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Hiding pain


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It's often said that dogs are good at hiding pain. But to what extent do they curtail their favourite activities when in pain?

As you know, I'm often fretting about Jasper's joints. This morning, he chose to head for the woods, about a mile away, but halfway there he stopped, thought about it, and turned for home. When we got home, he insisted I threw some balls for him in the garden (which I worry isn't good for his joints, but he does enjoy it).

Because he's choosing to do these activities, can I assume that any aches and pains he has can't be that bad? I've just started him on Galliprant again to see if it makes a difference, but given that I suspect it caused tummy troubles before, wouldn't want to put him on pain meds before he needs them.
Adrenaline is a great override, as are oxytocin and dopamine. As with us, if they enjoy it enough or are excited enough, they can do things that would hurt if the hormones were not activated. This is what gets us to safety even when badly injured, or keeps us going even when it should be hurting. Afterwards - the hell with afterwards!
The answer is different depending on the dog - and the stimulus! We had a rickety old lurcher that could still do a Usain Bolt after a rabbit. And of course anybody who keep horses will have seen one that is totally lame in walk and trot- then sound in canter when let into the field with the others. You know your dog better than anyone so I guess so long as you think he's OK he probably is.;)