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I have a rescue dog (mongrel) now 1 year old. We have recently moved to the uk from Turkey. (I brought 2 dogs with me) older dog is fine but young dog is getting into a barking frenzy when out walking when we pass people or other dogs. Im getting to the stage where i am considering not walking him anymore but know this is not right. Please any adivce....thank you
Did this happen in Turkey too? What is different here?
Yes but not as bad as it is here. He would bark but only randomly. Here he is doing it at everyone and is much more agressive.
Was he well socialised in Turkey. Did he have freedom to roam or was he confined and not able to mix with lots of dogs and people?

Did you own him in Turkey or is he new to you? If he is new to you it will take him a while to bond and feel relaxed.

The most common cause of aggression is fear. Fear of strange dogs/people/places/objects. Obviously lots of things are strange for him at the moment. The fight/flight response is very strong in dogs. They do not reason it out like we do they just go straight into fight or flight.

Until you know what it is that is causing his fear I would only take him to places he is relaxed and comfortable in. Stay as relaxed as you can when he gets upset. Don't tighten the lead. This causes dogs to pick up our anxiety down the lead and makes things much worse. Some dogs improve when owners just stop tightening the lead when they see other dogs and people. Give him space around the things that upset him. Be prepared to divert to a place he can feel more comfortable away from whichever fear stimulus is upsetting him.
Thank you so much for the advice. I have been avoiding situations as much as i can. He is doing well as we arr staying at my mums house atm and he is getting on well with her dog. He is getting better when my nieces arrive its mostly outside with other dogs. He did have some socialising in turkey but not as much as my older dog i guess. Normally he is a lovely little boy. I get what you are saying about my stress but im afraid other dog owners on our walk dont understand. They are not very friendly towards me when henry starts barking.
The other dog owners are, understandably, worried for the safety of their beloved dogs. You need to apologise well in advance about his behaviour and tell them that it is all fear based. Tell them, where possible, that he needs more space.

You can buy bright yellow jackets for dogs that state "I Need Space" on them. This tells other owners not to let their dogs approach yours. It is a wonderful idea and I have seen lots of dogs wearing them and coping better around other dogs.

There is a technique called "Bar Open" - "Bar Closed" where you produce fantastic treats and give them to your dog the minute you spot another dog. Keep up the flow of treats the whole time the other dog is around (bar open). Once the other dog goes away the bar closes and the treats stop.

This can change the dog's mind about the presence of other dogs. Instead of dreading them he looks forward to seeing another dog because it means lots of lovely treats.

You still have to work at socialising, using distance etc, but it can help in tight situations.