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Help Please With Nervous Rescue Dog


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Can anyone give advice please.I have a rescue dog who is very nervous,she is roughly 11 years old and has always enjoyed long walks on the beach but has suddenly started freezing to the spot as soon as she gets out of the car to start her walk,she slips her harness and just sits by the car and wont move.
Have you had her long ?? I have fostered rescue dogs with all kinds of issues, can you think of any time where getting out of the car has led to a bad experience for her ? or has any walk on the beach ended in a non too positive way ? does she only do it when your at the beach ? what breed is she ? sory for all the questions but it gives a clearer picture of what may have led her to change her response.
Hi Andrea,

I have had honey since she was 11months old she was a rescue dog from the streets of Sheffield,she has never been any trouble to take for walks and cannot think of any bad experienceswhen on her walks.This freezing behaviour happens where ever she goes,we have tried walks in the park,woods other beaches but still the same ending.Honey is a Collie cross with what i dont know.She has a lovely nature and is very trusting.
As a dog ages as with humans there senses become less acute, she could be nervous due to maybe her hearing or sight deteriorating, thus rendering her wary , in cases like this getting her checked over by your vet may be a good idea . Collies are a breed who live on their nerves and if nothing till now has given her a nervous disposition i think a check up may be your first call.

if this proves nothing wrong then you may need to treat every trip out in the car as a new experience for her and make it a positive not negative, treat her for getting in the car then take her out so that you break her expectations, then drive to a park treat her for getting out put her back in a and drive home this breaks her expectation, small baby steps treating for a positive response but not treating a negative.
Hi Andrea

I have already had her checked at the vets when she had her boosters and nothing was found.Honey has been nervous ever since I have had her,I will try your suggestions.Thank you.Carolyn.
Good luck , i hope you get to the bottom of this.x
Can you recall exactly when this started happening?