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Hunting Bill


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Today's House of Commons business statement did not feature the Hunting Bill. Therefore Report Stage and Third Reading will not take place this side of the Whitsun Recess which is from 23rd May - 2nd June.
Good, in that case has anyone got a few Staghounds that could come and clear the fields where I exercise my dogs of deer as they are making my like an absolute misery
you can keep your deer this bill is going to stop me from rabbiting and even ratting with my dogs...alan ov staindrop :)
Heard a Chief Constable on the radio yesterday saying how bad the bill was and that it was totally unworkable.
i have lamped rabbits on a total land area of 10,000 acres.and coursed hares on it .i have done this since i was 13 years old .i am now 37 . and i am very sorry to hear that it is all coming to an end .thanks to labour 'and tony blair.who are all a load of tax increasing tossers'who are scanking average working class people in every way they can think of.
if anything blair should introduce a new type of coursing - asylem seekers coursing using the biggest hounds possible!
When the hammer drops you can come and spend a few weeks coursing with us in Wyoming.

Dawn the cop on the box was from Suffolk and is spot on . This bill is shot to bits it will not get in and Towny is backtracking . At Cheydanhar we breed with fire in the belly and thats not just the dogs so cut this crap about giving up a way of life and fight to the end.

Clive Searson.
Everyone needs to Chill out a bit! :D

They might ban it but they can never stop it ;)
paul bywater said:
hi tony i can only get half your image on your post, it might be me?
So did I!!

I'll try again. Not very good at this K9 community stuff.

I have lots of pictures, but they never seem to appear right.


PS. What the hell is an *emoticon*?

Some sort of emotional confidence trick?

View attachment 509
WOW! It looks spectacular! I take it all the dogs work including the Dachshund