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Here At Last

It's great they've found a new home, are they settling in well? They look :wub:
They are rescues. I'm told there owner (lady) died at an early age from Alzheimers (RIP) and the husband couldn't cope as he was working long hours. We've only had them a couple of days but they are settling in beautifully. Gave them a bath today as it was so warm and they are like velvet. Just cuddled up to us this evening and were a picture of contentment - that's us and them!! What more could one want - a loving partner and a pair of loving whippies. :D
What a lovely end to what might have been a very sad situation for these two beautiful girls. :) :) They seemed to have settled in really quickly. :wub: :huggles: :wub: :huggles: :wub: Well done for taking them on.
How lovely that you could take them both on and share them with us! :huggles: :huggles: They are beautiful!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: