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Hi ~ Newbie Here.

Flexi leads can be dangerous with a running dog like a whippy unless attached to harness rather than collar as their liitle necks are delicate and could do serious damage if brought up short from full pelt at end of lead.

I suggest you find your lunge line or acquire well fitting harness. She sounds gorgeous and am looking forward to pics...
Thanks for the advice Loopy. Will dig out that lunge line asap. :thumbsup:
My little Lupin is half whippy and is the snuggliest most affectionate doglet imaginable :D . She likes to curl up behind my knees at night and is never far from my side. I'm sure you'll enjoy sleeping/walking/living with your lovely new girlie and only dispute will be whose bed she slithers into at night :) (probably yours)

I should ask vet to chip her straightaway if they think it's ok to do so atm.

Any ideas for names so far?
We have decided to call her Willow. We went through loads of names, but this seems to be the one we all agree on. :)
Willow is a lovely name!
Willow is a lovely name and well suited to a slender little whippety person :D

Hope you manage to post pics (when you have some) cos I'm totally hopeless at it :b
Hope all goes well for Willow today and you are able to bring her home soon. She sounds just lovely.

Hi and welcome to K9.

Looking forward to seeing pictures of Willow.

One of mine (Leia) broke her leg last year and we gave her 'knitbone' whilst she was recovering - you can get it from Dorwest Herbs.

I expect you are really excited about bringing her home now. I remember when we went from a no dog to a 1 dog household (w00t) and to avoid most of the mistakes we made I'd suggest you get a nice indoor cage for her when you cant be there to supervise. She'll probably cry on her first night as she'll be in unfamiliar surroundings, so it might help her to settle in if you put her cage in your bedroom. You can always move it out later when she is settled, or accept fate like most of us and accept the bed is not your own anymore...... :huggles:
Thanks for the well wishes and greetings everyone! :) This is a lovely forum.

Rae, I will look into Knitbone for Willow as well. Thanks for the tip and the advice. :thumbsup:
Evie said:
Thanks for the well wishes and greetings everyone!  :) This is a lovely forum.
Rae, I will look into Knitbone for Willow as well.  Thanks for the tip and the advice.  :thumbsup:

I bet you are so excited .

My dogs help themselves to my `comfry`plant , also known as knitbone , so they are mending bones before they break :lol:

Good luck with Willow :cheers:

See my "Meet my new baby" thread on here. It's got photos of my new babes. :D

Proud mama, me? Why yes!