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Hopes she settles down for you tonight :luck: Tia sister is the same (w00t) (Lois)Looking at her,you would'nt think butter melted in her mouth o:) o:) I ,m sorry she being very naughty night times :b
I would definaty try feeding her earlier and the cover over the crate, hope you find a routine that works for you both :thumbsup:
daledogs said:
Hopes she settles down for you tonight :luck:   Tia sister is the same (w00t) (Lois)Looking at her,you would'nt think butter melted in her mouth o:)   o:)   I ,m sorry she being very naughty night times :b
aww dawn no need to say sorry its not your fault :huggles: its ours :- " shes spoilt rotten :- " i mean who could resist that little face ....

Esme was the puppy from hell as far as this sort of thing was concerned. The screaming (and I really mean screaming- she has a serious temper on her) when we put her to bed went on for weeks- (about 6). In the end we got a blanket, a duvet and some off cuts of of carpet and covered her crate with them, so noone could hear the screaming and left her. I don't know how long the screaming went on, but no one could hear her so it didn't matter. She loves her bed now and takes her self off at about 10 and waits to be shut in.

Good luck, I know how ghastly it feels having no sleep because of a devil puppy.
jue332 said:
I would definaty try feeding her earlier and the cover over the crate, hope you find a routine that works for you both  :thumbsup:
Nicky, only just caught up with this thread. How really exhausting (w00t) -_- (w00t)

I am much less experienced than you are - and have one of Dawn's boys which is a different kettle of fish :clown: but I did find that when Tito scoffed the cat's fish and rice late at night he had to wake at 2.30 for a pee. I tend to feed him his last meal at 8 ish. I have him in a crate by the side of the bed (from about 10.30 - I'm too wacked to go any later) and cover it apart from the front with a fleece throw. I hate to say this but he has not whined once not even the first night :- " But then boys have different problems - like humping their squeaky toy :blink: GOOD LUCK TONIGHT :huggles:
This is exactly how Mabli was but two nights ago I tuffed it out and instead of playing with her and feeding her every time she woke up I put her out for a wee then straight back to bed and although she was very vocal it only lasted 15 mins and she went back to sleep and that seemed to be the turning point - last night she slept straight through from 12pm to 6.45 am - oh the relief (w00t) I was just about to drop with exhaustion and my poor OH couldn't even whisper to me without me biting his head off :oops:

AS others have suggested, cover the crate with a blankie & I also cover the puppy with one. A warm woollen blanket over them, head & all, mine love it. I still have to tuck the boys in every night & they're almost 3 years old now, big babies :wub:

:D yes iv got a blanket which she gets tucked in with at night ,my boys love to be tucked in to with ther blankets and i already have blankets covering all the cages :thumbsup: thanks again for all the advise what would i do without all you lovely k9ers :*
lets hope your now tucked up in bed fast a -_- nicky

with little madame :- " sound a -_- in her crate :wacko:
Been there Nicky and I sympathise with you :huggles: Kane on the whole was very good but I was tougher I think because Spry was a little sod for being lively at night it got to a stage where at 9 oclock it was forget everything else and play with her until she was totally knackered just so she would go to sleep, otherwise I didnt get any sleep -_-

Just to reassure you I've added a couple of posts I put on in the past and have seen a lot more since then you're definatley not alone but it gets better :huggles:

These things seem so long ago now Spry and Kane are best mates now :huggles: they all sleep as long as possible and even now if one of them is in season kane might do a pee on the floor rare but I think it's a terratorial thing, like these are MY bitches,even though there is only Spry who would even entertain him :lol:
Actually I have just re-read that first link I put on and he was lovely at night but what a sod he was during the day if I went out (w00t) and do you know I'd forgotten so it can't have been that bad :lol: ANDhe is the worst theif ever from the worktops so my prediction was right :lol:
MYsister has recently got a whippet x collie pup,it howled and whined terrible they have kids, so kids woke up,neighbours woke up so things looked pretty bleek for the pup,they had fallen out with the neighbours and eachother.Then i read about the DAP diffuser told them to give it a try,she now only wakes up for a pee then back to sleep til 6am every morming.
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After reading all this advice I feel quite ashamed of myself...I have Murphy in my bed!! Anything for a good night's kip. Crap advice I know,but it works for me! Blue and Coco sleep on my kid's beds and Daisy sleeps on sofa. Advice gets worse!! I'll shut up now.

Good luck hun :huggles:
(w00t) well i had a good nights sleep last night ,cant say the same for me other half thou :- " :lol: he was awake with her till 4am then she slept till7am :thumbsup:
good lord....what was she doing?? (w00t)
she was locked in her cage and he was on the settee and she just wouldnt settle until 4am ,poor rich hes shattered now :- " :my turn tonight thou :sweating:
Have you tried covering her over completely Nicky with a furry blanket or such, mine used to settled better with that , they sleep like that now, if I don't cover them over when they go to bed they are not impressed, I've got up before now when OH has gone to bed after me and not covered them (w00t)