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How often do you walk your dog(s)?

She's a Miniature Schnauzer the puppies are a week old exactly... yes very busy... we will be keeping the only bitch Doris Thanks!
Ah, how lovely. Especially when they reach about 4 weeks - so special for you keeping one of her pups too.
Ah, how lovely. Especially when they reach about 4 weeks - so special for you keeping one of her pups too.
yes but most likely we will be tearing our hair out! but yes will be exiting!
Folly has two walks most days, occasionally more, off lead most of them. However as she hates getting wet even with a waterproof coat on when it's raining all she does is plod along never leaving my side, doubtless blaming me for the rain.
Evie usually gets one walk a day about an hour. Sometimes longer. No street lights here or pavements so can't go out with her when it's dark. When it's lighter she may get another walk early evening. We're lucky to be retired so can pick and choose when and if we go out, so Evie has no walk routine and therefore doesn't ask to go out! If she hasn't had a very long walk then I'll try to do some training indoors with her.
Logan is nearly 5 months old and I walk him once a day for around 1h 30min. We have a large fully enclosed field near where we live where I can let him off the lead and allow him to run and chase balls to his hearts content. I also get a welcome 8-9 km walk too. He hates the rain but loves getting wet through, I just hate the rain! As he gets older I will walk him for longer.
JoanneF mentioned this earlier, but it's worth repeating:

Puppies need much less exercise than fully-grown dogs. If you over-exercise a growing puppy you can overtire it and damage its developing joints, causing early arthritis. A good rule of thumb is a ratio of five minutes exercise per month of age (up to twice a day) until the puppy is fully grown, i.e. 15 minutes (up to twice a day) when three months old, 20 minutes when four months old etc. Once they are fully grown, they can go out for much longer.

More at: Puppy and dog walking tips
The sonic-spaniel gets a one hour off-lead, a couple of twenty-minute on lead training walks (ho, ho) and maybe another half hour in the evening- off lead if light, on if dark. The corgi x does the hour but refuses all other outings if its raining. I do love dog walking but just at the moment the mud-factor around here is off the scale.:eek:
Two fast walks every day come what may, about 50 mins each. A bit longer sometimes.
Regular walks? Not often. I don't find it fun walking around the neighborhood and the trails are always so busy around here once it's actually nice enough to walk. But I try to take my boys hiking a couple times a week, and in the summer on almost all my days off we take the drive out to our cabin! I do regular walks once in a while, but they aren't my favorite, at least where I live now. Back in Washington, I loved walking the trail by our apartment, as it never was that busy and it was on the bay, so was a nice view!