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Help needed asap! please!


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I have a 3 year old chihuahua which I have had since he was a pup. I have a son who has just turned 1 and up until now since he was born , my chi has been good with him. Always wary because he is a little dog and is quite sensitive anyway but nevertheless they have played together. Until he started walking this past couple of weeks. All of a sudden my chi has been so scared and nervous. He is not himself. I keep my son away from him (they are never together on their own ) but my chi is just too nervous. He will yelp if he comes near or sometimes if I go to stroke him and he's off guard. He doesn't want to play anymore, come out of his bed, walk around the house or go outside. I can't see anything physical wroung with him and he was recently at the vets 2 weeks ago for check up and booster and he seemed fine. He is eating but not as much as usual and he is going to toilet ok but he is not the same dog anymore. He has Been like this for about a week now. I don't know what to do apart from taking him to vets again to double check but I think he seems depressed. Has anyone had a similar experience?

Also since our son is our first child and no nephews or nieces or many friends with children when we got him, he isn't socialised with kids. Great with people and when we have taken him out he is great with older children who are gentle. But my son is at that age where he is throwing toys about and walking and I think it's scared him. I never want to lose my dog. I love him to bits and want to make him happy again.advice please anyone. Thanks.
Is it possible your son has toppled onto him or been rough with him? obviously he is a baby and dosent know any better but i would take the dog back to the vet..if you had a vets visit 2 weeks ago and the dog has only only been like this a week something has gone on since the visit. I would get him back asap for a check up. Be sure to give the dog his space and maybe put him somewhere the little one cant get anywhere near him..even if he hasnt got an injury the dog has become fearful and that may cause him to could be just something as simple as the baby looking quite scary now he is on his feet and not crawling..but the baby could have plopped down on the dog and injured him with out you noticing..get him checked..good luck x
Have him checked for any bumps etc, if he is ok, intregate your son in some doggy play, get the dog to sit etc, but let your son to give him a treat for being a good dog.

If it is feed time for your dog, let your child put the dogs bowl on the floor.

Obviously a child so young should never be left with a dog, but in a home situation this is not always possible, your son is fully mobile as is the dog, the 2 paths must meet.

If your child is asleep in your lap have the dog lie beside you as well and give him a gentle scratch behind his ear,

take things slowly with him, train your child as well as the dog that some things are good and some bad.

If you are playing with your child on the floor, get the dog involved, remember the treats and praise,,,for dog treats for Child a sweet or piece of fruit, treat them both, make it fun.

Given time and patience, harmony will eventually be restored.

Keep us posted

Small children are like aliens to dogs that have not been brought up with them. Imagine how you would feel if you saw a green alien walking down the street. You would keep your head down and avoid eye contact etc.

it is going to take a lot of persuading for your dog to come to terms with living with a toddler. I would separate them as much as you can and then have sessions, when the baby is being cooperative, where the dog has good experiences associated with the child. This can be dinner time, play time, cuddle time etc. Don't make the mistake of trying to get your child to interact with your dog. He is much too young. Just have the little sessions where good things happen when the baby is present.

All the stories of dogs biting children are usually found to be where the dog was not brought up with children and then is expected to tolerate them when they arrive. I don't want to scare you but you need to take great care to keep both your dog and your child safe. Dogs do not have morals and so they do not know it is wrong to bite. They just use it as a last resort when avoidance and warning looks etc have all failed in keeping the child away. Never the dog's fault.