer has 're-developed' the Aluant. :D

See you Sunday at Worcester Mark? And others?
Hi BJ off subject slightly for a second? I won't be at worchester for the open as the bitch we were running has just come in season :( she was due mid June so not realy a suprise :(

so were keeping Scott company at the Northern for a few weeks :)

but in the mean time i've got a local farmer screaming at me to get rid of his rabbits and he wants them gone last week?. ???

I've descussed the hunting bill with him and his reply was "it's my f####ing land and I decide what happens on it! you carry on lad"

so I don't think i've got a problem getting on his land if they ban it?

but surely our underfunded/overstreched police force are already struggling and have better things to do than chase round the countyside.
underfunded/overstreched police force are already struggling
Apparently not Mark!!!

My dad was out last week with the gun & his 2 spaniels on land he has permission for when he was being followed by a policeman claiming to have had a complaint about gunshots - this in the middle of a load of fields, after chatting to the policeman & showing his liscence & all the other bumph the policeman told him that if he hadn't found him they were gonna put a police helicopter up!!!
blair may not of been born in trimdon but he lived here a long time mechele i live 5 mins from his home still think hes a nob
Hi Vicky

Ok I can understand them inverstigating a complaint/report of gun shots in this day and age but fancy sending 1 police man! but I suppose he would be able to disarm a gang of gun welding mobsters with his batton & CS? :b

I suppose that could be a way of stopping hunting? sticking a bloody big helicopter over the top of anyone hunting :angry: it would be sure to ruin any days sport?

Watched Mr Blair on TV last night being asked about the War he was asked to answer the a question with a yes or no answer? 5 minutes of him talking had still not resulted in a yes/no and not even a maybe.

It must be awfull at tea time in his house? can you emagine asking what he wants for his tea and the time it must take for a straight answer :b
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Well Mr Blair has upset the apple cart, but Mr Balir is only addressing issues that have previously been ignored. Mr Blair is not acting on not his own whims but on real issues raised by electorate. This is exactly what he was elected to do. Recent events in the gulf have added to his unpopularity but let's try and remember what it was like before Mr Blair took No 10! The hunting bill is one part of the overall picture.

I personally would not want to see a ban on fox hunting;that is not until I am certain of what new control methods would be introduced. What does concern me is this need to kill. I don't go around with a shotgun under my arm blasting wildlife out of the skies or on the ground. The thought of a deer hound or any dog ripping the throat out of a deer is also abhorrent to me. I may get a thrill watching the dogs chase a fox or rabbit but purely because this is when the dogs full running prowess is best observed.

I would like to see a ban on bull-fighting, pushing donkies and goats off of church towers not to mention the numerous others barbaric events that go on in the name of sport. I lose the argument here because of what goes on at home.
I think you have got the wrong breed of dog then James!!! But actually, I don't know about anyone else's Whippets, but mine don't 'rip the throat' out of anything. They kill by either breaking the spine or asphyxiating their prey and once it is dead they release and eat whatever they have caught, given the chance (barring squirrels, which they just walk away from).

I tell ALL prospective owners that, first and foremost, Whippets are running, killing machines (to some degree or another) and if they can't hack that then it is not the breed for them.
Correction Dessie, the dog has got the right owner and the owner the right dog!

Mine haven't killed anything even the bady woodpidgeons in the garden weren't harmed this week. I admit malice was their intention, but a simple command of 'leave it' put pay to that, and while I agree that Whippets are very capable of running and killing I don't believe that is first and foremost.

I enjoy the breed for it numerous other qualities and to suggest that it is not the breed for me because I don't have a bloodlust would be damaging to the breed.
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So what do you think they are bred for then James?? I don't have a 'bloodlust' either but accept that the breed is bred to hunt and hunt it will. I just hope you won't be too upset when their prey drive takes over whilst they are out exercising because most times telling them to leave it won't work, different matter in the garden.
>The thought of a deer hound or any dog ripping the throat out of a deer is also abhorrent to me.

They didn't kill the deer like this. They grabbed the back of the deer's neck and the impact between dog and deer broke the deer's neck. Which is why the dogs had have such powerful necks and backs. If they didn't then they could break their own necks.