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Human Chocolate Okay For Dogs?

When Zair was about 4 months old he managed somehow to open the kitchen cupboard and help himself to a standard size snickers bar. When we came home the empty wrapper was in his bed and he looked very pleased with himself! I was so concerned that I called the vet straight away but after asking what size pup he was (lurcher) he said he would probably be okay and just to watch out for signs of sickness and upset tummy. He didn't have any ill effects at all despite his young age but we did make sure we put catches on the cupboards to stop any future repeats.

My mum and dad used to own a cocker spaniel who was fed chocolate (human) on a regular basis and also used to have a cadbury advent calendar - she lived to the age of 13 and throughout her life was a real healthy dog.

I don't feed my dogs chocolate either human or dog varieties - they seem happy enough with a pedigree smackos or similar!

Have to laugh at the list link from above - the mind boggles at the mention of not feeding your dog tabacco and string!!!
Several years ago, I had a medium sized mixed breed who managed to get a packet of chocolates off of the kitchen counter, and ate several of them while we were out of the house. When we got home and saw what had happened, we rushed him to the Vet, because we had always heard that chocolate was toxic. The Vet did a quick calculation of how much chocolate was in the package versus what was left over, so we'd know how much Tux had eaten (we fortunately brought the package with us). He really hadn't had very much, but the Vet still wanted to pump the dog's stomach, and administered a huge does of a Charcoal gel to absorb any excess chocolate that hadn't been absorbed by the digestive system yet.

Chocolate is extremely toxic to dogs, it is just a matter of quantity vs. body weight of the dog. A button of chocolate won't kill (although certainly isn't good for) an Alsation, but probably could kill a smaller older breed. Our dog had apparently eaten more than was safe for someone of his size.
Alcoholic beverages

Can cause intoxication, coma, and death.

It does in humans so why are dogs any different?

Bones from fish, poultry, or other meat sources

Can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system.

So BARF feeding is out? (personally I agree with the statement re feeding bones but know many who feed Biologically Appropriate Raw Food, are they all wrong?)

Chocolate, coffee, tea, and other caffeine

Contain caffeine, theobromine, or theophylline, which can be toxic and affect the heart and nervous systems.

Same with humans - SO a dog having a 'drink of tea' is a no no?

Grapes and raisins

Contain an unknown toxin, which can damage the kidneys.

Hops Unknown compound causes panting, increased heart rate, elevated temperature, seizures, and death.

Similar affects to alcohol it seems to me

Onions and garlic (raw, cooked, or powder)

Contain sulfoxides and disulfides, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Cats are more susceptible than dogs. Garlic is less toxic than onions.

So I shouldn't feed garlic to ward off fleas?

Milk and other dairy products

Some adult dogs and cats do not have sufficient amounts of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the lactose in milk. This can result in diarrhea. Lactose-free milk products are available for pets.

Raw eggs

Contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin). This can lead to skin and hair coat problems. Raw eggs may also contain Salmonella.

So I shouldn't feed raw eggs mixed in milk?

How many people on here smoke? Do your dogs inhale cigarette smoke?

Isn't this bad for them too?

Give the 'banned' substances in moderation, as you would have them yourself, and your dogs have a low risk of being affected by any of them. You will never remove all risks and if not feeding eggs or giving milk or a small piece of chocolate or a cuppa or bones (if you already feed them - which I don't) makes YOU feel better - then do it.

All my dogs have semi skimmed milk in a morning (w00t) , they have done so all their lives , as did my racing greyhounds who lived to 16 ,14 and 12 years old . They also have the odd raw egg too (w00t)

I have however stopped Mayzee from smokin as it was stunting her growth :lol:
My friend gives her 2 westies a cup of milky tea every morning, apparently they won't do anything until they've had their cuppa :- "

They are now 13 & 11 so it's not done them too much harm.

I agree, chocolate is very bad for dogs, in fact if any of mine steal my Christmas choccies.....I'll murder them :lol:
dawn said:
Give the 'banned' substances in moderation, as you would have them yourself, and your dogs have a low risk of being affected by any of them. You will never remove all risks and if not feeding eggs or giving milk or a small piece of chocolate or a cuppa or bones (if you already feed them - which I don't) makes YOU feel better - then do it.


I do agree Dawn about some of the above, but the unfortunate thing is that the NO lists grow by the minute, and lot of the stuff is only seriously harmful if eaten by truckloads, which then makes people to ignore the really dangerous ones. But chocolate is toxic, how toxic depends on amount of theobromine present. Dark and high quality chocolate has more than cheap and one that is diluted by other ingredients like milk. If you think chocolate is OK why don’t you go to talk to the vets at your local emergency vet clinic after Christmas or Easter ,and ask how many dogs suffering from chocolate poisoning were brought to them this year.

I just do not understand why would anybody want to give their dogs something that is potentially fatal. If the dog never tasted chocolate, it does not feel deprived, and there are many more healthy treats like beef jerkies for instance.
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posh totty said:
very interesting to see garlic and bones in the list????

I agree, the list seemsd to be everything that *could possibly* harm your dog. Obviously some kinds of bones can be harmful, but you have to allow dog owners a bit of common sense in what they will feed.

Interestingly I had a chat with my vet about garlic, and she tells me it does contain a chemical that is toxic to dogs - the same one as in onion but much less concentrated, and you would have to give a dog huge amounts for it to do any harm. The amounts they would get in 'normal' food is fine, but she said she personally wouldn't give her dogs more concentrated forms such as garlic tablets.