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How Much To Feed

princess libby

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We have a 4 month old puppy, he's from a good breeder but small and wont reach'show height', we just love him as a great pet. onething confuses us - just howmuch should he be eating at his age. I use puppy pouch food but it seems so expensive. can i include human food? confused! any tips welcome.
You should really have been given an information sheet with him, especially for a new puppy owner.

Have a look at the FAQ section on feeding, it is very comprehensive. Natural feed is excellent, but if you think it's a bit daunting, try a good quality puppy complete food. It can be fed dry, but youngsters often like it moist, so allow it to soak in a little water for an hour or so before feeding time. He should be on 3 meals a day at 4 months of age. Don't swap his food about, it can cause tummy upsets, so change over to a new type of food over a week, a little of the new food at first, then increase the new and decrease the old. I think everyone gives their whippets a little of their food, but make sure it isn't poisonous to dogs - chocolate is highly toxic and several other foods are as well, again, see FAQ.

Welcome to k9 and good luck with your puppy, there are always plenty of people on here to give advice BUT ............... we do like lots and lots of piccies of puppies :wub: :wub: !! :p
Hi, why not ring your breeder and ask what they advise. A 4 month old puppy should be on 3 or 4 meals daily.
my Monty is 4 months old and he is on at least 3 meals a day - 4 if he's looking a bit light :wacko:

in a normal day he will have cooked mince, veg and mixer and premium dry puppy food (not all at the same time), plus he'll have scrambled egg, mixer and goats milk every couple of days or so, plus whatever he manages to steal, whether its edible or not :rant:

he eats like a horse, probably twice as much as my other dogs put together!! :eek: and he isn't fat at all

follow the advice already given on this thread and trust what your eyes and hands tell you :thumbsup:

and post some pics soon please :)
My Ninnys 5 months and on 4 meals a day but will soon be going down to 3. she has ceraila in a morning eather wheatabixs porrige or a coupel of times a week scrabeled eggs. Her cerail is mixed with goats milk now but was mixed with puppy milk up to last month.

She has 2 meat meals one a complet dry puppy food with a bit of warm ater added and the other is chicken beef or lame with pasta cous cous or rice and some cooked bleaned veg added. I make the home cooked meat meals and freeze them so just zap them in the micro wave every day.

At night she has some biscuits and goats milk for supper just a few to keep her going over night.

each pup is differnt though Ninnys very stockey and well bulit and eats well Indy had the same meals when she was a pup and infact is such a poor eater she still has 4 meals a day at 9 months and theres nothing to her shes allways a skinny begger. It is a worry feed ing pups but if she looks bright eyed and happy I wouldnt worry
thanks for the tips, will cetainly try to be a bit more imaginative with the food for him. Have tried to put on photo as requested, hope it works! This is Toby at about 3 months!
Hi, and welcome to k9. Your puppy is approaching the most rapid growth period. He needs to be fed as much as he will eat. You should see his tummy is full after meal, no hollow behind his ribs. It is not really very useful to say how much is right. It depends on your pups size and metabolism. His food intake will be also increasing day by day during this period. His growth will slow down at about 7-8 months and after that he will grow only marginally, but will still be filling up and developing. So his food intake needs will change accordingly. As far what kind of food to give, it is perfectly fine to give him the same veg and potatos you are having, my dogs like especially pumpkin, mix some meat (raw or cooked) with his kibble, get some chicken necks or wings and feed raw. As long as he is nicely covered, with just hint of ribs and his hip bones and has nice soft shiny coat, you know he is fine. :luck:

when posting pics make sure they are smaller than 75kb, or they will not come through
thanks for the advice, unbelievably Toby was taken ill the next day after my posting with stomach probs and after xray incase he swallowed something, he was diagmosed with gastro enteritis and had loads of jabs and is now on antibiotics. He is now a lot better follwoing a few days of chicken and rice, cooked at home. Any tips for a plain diet for the next few weeks, i was recommended a kibble type food.

Chicken and very soft boiled rice is the best. I read that pureed pumpkin is also good for upset tummy. Just try it adding teaspoon at first. If you want to go back to his kibble, moisten it and also add just little bit to his food. If all is OK keep increasing the amount of kibble while reducing the rice. Few days later substitute boiled chicken with raw beef mince. Just change one thing at a time, and wait couple of feeds before making another change.

hope he is feeling better. Pups often get upset tummy, as long as it is dealt with promptly it is not much to worry abput. :luck: :luck: :luck:
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princess libby said:
thanks for the advice, unbelievably Toby was taken ill the next day after my posting with stomach probs and after xray incase he swallowed something, he was diagmosed with gastro enteritis and had loads  of jabs and is now on antibiotics. He is now a lot better follwoing a few days of chicken and rice, cooked at home. Any tips for a plain diet for the next few weeks, i was recommended a kibble type food.
He so cute :huggles:
Sorry to hear about Toby not being well. Not sure if this is the cause, but changes in diet must be very gradual. Don't suddenly make changes to what you feed pups or you could cause a severe stomach upset.
Toby is so cute! :huggles:
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Please post more (and bigger!) pictures of Toby!! He looks like such an angel :wub: :wub: