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Hunt Watch

Thought criminal

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I thought you might like to read my email exchange with Hunt Watch

> Dear Hunt Watch,


> I recently read a letter to the press from an Andrea Hill who says she is a

> member of your organisation. She states that you intend to enforce the

> Hunting Act.


> I am continuing to hunt wild deer with dogs in deliberate contravention of

> the law. I do this whenever I get the opportunity. I am refusing to comply

> with the law because I beleive it is my human right to carry on hunting.


> If you would like any further information, video evidence, signed statements

> etc then please do not hesitate to get in touch. I've always kept on good

> terms with anti hunting organisations such as LACS.


> My activities are entirely benign and the Hunting Act is a ridiculous law

> which I will not obey. I have nothing to hide and you are welcome to come

> and monitor my deliberate law breaking although I'd appreciate it if you

> could arrange it with me first. I will do my best to give you an

> opportunity to enforce the law as I have done with both the local police and



> I'd like to be on good terms with your organisation.


> Kind regards,

Reply from hunt watch

Please forward any video evidence to

Hunt Watch

PO Box 3089




Thank you
Dear Hunt Watch,


> I'll do my best although obviously it might be hard to keep hunting while

> holding a video camera. Should I point it at myself, the dogs or the deer?


> Would you also please pay for the tape, postage and packing.


> Alternatively if you'd like to send an SAE I'll send you a signed admission

> of guilt. This would actually be better evidence than a video which have

> not proved very effective so far.


> Kind regards,


Dear ###,

The best thing to do is at the start of your hunting day is to film yourself; your face would be best. Explain to the camera what you are about to do, this must also include the date (including year) and time. Film the location; a landmark would be good.

Then film the dogs, get them all going into the wood and get then on film all flushing the wood. When they are directly flushing the deer/s get the dogs chasing them out of the wood.

Two questions:

Do you shoot the deer or let the dogs kill it?

Also why are you flushing the deer from the wood?

The answers to these questions will be of use.

If you send the tape to the address we gave you ASAP that will be great. We will then forward you a cheque to cover all your expenses, that's not a problem. You might as well put the signed admission of guilt in with it.

We really do require both of these.

Many thanks and we look forward to the tape.

Hunt Watch
Dear Hunt Watch,

Great that all sounds fine. I can't guarantee that we will find Deer as they are not always there but I understand simply searching for them with the dogs is a crime as well.

Do you shoot the deer or let the dogs kill it?

No I don't shoot the deer I let them be hunted naturally by my dogs.

Also why are you flushing the deer from the wood?

1) I believe it is my right as a land owner

2) I beleive it is my dog's right

3) To stop them damaging the trees

4) For fun and recreation

5) To protest against an unjust law

6) I believe it is less cruel than shooting them, in fact I don't beleive it is cruel at all.

Kind regards,

Hunt watches replies are highlighted in red

Hello again,

I've been thinking about our arrangement and I can see a few problems.

Generally the dogs go off ahead of me, especially when they get a scent so often I don't get to see the Deer. Ideally someone should be stationed ahead of us to get proof of the deer being flushed out of the wood by the dogs. Unfortunately I hunt alone. I'm sure someone can help you obtain this footage.

Do you need footage of deer actuallyt being killed or would just them being fkushed do. Either will do.

What if we don't find any deer? Would a statement that I am searching for the deer and that I know I am putting the dogs into woodland where they are likely to pick up a scent do? I'm perfectly prepared to do this one or maybe two times but having to do it everytime I go hunting would become a bore. We are prepared to wait until you get that perfect footage, just try harder.

I noticed from your website that you only forward evidence to the police. The police round here really aren't that bothered. They know what I do. Indeed quite a few of them hunt. Wouldn't you maybe consider a private prosecution? Yes we will always consider a private prosecution. We probably will take to police once we have seen the evidence. I'm sure they will listen to us.

I'll hopefully get out this weekend so hopefully I can send you something after that. OK that will be great.

I would restate that I want to keep this whole thing good natured. I have nothing against you personally. Generally I'm very law abiding and I do think that if one is going to break the law then one should do it in an open, honest and transparent manner. We totally agree, one should be open about what they are up to.

Best wishes,

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I think it would be best if you could send along a monitor. They can film any deer or other wildlife that we flush out running out of the wood and vouch for the fact that they are escaping without being shot.. I'm dubious about getting someone else to help me as I don't want to incriminate them. Also if you don't mind I will invite some press along. I want to try and get some coverage for my deliberate civil disobedience.

Could we make a tentative arrangement for sat 3 dec 2005.

kind regards,

From hunt watch...

We need to know where you are in the UK, so we can ask the nearest monitor if they are prepared to attend.

Dear Hunt watch,

I'm down in North Devon, I'll give you the precise location nearer the time. We can meet up, maybe have a cup of tea and a chat and then go down to the woods. I'll make sure I don't take my dogs through the woods before hand to maximise our chance of flushing out some deer. Even if we don't from what I understand even if we just search for deer with dogs we'll be breaking the law.

I'd suggest one monitor to film me and one to film any deer we flush out. You could also film me admitting my intent as I beleive that is important.

Could I request a copy of the video for posterity?

Would you also mind giving me your name, it seems a bit strange dealing with an anomynouis person.

As I say I am hoping to get the press interested as we can both gain publicity for our respective causes. I hope that's ok with you.

Kind regards and in friendship,

From hunt watch (by now letters about them were appearig in the press)

Sorry I think we will be relaxing in our armchairs from now on as that's what we do best.
Dear Hunt Watch,

Just so as you can keep up with your responses there's another letter here: <>

oh and I replied to your letter, I don't know if you'd care to comment. <>

Thanks again for letting me carry on hunting, especially for publicly stating it.

best wishes and in friendship,



Quis custodient ipsos custodiens
(I loved the bit about a "legal team" )

Dear ## ,

Have you not hear of libel laws?

We are now formally requesting you do not contact us again, this is on advise from our legal team.

Many thanks

Mary Gardener

Hunt Watch
Dear Mary,

Thank you for your letter,

It's nice to have a communication that is not anomynous. I very much doubt you would have much grounds for libeling an anomynous person. If so then 'the hunts' could sue you for accsuing 40% of them of breaking the law.

I'd be grateful if you would give me the identity of the previous person who incited me to break the law, I want to pass their details on to the police.

It's always best to be open about what you are up to.

By the way I'm off hunting wild mammals with dogs this weekend.

Wish me luck.

Kind regards,

Dear anomynous person,

Warned about what exactly? Are you Mary, or another hunt watch person?

To assist me in determining appropriiate action please

a) identify yourself

state the precise nature of your threat

I'm hunting with dogs this weekend.

kind regards,

Dear Mr @@@@@@,





Hunt Watch

PO Box 3089




Tel: 07952 550 054

It's not the police we've got to watch, it's the antis with their

video cameras." - Graham Bridgeman the Chairman of Eggesford
