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How Much Do You Feed Your Greyhound?


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I don't know whether I'm over/under feeding, or feeding about the right amount for my greyhound. She's quite small, about 25kg and I have these plastic mug measury things from my local pet food store. I use dry food and was told to feed about 1 1/2 mugs per day plus a couple of spoons of wet food to increase the taste. The mug things say 185g when full. Does this make sense, and does it sound okay? What can you suggest? Thanks for your help, I've been getting a bit worried, because I know how important it is not to over or under feed and can't quite get a definite answer anywhere.

Would it matter that she occasionally nicks a mouthful of cat food? 'Cos she tries to do that a bit, and she's faster than me!
How does she look??

Is she looking too ribby??

I've been told to go by how the dog looks, if she looks like she's puuting weight on reduce the amount of food and if she looks like she loosing, increase the amount of food.

I've got half whippet, half greyhound and she's just gone to 19kgs from a little over 20kgs.

Does she eat all the food you give her or is she leaving any...could be she might need a change of food??
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If shes not raing you want her on a dry food less than 21% proten give her the amout you allready are if shes not eatn it all in 15 mins take it up. it can sometimes take time to work out what tipe an how much to give them. but keep an eye on her is shes looking thin up it a bit and if shes putting weight on eathe reduce her food or up her exercise. I know my greyhounds have slightly sell in the winter as there not getting quiet as much exrecies. In the sumer were out for hours so they do need more.

Iv never been one to let my lot get big and my 10 years old lads are only a 1or 2 more then when they raced.

Dont panick about feeding it is realy comon sence. One trick if your girls allays hungy and wanting biger meals than she needs is to ad veg to her meals it will fill her up withoiut adding weight. I grate carrots and stuff in my greey ones food. If you have qa good vet you should just be abell to pop her in to be weighed. i would say onec a months enghe to you get used to her habit and how she should look
I to go by how William looks if he looks as though he is losing weight I give him extra if he looks as if he is getting fat I cut him down(never happened yet) .

William is a big lad and I would imagine he probably now weighs at least 40 kilos and he curtainly is not fat He gets 2 meals a day one before I go to work at 5.30 am and the other at 7.30 pm
Well her weight doesn't seem to be changing but she seems to always be hungry, she tries to get the cat's food a lot. I might increase it a bit and see how we go from there. I checked out protein levels and what she was previosly fed on before I got her and from that point of view all is okay. Though she gets more exercise now than when she was in the kennels so I might just add a little. I already feed two smaller meals, not one big meal. Thanks for your tips, very comforting to know and I think I'm doing okay.
Dont up her food just cos she seams hungry grehounds and whippets are the bigest scavingers and theves going they will pinch anything and try to take any food left out its not that there hungry is cos its there. i can feed my lot till they are stuffed then put somthing on a kitchen work top a peace of stayal breed anything and they will pinch it. if her weighet is staying the same just carry on as she is dont let her fool you there good at that :D
I feed mine Oscars and according to their weight they should get 5oz per meal but I tried that and they lost weight so I now feed 6oz per meal and they hold their weight fine.

If she looks a bit ribby or like she's losing feed a bit more until she looks better, then fiddle a bit to find a maintenance amount. It's hard to say "you should feed x amount" because it varies dog to dog in my opinion. :thumbsup:
Its sounds roughly like the amount my smallest greyhound (25kg) eats. I find that apart from one greedy guts, mine stop eating when they are full. (Anything stolen is just a treat!)

Now she is very old she also gets a 1/2 tub Naturediet breakfast in addition to a dinner that size, and biscuits in between.

How many ribs are showing? A racing dog often has up to 3 showing, but when they have retired, you can't usually see any, unless they are kept very fit.

The odd scrambled egg won't hurt if you want a bit more weight on. If you really need to add weight, a handful of suet a day does the trick.


PS Check that she was recently wormed, just in case.
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The rib thing confuses me cos I can't see any, I feel them but they don't stick out. She stops when she's had enough if I give her more food. I'm not sure about her hip bones, should you be able to feel them? She's been wormed, and is due again in May.
if you carnt see an outline of any ribs or her pin bone top of her hips she realy dosent want to put any more weight on shes is on the big side. you could up her excerisiv a bit to tone her more may be. take some pics of her qand let us have a look please
My old girl did not eat much all she had was 2meals a day and that was 1 mug and a hand full of bislcuts and that would do her and if I give too much she would have the runs and she was about 25 to 27kg.

But Fleet is different he need a lot more as he is a big lad. When he went for his booster in Feb he was nearly 45kg and only 13 months. Must days he will have:

morning 280gram of biscult and chicken

Miday biscults.

3:00 Treats and disent chew.

Tea same as morning.

and super sardins and handful of biscults.

He has always got biscults down just in case he gets hurry inbtween the day and by the end of the day there have gone too.

He is not fat he looks just right, but he is still maturing.
My ex-racer Dillon (pet name) Castleland Pride (racing name) will eat until he pops if you let him. All dogs will eat and eat and Greys are no exception. We can not leave bread about as it disapeares and Dillon is the culprit, if we let him loose in hompride bakery over night not a slice would be left by morning. You need to look at your dog and decide with your own eyes wether you are over feeding. Dillon when racing was 33.5Kg and is now 44Kg and stands 70cm to the shoulder, and is now seven years old. He does not look fat or thin, you can still see the outline of his ribs and the top of his hip. When it comes down to it look at other Greys and judge the size and shape of them against yours. If it is not racing the weight is not a crucial, however a fat Grey is not a healthy dog.