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How Opens Came About


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as this seems to be getting discussed on the A & t MINERS topic i thought id start a new topic up.

the opens seem to have poor attendances for instance this weekend @ a & t miners (sat) approx 36 dogs not sure of the exact amount. now people say theres too many opens on. how many does your region or club have? how did they come about?

4 instance the rising sun have 4 opens per year 2 of these r north east (regional) bwra open the harry seymour and the brandy queen both have been going on since i started racing abouit 16 years ago. the rising sun has their own open as every club can have their own open this is the barking dog open again been going since i started racing. the jodami is ran as westerhopes open this came about when the kissyfur open stopped not long after i started racing so its been going a good few years now.

others thats been going since i stared the red mills cup, obvisouly the bwra and fed champs, the scottish derby and scottish champs the english derby theres probably a few more but not loads.

are a lot the newer opens memorial opens in respect of losing much loved whippeteers? i think theres a few?

what is the answer on cutting back opens? do u just cut back top ten or additional too???

constructive answers please :thumbsup:
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Good luck with this Carole, Lynda wrote about this topic in the W.N. and there was no response, but then again you may do better :luck:
When I 1st started racing about 12 years ago the w/n had 2 full pages of opens top ten and add. And most of these opens were well attended, no 1 said anything about to many opens. But then u could get from here to old hall on £20. These days with petrol prices people just carnt afford it. Also all the weekend events not every1 can get holidays off work most people only get so many days. Even if the opens were harved people still wouldn't travel to far.
Good luck with this Carole, Lynda wrote about this topic in the W.N. and there was no response, but then again you may do better :luck:

well i can only try les u never know someone might come up with an answer on here (w00t)
When I 1st started racing about 12 years ago the w/n had 2 full pages of opens top ten and add. And most of these opens were well attended, no 1 said anything about to many opens. But then u could get from here to old hall on £20. These days with petrol prices people just carnt afford it. Also all the weekend events not every1 can get holidays off work most people only get so many days. Even if the opens were harved people still wouldn't travel to far.

i agree with u sharon since we started racing 16years ago i dont really think theres any more now than there was then but i cant say 100% on that id have to dig out an old whippet news from then count the opens then do the same from now. and i also agree with fuel costs and time off work
when i started racing 36years ago not that many people ran open class racing they were more into club racing .then it seemed to change then everyone wanted a open class dog and i saw great clubs a round close hartleepool blackhall murton peterlee we were spoil for choice now there is only hordon left i can see this great sport getting worse i hope someone can come up wih something before its to late

Good luck with this Carole, Lynda wrote about this topic in the W.N. and there was no response, but then again you may do better :luck:
I am in total agreement with Lynda's suggestion in april 2011 W.N, i think people should have a look at her idea as the sport is dying on its feet, and with not many new members to people leaving, and it is only going to get worse. I think with limited opens we would get better turn outs better racing, and a better atmosphere. in stead of solos most of the time.just my thoughts.Tam
Good luck with this Carole, Lynda wrote about this topic in the W.N. and there was no response, but then again you may do better :luck:
I am in total agreement with Lynda's suggestion in april 2011 W.N, i think people should have a look at her idea as the sport is dying on its feet, and with not many new members to people leaving, and it is only going to get worse. I think with limited opens we would get better turn outs better racing, and a better atmosphere. in stead of solos most of the time.just my thoughts.Tam

spot on son but ive said this many times before WE NEED ACTION NOT WORDS so why dont the chairmans of the clubs the chairmans of nnwrf bwra and christene cornish her self GET TOGETHER AND SLASH THESE OPENS IN HALF to start with and look at the change starting in 2012 please some 1 take the lead hopefully clubs will get stronger to (just my opinion) :thumbsup:
im going to have to dig out an old whippet news now from when i 1st started and count the opens as im sure theres not many more now if any more but i dont know so il check how many then and how many now only not tonight coz im goin to bed in a mo lol
im going to have to dig out an old whippet news now from when i 1st started and count the opens as im sure theres not many more now if any more but i dont know so il check how many then and how many now only not tonight coz im goin to bed in a mo lol

there would of been more opens because there was more clubs, but there was also double the amount of dogs or more.
ok decided i cudnt wait and found whippet news jan 1996 the year we started or thereabouts. anyway seems there was a lot less opens.

feb 18th dawdon bends

feb 25th bwra tyrone (still going strong) classic

march 10th bwra n yorks spennymoor tt

march 17th bwra bend team champs tt

april 7th bwra bend champs tt

april 8th trimdon tt

april 9th melton makersdream

may 4/5 ibm spring classic spring puppy champs tt (still both going strong)

may 5th melton pedigree petfoods tt

june 8th bwra mid west devon classic

june 9th devon whitbread tt

june 12th devon intervet tt

june 15/16th nwrf devon open classic

june 27th bwra n yorks only

july 7th bwra club team champs tt

july 13/14th stevenage summer weekend tt

july 21st melton blackmoor open

july 28th bwra north yorks venue later

aug 4th bwra straight qualifiers

aug 11th bwra reg straight team champs tt

aug 24/25bwra straight champs

sept 1st n yorks tt

sept 29th n yorks

oct 6th bwra jack cadman/puppy champs (both still going)

oct 6th melton broughton rebound

sept 13th fordinbridge medley open classic

so there you go not as many i cant even see any north east opens so no idea how they came about
aha then i get to may 1996 and theres a boatload more. god this is interesting il have to stop & go to bed, my 1st ever dog won a h/cap @ bigges maine lol
my opinion for what it is worth .

during the summer months some clubs have there meetings on a weekend instead of midweek .newton aycliffe race on a tuesday night in the summer and saturday afternoon in the winter ,if there is a bend open on the saturday we cancell our handicap so members have the oppertunity to attend the advertised open.
my opinion for what it is worth .

during the summer months some clubs have there meetings on a weekend instead of midweek .newton aycliffe race on a tuesday night in the summer and saturday afternoon in the winter ,if there is a bend open on the saturday we cancell our handicap so members have the oppertunity to attend the advertised open.

we race @ wallsend all year on suns as a lot of our members cant make evenings ( although we do do one offs) therefore we cancel when everyone is @ an open
god i am deffo goin to bed but just found an advert for the barking dog open from 1996 cost to race the dog £3.00 + 20p lure scratch £5.00 + 20 p lure god the entry feee has hardly gone up @ all i think this year we did£4.00 per dog 50p for the lure kid. thats in 15years!!!!! (w00t)
just look at the club results this week end ( every weekend )on k9 they read as good as a top ten event ;)
Just wondering are these ALL the ACTIVE clubs running now, are there any missing ? How many Top Ten Opens do each of these clubs hold each year?


















Just wondering are these ALL the ACTIVE clubs running now, are there any missing ? How many Top Ten Opens do each of these clubs hold each year?

















newton aycliffe hold there open at stockton due to too much red tape getting them on i.e. local council have to approve it.
How many top ten opens and additional opens can a club hold a year or are the opens allocated to regions ?

bends and straights
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It seems to me that people would rather stay at home & run A to Z racing week in week out than travel & win decent prizes , but hey each to there own :wacko: