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How Do You Decide...

bring it on brind

Someone had to lower the tone :lol:
Well I'm going to be paranoid now and keep checking my topics to see if people have replied or not ........... and then, if they haven't replied, I'm going to be forever wondering if they just didn't have time or whether I've upset them :unsure:

Oh dear :(
Well I'm going to be paranoid now and keep checking my topics to see if people have replied or not ........... and then, if they haven't replied, I'm going to be forever wondering if they just didn't have time or whether I've upset them :unsure:
Oh dear :(
They didn't have time silly ... can't imagine you'd upset anyone much, your replies are usually so measured :)

After repeatedly and I felt pointedly being given the cold shoulder by one person with good reason to post a reply in a number of my threads I decided I could either let it get to me or accept it as evidence that I, still posting in this person's threads, was the nicer individual :)
That's twice tonight my post has come up twice ... think K9 has gremlins!
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Well I'm going to be paranoid now and keep checking my topics to see if people have replied or not ........... and then, if they haven't replied, I'm going to be forever wondering if they just didn't have time or whether I've upset them :unsure:
Oh dear :(
Aw Janey, don't start checking, I don't...I like to have replies to threads, but don't take a register!!!

The chances of you upsetting someone unintentially is not very likely at all!!!
I love to browse the pics and must admit sometime I don,t reply ,...called away from the comp. at work and computer say No . Also I like to keep my opinions to myself ,I,v see so many people shot down on here .

So I am sorry if I have not replied to everyones topic :D :p ,but I,m not on here THAT much ,pop in pop out . More time spent on that other site :blink:
id like to think im much the same as everyone else, but i have noticed recently that i will quickly scan through what new topics/posts there just to see what going on with the intent on replying later,

then later looking through remebering i have read it and thinking i have replied :wacko: and so forgetting to reply :b
That tends to happen to me too Katie. :b Sometimes I can't think of anything different to say to what's already been said and I feel a bit daft just saying exactly the same as someone else! If I see a thread which has dropped down the page and nobody's said anything I try to reply because it's not very nice when that happens to you. :(
I do like the thing they have on face book were you dont ahve to say anything to a post you can just press like thats the bst why for me when it come to pics and stuff may be i should just put a :thumbsup: on things
I do like the thing they have on face book were you dont ahve to say anything to a post you can just press like thats the bst why for me when it come to pics and stuff may be i should just put a :thumbsup: on things
I was thinking that as well - at least it shows you've had a look even if you can't think of something to say! :p
Its a shame a few of you are reluctant to post in case you get knockeddown if you don't agree with someone. It shouldn't be like that we are

all entitled to our own opinion.
and this is why we have the new thing ;) ;)
What's the new thing - I'm intrigued?????

I try to reply to threads started by people I know, or friends - but time doesn't always allow me to. Now that I have to check Facebook as well - I don't know where the time goes :unsure: I always "View New Posts" but I have to admit, I don't get time to read posts in sections I am not involved in - unless the topic heading is an interesting one, and I just have to look :D I hope no one is ever offended if I don't reply to their posts, I don't think I have ever intended to not reply to anyone. I love to check on FAO every day too - but I don't always get there - I just wish there were more hours in the day, days on the week, weeks in the year etc etc :lol:
I do like the thing they have on face book were you dont ahve to say anything to a post you can just press like thats the bst why for me when it come to pics and stuff may be i should just put a :thumbsup: on things
I was thinking that as well - at least it shows you've had a look even if you can't think of something to say! :p
Well on the 'other thing' :lol:

Feel free to pop in with just a :) or a :thumbsup: to say you've been there.


Jane as if anybody would think your ignoring them,

your to nice to do that sort of thing :*
I am an avid reader but must admit that I don't reply a lot, I'm a bit shy!! :b
More time spent on that other site :blink:
Hi Lizzy, you can say TWF on this topic :lol:


It always makes me laugh when we call TWF the other side or the dark side

and when on TWF it's K9 that's the other/dark side. We nearly all use both

forums, with the same name so we all know who's who...... :lol:
Speak for yourself Ann :p Some of us are terrible reprobates/desperate criminals and aren't allowed on 'the other side', or maybe that should be 'the side that shall not be named' lol.
I always try to reply when someones dog has died . Whatever differences we all have and some of us are friends and some of us are not we are all on a site like this because we love dogs . So the loss of a dog is a terrible thing and on a site like this there are people who really understand the pain of it . In the outside world a lot of people are not "doggy " people and really do not understand :(
i tend to not post much at all due to the very spiteful personal attacks ive witnessed over my time being here , i enjoy reading who is doing what , whats going on in peoples lives etc but hardly post for fear of upsetting someone or saying wrong thing , ive made some brilliant friends and happy they are in my life , but i cant take the personal attacks, many others have also stopped posting pics and threads for same reason :(

but to all the good friends ive made , LOVE YA LOADS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx