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A whippet move?

I know its a silly question but I thought I would ask. My little girly has a very flicky action. She points her toes and sort of hovers above the ground in full stride. Anyone with ponies, its a classic show pony sort of flick. She covers a lot of ground, though I would like to see her back end engage more, but presume that will come with fitness and maturity (shes 7 months old).

Her action is very striking and very pretty looking. But although I have looked at the breed standard, when showing ponies I know the standard laid down can be interpreted in different ways. For instance, in welsh mountain ponies they are supposed to have a 'bold eye'. Some people take this to mean boggly eyed (yuck) and some people take it to mean just a normal eye in proportion to the rest of the head.

I do intend to do a few shows with her next year. Going to start puppy ring craft classes in January, but me and OH were walking her the other day and discussing whether her action was correct or desirable.

Thankly muchly for your thoughts in advance. I expect there are a couple of differing opinions on this one and would be interested to hear them all.
It is not easy to describe in words, how any dog or even any animal should move & either pictures or videos(which can be slowed down to see action better) are easier & more helpful in cases like this.

The Whippet Breed Council has corrulated a booklet which may help & should be available, for a few pounds, from any of the 11 UK breed clubs.

The front action should be is affectionately known a 'daisy cutting' not high stepping...would be like taking the heads of the daisy.

Quite a number of Whippet websites have moving shots of their dogs, maybe you could try looking at them??
The front action should be low and far reaching, I think that describes it best. Always giggle at "daisy cutting" as our daisies are more bush than anything, and we used to have one that was about 5ft tall. OK, i know that the daisies mentioned are those little ones in the grass :) Maybe it should be daisy kicking.

Looking at slow down movies is the best way to see what the actually do.
here is a link to youtube movie of a Whippet moving in slow motion :)

Thank you both for that. Daisy cutting is a term I'm familiar with LOL, we use it to describe pony action so I knew what you meant.

Have watched James and am pleased to say Maggie moves in a similar way. So I can admire her Daisy cutting action now and not worry that shes not moving properly, even if it is very pretty! James is very handsome! As soon as I can get some nice standy up pictures of her I will post them on here so you can do a bit of a critique on her. We won't show her seriously I don't think, just a few shows each year to break up the pony shows. She will be much easier to bath anyway!

Its all very new to me this whippet malarkey. It was hard enough last year changing the type of pony we show, now we have a completely new species and I feel like a right muppet :blink:
here is a link to youtube movie of a Whippet moving in slow motion :)
I hadnt thought of you tube..there are quite a few crufts ones that amumwithapony can look at aswell. I stopped looking before I spent too much time & would be late for work...will look again later :)