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Help .... Advice Needed !!!


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We'll we've had Connor for 5 weeks on Saturday and the first 4 weeks he was almost an angel.... this week he's turned into a little devil . Myself an Andy both work full time but one of us goes home every dinner time to check on him /walk him and genrally spend so time with him. This week he has started chewing !!!

It stared with the lino then the tea towel holder and when Andy has gone home at lunch time today he has discovered that he has started chewing the wall .... pulling the wallpaper off and chewing the kitchen work bench !!!

We've tried him with the kong filled with peanut butter and stuffed with dog treats but he only really bothers with it when he can take it outside. We have visited PAH several times trying to find another type of mind stimulant but they don't really seem to have anything except the kong.

Can anyone recommend how we can tackle the chewing and also any good toys to keep him busy while we're out ?

Laura and Andy x
I would recommend getting a crate that way he can't chew anything important and it will also keep him safe, kongs are good and any hardwearing toys he can't break of tear so he doesnt choke on small bits, he is just bored and realised chewing if fun he should grow out of it. :thumbsup:
Ash has hyde chews when we go out which he loves! :) And i also agree with *Lesley* about the crate, they can be very useful.
It could be boredom or it could be anxiety - he's bonded himself to you now and when you go out he has no idea where you are or what's going to happen. Chewing can be a way to relieve stress.

I agree, a crate might be the way to go but you have to put a bit of time and effort into getting a dog used to a crate, or they can get so frantic they will injure themselves trying to get out. You have to get your dog to see his crate as a cosy den where he feels safe and where good things (food, treats etc) happen rather than a cage. If you Google 'Crate Training' there's lots of good advice around.

Just another thought - where do you leave him when you are out? A lot of greyhounds really don't do well with closed doors, it can make them very anxious to be shut in a room with the door closed, so if you are confining him to one room he might be a lot less worried if you use a dog gate (available from ARGOS - like a baby gate but higher).
Had the same trouble at first with our greyhound,when we left her we used to shut her in one room(because of our cat) but she did a bit of damage.

Took the risk and gave her the freedom of the house and chewing stopped,she also ended up best friends with the cat :)
I had some similar problems when I first got I got him Chloe. The best playmate a boy could wish for :wub: No more problems after that :)) Seriously though I still work hard to keep them interested during the day if I'm not there. I rotate toys so they get different ones each day and always leave the radio on (lowish volume) for them. I follow 'dog whisperer' type methods when leaving/returning to the house to constantly establish myself as pack leader and reduce separation anxiety. I would recommend you read either one of the Cesar Milan books or Jan fennell's dog listener books. These really helped me. Above all don't despair. Keep working at it and you will soon have him sorted out.


we ahve fosterd lots of greyhounds and most have hated being in one room they eather want a crate covers over like a den or at least the full run of downstares and the sofas lol. just incase shes getting sepration anxiaty dont say god buy or hellow when you come home and donet even make eye contact with her for at leats 10 minets when you come home its realy hard but no fuss coming or going even if its just 2 mns to the shop. most greyhounds are angels at first it takes 3 monsth for there full natuer to come out and be ythe dog you will ahve forever. she willhave to become a very large puppy yet lol its brill
As a couple of others have said, sighthounds seem to hate being behind closed doors. We used to leave our whippets in the kitchen but they had been scrabbling to get out and Grover had even chewed through the paintwork around the door, right down into the plaster. :eek:

As soon as we gave them the run of the kitchen and the living room, they were brilliant. I think it's because they can see us go in the car and can see us come back - they were just getting very anxious because they didn't know where we were before.

Mine know the routine if I'm going out. I get a handful of small treats ( I used dry cat food!) and scatter them on the floor. I say 'Be back soon' and go. They eat the treats, curl up on the sofa and 9 times out of 10 are still there when I get back. :wub: Also helps if they've been on a big walk beforehand! I would also try nipping out for a few minutes sometimes so he doesn't always think it will be hours before you get back - if he's thinking you could be back soon he might be less likely to work himself into a tizz. Most of the time when I go out it's just the school run, errands, short meetings etc so they only get left for two hours or more about once a fortnight. When you come back in, as Wendy (fallenangel) says, don't fuss over him, just go and do something else for a couple of minutes (put the kettle on, open the back door to let him out etc). It seems mean when he's waited but it really works.

Not sure I would use a crate for hours at a time :unsure: I would be worried about injuries and would rather come back to chewed furniture than a neurotic dog, but that's just my opinion, I know some dogs find comfort in them.We've just sold our crate as we only used it at night for the first three months and now they sleep upstairs with my son!
I would definitely recommend getting a crate - not only will it keep your kitchen in one piece it will also protect Connor from potentially hurting himself. He is far more likely to do himself an injury out of his crate when he is being destructive and eating things that are not intended for dogs than in a big comfy cosy crate.

Make the crate as inviting as possible - really snug bedding, some favourite safe toys. Initially get him used to being in there for small periods of time and create a positive association with it - perhaps try feeding him in there etc.

Best of luck! :D
If you decide to use the crate, which I would recogmend, try giving him a kong filled with treats which will keep him busy and then he has a safe toy, just in case he needs to have a chew.
thank you everyone for the advice , we left connor with the run of downstairs when we popped out last night and this afternoon and everything was fine.... lets hope it stays that way !

I'll keep you all updated :)
thank you everyone for the advice , we left connor with the run of downstairs when we popped out last night and this afternoon and everything was fine.... lets hope it stays that way !I'll keep you all updated :)
That's great news. Keep us posted with his progress.


I got a huge crate off ebay for my greyhounds , the bitch who i had first went in it for about 6 months , then she was trustworthy enough to be allowed in the whole of the downstairs , she is a kleptomaniac but only picks up bits & peices :lol: but hasnt chewed anything other than a bottle top

The dog who is still crated at night & if i am not in or if i am busy is a little demon, he will eat anything including bird seed & a rubber glove :blink: which thankfully he passed
Hi All
We'll we've had Connor for 5 weeks on Saturday and the first 4 weeks he was almost an angel.... this week he's turned into a little devil . Myself an Andy both work full time but one of us goes home every dinner time to check on him /walk him and genrally spend so time with him. This week he has started chewing !!!

It stared with the lino then the tea towel holder and when Andy has gone home at lunch time today he has discovered that he has started chewing the wall .... pulling the wallpaper off and chewing the kitchen work bench !!!

We've tried him with the kong filled with peanut butter and stuffed with dog treats but he only really bothers with it when he can take it outside. We have visited PAH several times trying to find another type of mind stimulant but they don't really seem to have anything except the kong.

Can anyone recommend how we can tackle the chewing and also any good toys to keep him busy while we're out ?

Laura and Andy x
pizzel sticks are what u need... all ntural puppies and adult dogs can have them, and they dont splinter any good pet shop should have them, a pizzel is a bulls willy dried......mmm nice! also fresh raw bones lamb bones as lamb bones are softer than beef. 1 hrs chewing on a bone is = to an hour and a half it wears them out then they want to sleep.(mmm peace at last!) if you feed any raw bones and or meat always make sure that it has been frozen first as this will kill any bugs in the meat. dog/puppies chewing bones is the most natural way of a dog to clean its teeth. also fresh carrots and brocoli storks u can also put theses in the freezer and they work like a baby teething ring. crates r very usefull at least u know ur house will still be in one peice when you get home. good luck. dorris
Hi All
We'll we've had Connor for 5 weeks on Saturday and the first 4 weeks he was almost an angel.... this week he's turned into a little devil . Myself an Andy both work full time but one of us goes home every dinner time to check on him /walk him and genrally spend so time with him. This week he has started chewing !!!

It stared with the lino then the tea towel holder and when Andy has gone home at lunch time today he has discovered that he has started chewing the wall .... pulling the wallpaper off and chewing the kitchen work bench !!!

We've tried him with the kong filled with peanut butter and stuffed with dog treats but he only really bothers with it when he can take it outside. We have visited PAH several times trying to find another type of mind stimulant but they don't really seem to have anything except the kong.

Can anyone recommend how we can tackle the chewing and also any good toys to keep him busy while we're out ?

Laura and Andy x
pizzel sticks are what u need... all ntural puppies and adult dogs can have them, and they dont splinter any good pet shop should have them, a pizzel is a bulls willy dried......mmm nice! also fresh raw bones lamb bones as lamb bones are softer than beef. 1 hrs chewing on a bone is = to an hour and a half it wears them out then they want to sleep.(mmm peace at last!) if you feed any raw bones and or meat always make sure that it has been frozen first as this will kill any bacteria in the meat. dog/puppies chewing bones is the most natural way of a dog to clean its teeth. also fresh carrots and brocoli storks u can also put theses in the freezer and they work like a baby teething ring. crates r very usefull at least u know ur house will still be in one peice when you get home. good luck. dorris
for the chewing of ur lino and work bench ect get some tabasco sauce and put a good amount over were she has started chewing.........he wont do it for long. dorris.