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Help Needed.. New Puppy


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Hi all, first post on here but need pointing in the right direction

We have a retired racing whippit (Floyd) who has been with us for a couple of years now but has grown an aversion to other dogs since being on his own with us. When he was at his previous home he was around other whippits no problem. Now, my 13 year old son has grown such a bonding with him and the breed he wants to get a puppy to train for racing. Do other members think that our dog will be OK with a new puppy? and would it be best to get a dog or bitch?

Also if anyone knows of any pups for sale please PM me?

Thank you in advance,

Kevin Vine
Where do you live, l might know where there is a dog pup ready for taking. Whippets are usually good around there own kind. As you have a dog probable a dog, :))
I would get a dog pup, introduce it carefully to the resident dog, most important, do not give the new pup attention over your older dog. Make sure your original whippet feels secure with a newcomer and doesn't feel pushed out.

Good luck. :luck:
how old is your dog? where do u live? u cud find out where tour nearest track is and pop along with your dog and c wot hes like with other whippets and also u wud find out about litters etc. all my whippets hate other breeds but r fine with both whippets and greyhounds very strange but most r like this i think lol
I think everyone has gone off track, the OP just wanted advice on getting a puppy and how it will get on with his rescue dog.
I think everyone has gone off track, the OP just wanted advice on getting a puppy and how it will get on with his rescue dog.
he allso said he wanted a pup to train for racing so nobody gone off track
not quite sure how this has gone off track as the person asked how his older dog wud get on with a whippet puppy which wud b bought to race. dont think anyone has gone off track :wacko:
not quite sure how this has gone off track as the person asked how his older dog wud get on with a whippet puppy which wud b bought to race. dont think anyone has gone off track :wacko:
Is this Floyd from Bert Madgwick, if it is then maybe Bert could give the best advice, if not then just take things very slowly with the new pup if you get one. See how Floyd reacts when he sees the new puppy in a cage at first and take it steady from there.
Sometimes whippets can be friendly to their own kind but very unsociable to other breeds, i would try intergrating him into a small group of other dogs e.g. take him for a walk with a neighbours dog or have a family member bring a dog over if available and integrate them slowly. If it is 2 in one he was good with whippets with Jane and Bert and introduced to several pup's so if done in the correct manner i am sure he would be fine, I wish you all the luck in your search and the Floyd puppy bonding!
Just to let you know we picked up our new puppy from Lincoln on Sunday and she has settled in very well. Floyd is still wary of her but is getting better by the day. We have named the Puppy Holly.
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So glad you managed to get a puppy closer to home too... :thumbsup:
Just to let you know we picked up our new puppy from Lincoln on Sunday and she has settled in very well. Floyd is still wary of her but is getting better by the day. We have named the Puppy Holly.
best of luck with your puppy and wellcome to our world of whippet racing . Floyd will come round I'm sure , he is used to living in a doggy environment and the 2 BECOME ONE line have excellent tempraments
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Just to let you know we picked up our new puppy from Lincoln on Sunday and she has settled in very well. Floyd is still wary of her but is getting better by the day. We have named the Puppy Holly.
Hope Floyd takes to Holly.Think she will make a cracking pet and a cracking racing dog good :luck: :luck: :thumbsup: will keep in touch daz n sarah
Just to let you know we picked up our new puppy from Lincoln on Sunday and she has settled in very well. Floyd is still wary of her but is getting better by the day. We have named the Puppy Holly.
:luck: with Holly, she's certainly bred for racing ;)