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How Do I Stop My 6 Month Old Jack Eating His Poo!!!!??


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I have a 6 mth old Jack Rusell and since day one he has taken to eating his poo every time! I have tried the tablets that are supposed to make it taste vile (as if it didn't already!) but they have made no difference. Now he thinks it's a game and if I go and check on him and he's eating he will continue while looking at me even though he can hear me telling him to stop and knows I'm coming towards him.

I have always cleaned up immediately after him so he's not doing it to be clean, he eats enough and it's good quality stuff because apparently that makes them poo less often as they use up much more in their bodies.

Tearing my hair out! Please help!
That's really horrible and I just do t know how you sort it.

Have you spoken to your vet?

Welcome to Dog Forum btw!
He's really got your attention hasn't he? Just the way he wants it!! Try ignoring him!

I know it's revolting - humans do - but some dogs just love it, Even my sweetest girl will grab the occasional mouthful. She doesn't bother so much if she thinks I don't care!
I've seen various bits of advice to feed them pineapple because that makes it taste vile etc etc, but I've never seen anything that works 100% of the time I'm afraid. I think that a lot of this comes down to a combination of his age and the likelihood that his body isn't using up all of the nutrients in his food because he's on a richer puppy food (I assume he's on that because of his age?).

I'm afraid that the only thing I've seen that works all of the time is training. If you train him to go to the loo in front of you (reward and encouragement based) either on command or when lead walking, then you can be ready with the bag so that he doesn't have the chance to eat it. If your rewards outweigh his 'lovely snack' then he will choose the rewards over the poo- well that's the theory anyway.

JRTs are really clever little dogs, so I'd encourage you to start just with giving him the words you want to use as a cue when you see him going to the loo at the moment and then giving him a yummy reward and in a few days' time you can then say the word when you want him to go and you think he may be about ready to go, and then reward him if he goes for you. That will increase the chances that he'll do it in future etc etc.

Molly goes to the loo as soon as possible after starting a walk, as close to me as she can, and if possible also at the side of the poo bin so I don't have to carry it round with me. She knows it's what I want and it also ensures that she will go in a place where I can pick it up easily and not half way across a park where you slide around in the mud and then can't find it.
Thank you for the welcome and the advice. He is certainly a clever little pup but a little bit too much so!

Have tried ignoring him and keeping a covert eye on him but he seems hell bent on eating it!!

Hopefully it is an age thing too and he'll realise there are better things in life. The vets just advise what I've already been told/have read.

Watch this space, maybe I can impart some miraculous words of wisdom one day! ;)
How is your aim ??? how about a water pistol which you can fire at him from a distance to discourage him, it seems nothing has deterred him yet but being shocked by a squirt of cold water may make him think twice, i mean a big water pistol by the way like a super soaker, this means you wont have to get too close to him , hearing you comming may just make him eat it quicker, this way you can give him a squirt at the slightest interest or sniff at it, along with a loud LEAVE IT ! .

Dogs do some gross stuff dont they lol.
I tried hot chilli powder today - and he ate it!!!

Have tried the water pistol idea and he just thought that was fun!

Will continue on my quest for salvation!! Thanks again for all the replies.
You can get something called pet corrector, its just compressed air in a can which makes a loud hiss as you depress the nozzle ,it s a noise dogs are not familiar with and as such it startles them, you may need to get fairly close for it to be effective but you dont need to point it right at him, the noise should make him jump with which you can then give the command NO or LEAVE IT , then as he leaves the poo reward him for coming away , pick the poo up and dispose of it.
Thank you, I will try anything! He is a cunning little pup, suppose I shouldn't have got a Terrier if I wanted an easy life! :rolleyes:
lol, terriers are an acquired taste, it makes me laugh when people talk about getting an easy to cope with dog and mention JRT >_< they soon change their minds when i tell them not all good things come in small packages :>

We fostered a terrier cross a few years ago , he lived with us while looking for a new home for about 4 months, he left a huge hole in our hearts when he left, adorable and loving , but so much hard work, completely different mindset to our Labs, a nutter in the nicest way .
I do look at the obedient Labs plodding along beside their owners, never jumping up at passers-by, never nipping people who stop to say hello and think WHY???? Lol no seriously he is adorable and loving and plays so well with my 8 yr old daughter and I should be more patient as he is still so young but he loves his cuddles and when you know what he's just eaten the face to face contact loses its appeal!
Oh don't be disillusioned by Labs , they arn't all well behaved , some can be little buggers. Our boy Finlay loves to chase our others and rough them up just for the fun of it, Daisy is aloof and really only loves me she puts up with everyone else, Jessica rolls in fox poo and Inca..........ok Inca is a well behaved Lab.
Apparently, according to a text message I have just received, some vets recommend pineapple chunks mixed into the dog food?! I will give it a go but not looking forward to what will need to be cleared up!! :x

Watch this space!
Apparently, according to a text message I have just received, some vets recommend pineapple chunks mixed into the dog food?! I will give it a go but not looking forward to what will need to be cleared up!! :x

Watch this space!
I posted that right at the top ;)
Pineapple doesn't work !!! well it didnt work on mine lol.
Oops sorry eingana!!!! :>

Didn't get time to feed it to him this morning so he had pineapple chunks in his dinner, though I had to remove them from bowl and mash them up, although I had cut them into tiny chunks he was still able to lift them out of the bowl and dump them on the floor!

Will report back though not holding out much hope now Andrea if it didn't work for you.

I have an added problem now of one of my cats deciding to use the dog bed for a litter tray!!!!! :rant:

Tell me why I decided having animals was a good idea????!!!
If you have him on the lead surely he cannot do this ? You may have to keep him on the lead when out for a little while until he gets the message that you do not want him to do this . Or at least keep himm on the lead until he has done a poo .

This is something I just cannot stand and there's no way I would be ignoring this sort of behaviour . One of my whippets did this so much she would make herself ill .You would have diarrhoea almost all the time . In the end I had to muzzle her for a few months when out . She did eventually stop it but it took quite a bit of training for her to do so .
Hi Hula, He doesn't do anything when we're out and about just saves it all up til we get home!! I can't always have him on the lead in the garden, he needs to be able to get out whilst I get ready for work etc.

I am determined to sort this and have been searching for a solution since the first time I saw him do it.
The only way you can stop him doing this is to be there when he does it .

There are bacteria which happily live in the dogs large intestine but when they go elsewhere eg the stomach can make the dog ill .