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Help - Im Being Ignored


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Apart from one occasion when I first brought her home yesterday, Ive noticed that Evie doesnt look in my direction at all when I call/make a noise/squeak a toy? She just carries on with what shes doing. Its not like she looks and then carries on, she completely ignores me as if Im not there or Im invisible. Now I know she can hear, because if I get her food bowl out shes right there or the phone or doorbell rings she jumps. Ive tried enticing her with cheese and some puppy liver treats, but doesnt make any difference. Ive got down to her level and called her, and also jumped up and down and made squeely noises but she doesnt even look at me. If shes rooting around in the grass, or running about, or even just facing the other way she doesnt even look up or look round to see where the noise is. Im not after recall at all (after all shes only a baby) but unless I can get her attention and become interesting to her then even lead training is going to be hard. Evie comes and finds me on her terms, and she will quite happily fall asleep in my arms, so its not as if shes at all unhappy.

Any suggestions?
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She could be slightly deaf and might only be abel to hear loud noises like say a phone or door bell cose they are louder and at a different pitch to normal noises, like say your voice. also some noises have a vibration that they you can pick up but voices don't nessarly have a vibration.

its just a thought I could be wrong,
Ah, don't worry :unsure:

Everything is new to her and she hasn't bonded with you yet :wacko:

She doesn't know you, there's no reason why she should come to you any more than she should to anyone else, you're not part of her pack, they're back home with mummy :(

Give her some time, she'll learn soon that you are fun and potenional 'pack leader' material :thumbsup: hopefully :- " you know what girls can be like ;) :luck:
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Ive just clicked a clicker thing that Ive got and her ears twitched so she heard it - I think at the moment every thing is more interesting than me, its just how to make me more interesting than the surroundings?

Thanks Doris - yes I know she must be feeling very odd, its just that every other dog Ive had at least looked at me before ignoring me lol. Ive just not had this breed of dog before and I really want to make sure that Im not doing anything wrong.

Theres not a worrywart smilie..
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HopeRosie said:
Ive just clicked a clicker thing that Ive got and her ears twitched so she heard it - I think at the moment every thing is more interesting than me, its just how to make me more interesting than the surroundings?
Thanks Doris - yes I know she must be feeling very odd, its just that every other dog Ive had at least looked at me before ignoring me lol.  Ive just not had this breed of dog before and I really want to make sure that Im not doing anything wrong.

Theres not a worrywart smilie..

Ah Ha!! Just trying to work out how to post a reply and I think I may have succeeded!!!

I've only just registered so am completely unprepared for posting at the moment but just read this thread and had to let you know that I have the same thing happening with my new whippet, Jinny!!

She was 10 weeks old last Friday and has been with us for 10 days now. At first I worried that she was ignoring me but now I've come to terms with the fact that she is doing things 'her way' and that she is always very, very aware of where I am. The longer she is here, the more a bond is developing and I am sure her response will get better with time.

Hopefully it will be the same with your little girl too so don't worrywort too much!!!
Do you think this might help.... :p Not sure if eating the book has the same effect...

That last picture is absolutely hilarious (w00t) :p
Well you cant take anything too seriously when youve a pup in the house lol, hopefully once weve developed a bond she'll start to take some notice of me.
aww she is gorgeous and obvious such a supermodel that everyone is going to have to meet her terms only !

she's probably written the book 'Whippets can handle humans too '

:luck: with her