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Help Advice Needed

sarah jane

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Hi, Just wanting some advice really. Have called on my vet, who I am unable to see till next week, so the receptionist/assistant gave me advice!

Basically my 4 month old whippet developed a bald patch about 3 weeks ago. As it started spreading I though better see the vet. unable to till next week. I was advised by the assisstant that it could be due to his anal gland not emptying! I am no expert and could be wrong, but doesn't this sound plausible does it? Just any advice/help of what it could be and if anyone could reccommend any treatments.

My older whippet developed bald patches but they always cleared up after a couple of weeks. That's why I'm getting a little anxious now.
If he is nibbling himself on the side of his body just in front of his back leg (flank) that is a common place to nibble if the anal glands are full, and sometimes goes sore and baldy. Some whippets have balding on their thighs as they get older, but your pup is too young for that. If he isn't nibbling the patch, then its not likely to be to do with his anal glands, and must have another cause. Good luck, and let us know how you get on. :luck:
Can't really help re: the bald patch but I'd be finding another vet! My vet is the best in our area, very well known but we always get same day appointments, even if there's a bit of a wait when you get there. Your own vet can't complain about you going somewhere else if he/ she can't see you.
DON'T let your vet touch ur dogs anual gland at that age it will NOT need emptying !!! it will only empty ur pocket as once you

start doing his anual gland it will keep needing to be done!

what do you feed your pup?

have you changed ur washing powder that you wash dog blankets ect in?

when was the pup wormed last?

Thanks for your replies. I do have pictures on my phone, but as I am computerless at home, I have to use my work computer so am unable to upload pici's.

The bald patch is prob size of golf ball at min and is situated just at the bottom of his left thigh muscle. (I suppose it would be the Knee area!) It has started to spead down his leg in little half pea sized patches. The main patch is a little flakey. Bit like a bad case of dandruff. He does have a little nibble occasionally, which I discourage in case it gets worse/spreads. I have put on sudacream but this doesn't appear to be making a diff!

I feed him Supa dog complete with a meat and not changed this at all, washing powder is also the same, as I myself can only really use 1 brand otherwise I end up all rashy! and he was wormed 01/09/09, so 4 weeks ago.

I have had a little feel of his anal glands and they don;t appear to be full at all!

I couldn't believe it when she said next week either. As he isn't an emergency she can't fit me in as she fully booked and taking leave. Will consider looking for another vet also
It doesn't sound like anal glands to me, more a dry skin irritation which could have a variety of causes.

Firstly, get some Hibiscrub and cleanse the area of the dry skin. This should eliminate any bacterial infection.

It's not a good idea to put Sudacrem on as it is paraffin based and this alone can be an irritant to a dog's skin.

It may possibly be a ringworm infection as you say there are further spots appearing in the locality. Get some neat iodine and paint each area with it, this will kill the infection. It isn't a worm - it's a fungal skin infection which is highly contagious and can lurk on fences etc so dogs can pick it up if they have been in contact with something like that.

Good luck and let us know how things go :luck: :thumbsup:
dont rule out the food, just because you havnt changed it doesnt mean its not causing the problem.

Ruby had a patch on her thight which appeared out of nowhere and she was nibbling it, it was red and flacky.

we did the anal gland thing which we thought solved it, but it didnt, looked into the ringworm and all sorts,

i ended up changing there food and with in a few week she had stopped nibbling and it was starting to clear up.

at no point before this did we change her food so the food being the problem was my last though as she had been fine on it since we had got her (8weeks) :blink:

she is now on naturesdiet and she hasnt had any skin problem since

good luck, hope you can sort it out :huggles:
Thanks All, will try the Hibiscrub, thanks Jinnyfizz. Where am I likely to find this? I know i do have some iodine at home so am ok there.

Your suggestion re the ring worm lurking on fences has got me thinking. My older whippet Jack kept getting bald patches, but cleared up within a couple of weeks. I am wondering now if this is what the problem was with him. I did stop using the sudacream after about 4 days as Jay just kept licking it off anyway and it didn;t seem to be helping much.

I will also possibly try changing his food see if that helps. Food is such a mine field in our house when you have 3 to please!!!

Any suggestion to which to try 1st?

Will let you know how we get on. Thanks
You can buy hibiscrub in any chemist :good:

It doesn't sound like anal glands to me, more a dry skin irritation which could have a variety of causes.
Firstly, get some Hibiscrub and cleanse the area of the dry skin. This should eliminate any bacterial infection.

It's not a good idea to put Sudacrem on as it is paraffin based and this alone can be an irritant to a dog's skin.

It may possibly be a ringworm infection as you say there are further spots appearing in the locality. Get some neat iodine and paint each area with it, this will kill the infection. It isn't a worm - it's a fungal skin infection which is highly contagious and can lurk on fences etc so dogs can pick it up if they have been in contact with something like that.

Good luck and let us know how things go :luck: :thumbsup:
Just a quick update on the 'bald patch'.

I tried your suggestion of the Hibiscrub Jane, and touch wood it is working a treat. It is no longer bald, just thinly covered now. He does still have some dry areas so I will keep up with this treatment and hopefully he should be ok by the end of the week.

Thank you all for your advice and suggestions. I am so glad I came on and asked for advice 1st rather then taking him to my vets.
Good news, Sarah!! :D

He may be prone to dry skin conditions, in which case you will need to treat as necessary in the future, but at least you've got a solution now :thumbsup: