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Help! Puppy not eating!


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Hi All - I wonder if someone can advise please? Brought my standard poodle puppy home last Sunday and he’s settled in really well. However, tonight he’s off his food and generally “sulky”? Sounds odd I know but he’s just not himself. He’s drinking, will take treats if offered. Should I give him some boiled chicken? How long can a 9 week old puppy go without food? He doesn’t appear to be in pain. He’s peeing quite a bit - just small puddles. Been doing well with house training all week but seems to have regressed slightly?
Thanks in advance.
How are his poos? Has he been wormed recently?
Boiled chicken is good if he's not eating his regular food and if he's got a gippy tummy. Given his age I'd take him to the vet on Monday if he's not improved (and ring tomorrow for phone advice if he gets worse). It would be worth telling the breeder as well in case it's something that might have been bubbling up before he left his litter that might affect his siblings.
Thanks Judy - we’ve had 1 loose bowel movement this evening. Otherwise playful. Enthusiastic for treats. Drinking ok and peeing. I’m wondering if I’ve overdone the treats today which has made his usual food seem a little uninteresting?