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Hellsbitch X Deneside Belle

i was at ricky,s yesterday and she,s absolutely huge, she,ll never go another two weeks,

I think we have ourselves a babyy elephant to be honest :blink:


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Maissyyy Lovess Herr Belllyyy :wub:

she is really struggling to roll on her back ,, bless her !! xx

Myy Babbyy Elephantt :wub: Ohh && Myy Gawjuss Maissyy'ss Belllyy xx

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OMG shes HUGE u will b rolling her instead of walking her soon lol good luck with babies :luck:
jesus christ Debbie your quick ,, ive gotta download it to my facebook first cause its off my phone ,, give is a chance women haha ,, i doubt she will go another 11 days like aww im soo excited wooohhhooooooo !!!!!! :teehee:

P.S can anyone else see the outline of a puppy or two hopefully haha xx
jesus christ Debbie your quick ,, ive gotta download it to my facebook first cause its off my phone ,, give is a chance women haha if you want a picture take your own dont be stealing mine ,, Maisy has plenty of belly to go at haha (w00t) ,, i doubt she will go another 11 days like aww im soo excited wooohhhooooooo !!!!!! :teehee:

P.S can anyone else see the outline of a puppy or two hopefully :blink: xx
so come on the peoples whats your guesses ,, i think she will have 8 again ,, dad thinks 9 :blink:
good luck with everything If we hadnt decied to line Ruby next season I would have been after one of theses :luck:

I recon 8, 6 girls 2 boys
Just an update of the elephant with 7 dayss tooo gooooooo ....... :wub:
Maisy is massive doubt she will go until Sunday i think friday or saturday bless her these puppies are booting her insides all over & shes at the loo every 10 minss ,, i just wanna cuddle her :wub: :wub: :wub: xx
Maisy is massive doubt she will go until Sunday i think friday or saturday bless her these puppies are booting her insides all over & shes at the loo every 10 minss ,, i just wanna cuddle her :wub: :wub: :wub: xx

where,s the pic,s :wacko: