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How much training do you do with a pup each day?

Maggie Mul

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We are spending a lot of time conditioning our pup to like her harness being put on.... well maybe not like it - but to a stage where she will tolerate it!!. We do this 3 times a day- she is fed her lunch by hand, and this is incorporated into one of the harness training sessions. The other 2 are with treats. 1/2 of lunch is also fed with crate games.
We are also battling grooming, this is done 1x per day, usually in the evening, with a small kong or whilst she is chewing on something.
We also practice eye contact and focus when out walking, and I use some of her daily food allowance for this.
During the day we practice basic commands, sit, impulse control, paw, lie down, fetch drop etc. Done with treats. We really need to practice recall too on a long line but we don't seem to have a lot of time left. My OH says I am always doing something with her and Maggie doesn't get much chill time. Well she is alone for a few hours in the morning and is relaxing in the living room with us around 8pm onwards until we go to bed.
Does it sound as though I am doing too much? Interested to know what others do with their pups. I should also add that she has selective hearing (!!) quite a lot, so I feel I need to remind her these behaviours quite often!!!
Every dog is different but I think what you are doing sounds great! Short bursts, little and often, are the best way IME. And you are right, she has chill time when you are out. With puppies, everything is new so a lot of time is invested in making them into great adults, you will be able to cut a lot of ithe basic stuff (grooming, harness) out in time but we still do a few training recalls every day and repeat old familiar tricks as well as training new ones.
I would try to build some chill time into the day when you're there too, so she doesn't end up expecting attention the whole time you're around as she gets older (I work from home so this was something I had to work on). Just think of it as another skill you're training.

Also make sure that you don't work on the 'sit, down, sit' type training to the point where she wonders why you can't decide what you want her to do - it should always be fun and interesting for her.
A lot! Between basic training and basic command training, seems there's almost always some sort of training going on. Even during play, training is happen, as most the time you are needing to redirect a puppy who finds it's way from the toy to your hand, when they stop to potty break while outside, getting them to settle down for the night, etc. :)
My pup is 9.5 weeks and I do sit, lie down, and come here with her about 3 times per day (with each session consisting of only 2 or 3 repetitions of each thing. She picked up sit and lie down quickly.

I do harness and lead training once per day, perhaps twice sometimes.

I have just started a 'calm' command which is once per day when she's overtired and still zooming.

And that's all I do at the moment. So it's massively less than what you're doing which worries me slightly. But it sounds like your dog is older than mine as she must've had all her vaccinations.

My pup is also not very food orientated. She doesn't hugely care about treats (she will very quickly lose interest in a puzzle toy) so training is difficult.

when accustoming her to a body-harness, I'd have her wear it during meals - then, when she finishes eating, not only does she associate the harness with a happy event [brekkie / dinner], but also, she's already "dressed" for a potty-trip - a full meal will put pressure on her bladder, so MEALS are one of the triggers for potty-trips. ;)

- terry

Where are you finding out what and how to train your pup?

Emily Larlham AKA KikoPup is a wonderful trainer - she grew-up in the U-S, trained here for years, then fell in love while abroad, & moved across the ocean to join her partner. :(
Our loss, but U only get one life to choose, & I hope they're very, very happy. :)

Emily never suggests anything confrontational or overbearing; no use of force, no flooding, no threatening behavior. A very reliable, safe source for training & B-Mod advice.

[Zak George calls himself a pos-R trainer, but is very prone to loom over dogs & intimidate them with posture, body language, or movement; I don't care how many treats rain down, subtle intimidation is still intimidation. JMO & IME, YMMV.]

- terry

I have always felt Zak George is a bit intimidating too.
I think one problem with some trainers is they grew up and gained experience with dogs like border collies. They then think that what worked with them is ok for other types.