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It seems to me that people would rather stay at home & run A to Z racing week in week out than travel & win decent prizes , but hey each to there own :wacko:

spot on craig :thumbsup:
It seems to me that people would rather stay at home & run A to Z racing week in week out than travel & win decent prizes , but hey each to there own :wacko:
But sometimes running A - Z (w00t) at the club pays better prize money, less petrol for travelling, you can run your 'club' dogs and have a chance of a D/E Final, maybe thats why Craig :) but do agree each to their own :thumbsup:
I must see things differently , I use the club to train & school to challange the best out there :wink:if it was just club racing I'd rather jack it in (w00t)
That's where some of us are different Craig as I believe clubs are the heart of racing and believe me no one loves racing more than me, whether it be club racing or open racing, but like has been said so many times if we loose all the clubs (training aids for the open racers) there will eventually be nowhere to open race either (w00t) But as you say we all have different ideas but if everyone jacked it in if there was only club racing, then racing would soon come to an end, so luckily some of us enjoy racing our dogs at club level too. :D
Maybe , but if no one travels what's the point ? I just don't see the point of being the best boxer in your own gym (w00t)
Number of open days/ events racing across the country (just a quick look at 2011 calendar)

A&T 2

AYCLIFFE 0 (Used Stockton as John said)

















Can anyone spot the obvious?!! (w00t)
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Yeh lol , anyway goodnight from the heavyweight champ of 16 briar grove (w00t) (w00t)
Obvious thing that jumps out to me is if you look at what the opens are at the clubs, is that the middle of the country is chosen for many of the BWRA/NNWRF events maybe just because of that they are middle of the country. :thumbsup:
i think some of you got short memories i can remember in th 70,s when an open at bilsthorpe had 12 dogs entry and less than 5 miles away at little john club meeting had 80 plus dogs so just goes to prove you race were you want
last year people said to many opens killing club racing now people saying to many club racing not enough open racing.fact is all you can do is put an open on if you CHOOSE TOO long as people enjoy the day thats all that matters .we have all had opens were numbers are down but like i say if me i dont get paid per dog so long as those who come enjoy there day thats all matters to me.FACT IF YOU HAVE LESS TOP TEN OPENS CLUBS WILL JUST DO ADD OPENS, so iall you can do is try to make it a good day who ever turns up its up to them.
I think,at the end of the day people will choose,if and where they want to travel too.There are still people in whippet racing,that don't travel to any opens,and unless there's an open on at their club or in their region,they dont go.These people shouldn't be penalised for not traveling.If folk want to travel to a particular open,they will.If they don't they wont.

I believe it's that simple
I think,at the end of the day people will choose,if and where they want to travel too.There are still people in whippet racing,that don't travel to any opens,and unless there's an open on at their club or in their region,they dont go.These people shouldn't be penalised for not traveling.If folk want to travel to a particular open,they will.If they don't they wont.I believe it's that simple
here here :thumbsup:
I think,at the end of the day people will choose,if and where they want to travel too.There are still people in whippet racing,that don't travel to any opens,and unless there's an open on at their club or in their region,they dont go.These people shouldn't be penalised for not traveling.If folk want to travel to a particular open,they will.If they don't they wont.I believe it's that simple
for some people it is not a choice of wether to travel or not in this current climate it is not just the price of petrol going up, all bills are going up. Many of us are forced to or considering taking up second jobs that means working evenings and weekends. Sometimes the choice is wether to eat or not this week let alone go open racing. Its not like we can choose to race at our club as there is not racing, trials and puppy training only. I for one would like to see more club racing as if our financial situation gets any worse we won't be able to travel to any opens at all soon.
:unsure: While I agree that the price of fuel has had devastating effect on a lot of peoples' ability to travel, there are some of us, who, through no fault of their own, are unable to travel because of their state of health. I, myself, fall into this category and it is only with the support of some VERY good friends, that I am still able to race at even the club level. My bitch is, therefore at very few opens and when she able to attend, it is with the help of those same friends who have even taken her as far as Devon for me this year! I must admit, I don't know the answer to the loss of attendance, but we can rest assured that it is a combination of many things. The one view I Do hold, is that without a strong Club Base, there can be no open class dogs, 'cos where would they train? At our club, yesterday, we had as many dogs' trialling as were in the racing, thereby ensuring racers of the future. :wacko: :wub:
I wholeheartedly agree with Emma, the situation is exactly the same for me. Also Deeva, many of her reasons are mine also.

I have just retired a fit and healthy five year old who would enjoy club racing but my club, although escellent in training for a special event does not have a club handicap going forward and backward. Reason is lack of dogs.

I attended both Devon and Fordingbridge camping opens this year. Both were excellent but I could not enjoy the social of them because I cannot or have the ability to drive a van which would house my 3 dogs instead of a small car and a caravan to stay in.

Early on in my 40 plus years of racing I lived nr Doncaster where we had Armthorpe, Rose Forgrove, Manton and Rossington which I helped start and produce the magazine Rossington Round Up. Next I lived in Northumberland where we had Alnwick and Alanmouth plus many north east clubs.

In those days camping was a rarity, only at the BWRA straight champs did people camp, mostly in tents. I used to travel as far as Hartlepool for a days racing at opens most weeks.

As I said camping is the answer for those who can afford it and have the ability. I'm afraid tents are a no no for me now.

Regards poor attendance at A. & T. I think most of the travellers have just had 10 days in Devon, a week off then 6 days at Fordingbridge and then in another fortnight Scotland hold their excellent 2 weeks open. You would have to be very rich indeed to attend all these plus have no jobs
lack of atendence is due to lack of people in the sport now also peeps travel if there dogs good enuff or chasing points each to there own as long as its enjoyable
how about more clubs catering for the club dogs? ie putting on a time trial alongside a normal top ten open. u may just may get a few more dogs. our own open we tried it for the 1st time this year and got 5 dogs which is 5 more than we wud have had.
for some people it is not a choice of wether to travel or not in this current climate it is not just the price of petrol going up, all bills are going up. Many of us are forced to or considering taking up second jobs that means working evenings and weekends. Sometimes the choice is wether to eat or not this week let alone go open racing. Its not like we can choose to race at our club as there is not racing, trials and puppy training only. I for one would like to see more club racing as if our financial situation gets any worse we won't be able to travel to any opens at all soon.

We would have racing at club level if people enter dogs, I dont make the rules just try to uphold them 4 dogs for a club handicap. As you state trials, whereby we have a fair few dogs but never 4 of a kind for a handicap. In recent years we have a lurcher side of racing running alongside our non peds and also terriers which help keep our club going. With insurance at 449.00 pound per year,and payment to the council for the track, if it wasnt for the supporter side of things (watch out Paulines after you again for a raffle ticket) then the club would be in a sorry state with just dog entries.

My understanding as club/regional secretary is that a club may hold one Whippet News Top Ten open per year be it a bend or straight open but not both. A region can hold two again 2 straights or 2 bends or a mix of both.

A few years ago Charity opens were disregarded for Top Ten. Last year and again this year they have been awarded for certain opens.

We are among the lucky few, three of us travel together so can share the fuel costs, but have to save hard for events further afield. I hate to think what our racing cost last year up to Highgate went from 60 pound of fuel to 80 pound overnight.

I for one would also like to see more club racing, with the four main championships per year central so as most people can attend ( I also know how hard it is to obtain and hold on to ground to race on). But if club/regions were not allowed Top Ten status would they survive, as people chasing points may be the difference on the day.