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Hpv Vaccine For Cervical Cancer

Just to let you know my daughter did have the Gardasil injections.

If you have a practice which has several doctors could you try a different doctor?

I am surprised that it is not Gardasil being given to school children.


Wendy, did your GP surgery do the vaccination, or school ?
xxxamyxxx said:
well im not a parent or a guardian but im 17 and as far as i know i just fall into the catergory whereby i can have the injection.
i dont know what my parents views are on the subject they dont really know much about it appart from the advert on the telly :S so i googled it  :p

i am without a doubt having it if i rather not run the rish of CC for the sake of a day or two of feeling many people die of cancer every year and if by some miracle it can protect me then in my opinion that outweighs any risks which may be associated with it. :) ...although the thought of multiple needles terrifies me :p

does anyone know how  those 16+ go about getting it? will our GP contact me? or will i need to do so myself?


My little sister is 17 and she was asked if she wanted it through school, she had to fill out a form and parents had to sign it. If you are at school still, you couls=d a sk a form tutor or school nurse otherwise, I would go and see your gp of nurse at a local family planning clinic maybe?

Emma xxx
whippetsrus said:
Jesswhippet said:
Hi there
My daughter had these injections 2 years ago at the age of 17. She was not sexually active at the time but was likely to become so. We had the conversation  and I gave her the written information and she asked for me to find out if she could have it. 

Doctor said not under National Health because NICE had not made the decision to vaccinate the young population. I asked him if I paid for the vaccine would he inject for Free. Result £280.00 ( I was lucky to be able to afford it)  and eight months later she was fully vaccinated.

She was brillant but did not like the injections but did it.

My sister has just had her daughter done for free on the NHS because NICE has agreed to vaccinate the young population. Her daughter was 16. It maybe a case of 'If you don't ask you don't get!'

Any one wanting this injection who is over 12 but not sexually active she see their doctor.  My doctor did a trail on the drug and did mention that you can still have it if you are sexually active i. e. very few partners and it may still be worthwhile but I don't know about it being free in those circumstances.

Hope this helps anyone interested.


I have asked my GP on a couple of occasions. My eldest daughter is 15 and I would like to get both girls done at the same time. Plus I have a preference for Gardasil which is not the vaccine that is being administered in the school vaccinations.

On both occasions I have been told that they are not getting involved in it. It is being done through schools. It looks as though it depends where you live and how co-operative your GP is.

Unfortunately if you "ask" your GP you will probably get a negative response. This is because if they adminster Gardasil in surgery, the cost of this is deducted from their prescribing budget and obviously they do not wish to use their budget for this if they can avoid it.

Gardasil is on the National Formulary and, as such, a patient is entitled to request it and a GP should respect that request.

Many primary care practices will offer Gardasil on a private prescription first, but it IS available on the National Health. It's just a case of pushing your GP to do it and hoping that they don't mind spending some of their prescribing budget on you! :thumbsup:

Because funds are not limitless and other patients need treatment for other conditions, a GP cannot use their budget on vaccinating against cervical cancer when there is a government funded programme taking care of that, so they can refuse. However, looking at the scenario of a young girl developing genital warts in years to come after having been refused Gardasil by her GP, you have to ask yourself where that GP would stand medico-legally having denied the girl protection????

If refused, ask for the GPs refusal to be documented on the patient notes for future reference.