If you want Haggis, you can get them mail order from a great company in Edinburgh, including vegetarian and low fat!!!
Haggi are very important in Scots culture (Haggi is the collective term for a herd of haggis') and non-meat alternatives are being continualyy developed to help preserve this endangered species.
They are one or the few animals that can outpace a whippet IF going around a hill anti-clockwise(due to back left and front legs being smaller to help run around inclines.
Haggi are very important in Scots culture (Haggi is the collective term for a herd of haggis') and non-meat alternatives are being continualyy developed to help preserve this endangered species.
They are one or the few animals that can outpace a whippet IF going around a hill anti-clockwise(due to back left and front legs being smaller to help run around inclines.