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Here's Johnny !!!

:unsure: no idea about topic title god knows with fleesh. :lol: But I can tell you the blinking snow has reappeared. It snowed last night then melted this morning then snowed pretty heavy this afternoon (I got out of work 1 hour early) It was quite scary to drive in. :( Yes it has lay again but it could very well have melted by tommorow ;)
lol sentiments snow here at the moment but it's freezing brrrr :D
Well we woke up this morning with the heating on cos it has been so cold and we were sweating our socks off :oops: was real warm out but two hours later........johny is back (w00t) great big lumps of white stuff and it's settling too??
here's jonny is from the film the shineing with jack nickelson, he runs about in the snow until he freezes to death, but in one bit of the film he tries to kill his wife with a knife, he is behind a locked door saying to his wife here's johnny, thought this info would put you all clear on the thread by fleesh.
:cheers: well thanks for clearing that up 4 us thickies scotty lol :lol: well jonny is def back with a vengeance today about 6 inches up to now and still it keeps coming on and off :angry: and easington is cancelled :( bigges maine handicap was also cancelled this morning. :( the kids round here love it though they all out making snowmen and sledging down hills etc :p me im sitting posting things on k9 with my heating on full :lol:
OMG the snow's back here with avengence!!! (w00t)

About 3 - 4 inches in less than an hour and it's still snowing :thumbsup:

Any one else woke up to snow?
(w00t) LOL thanks for clearing the topic title matter up for me Scotty I couldn't do it as I was laughing too much. Everything I tried to type just came out the wrong way (no doubt I'll bet that's the way that Karen was thinking :p )

Snowed here again last night and was starting to freeze but luckily this morning the sun was out and the snow is melting. Just shifted the car into the sunshine but the snow was already melting in the shade.

I was gonna type something else lol ... but I've forgotten what ... :b

:blink: :blink: AArgh early mornings lol
Lovely sunshine up here and getting milder every day just in time for the gripper bend open next week at Ayr. :D
After 4" of snow on Thursday night in the south coast, it thawed in time to start training at Fordingbridge today. It was a frosty night and morning but the ground was suitable by about mid day. So the first real training session was completed today and a few youngsters had good runs as well as prominent racers such as Mayhem and Spider's Lady.
i really wish it would snow heavy so the bus cant get me to college oh what a shame that would be lol :p
;) the snow is still here inwalssend (yes i have been out tongiht soz) took me about 10 mins to waklk 50 yards hopme to my house its turned to ice now dont know if it a mixture of drink etc but very very slippyn :oops: