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Hello To All!

hurrah - another whippet fan xxx

we purchased our first whippet, and first dog 2.5 years ago - we researched, and researched, prepared ourselves.....

but the most important part of the process was finding Debbie - the breeder of our girl :wub:

through Debbie we learnt so much, felt supported from day one and could not have asked for a better introduction to whippets.

i know that even now she is only an email away and this has made a huge difference.

so i suppose my advice is find a breeder that you can trust and that you like from the very first phonecall!

our first whippy is show bred and our second is a coursing bred - they BOTH run off to chase and hunt - and this is what makes having whippets so wonderful -

to see them happy :))

as others have said - one is NEVER enough as we found out !!

now we have moved to the Highlands of Scotland we have found our third dog - this is the first time i have mentioned it on here.....

in two weeks we are going to be owned by a 9 week old Deerhound :wub: :wub:

i only ever thought we would have one dog

you have been warned........ :lol:

good luck with your search

tracy, talulla, bean and the new wee chap (yet to be named!)


Welcome to K9 I was also worried about the things I had read about the running off and the small furry problem, I have 5 cats. However I can honestly say it's never been a problem, if you're willing to put the time in to do the training, as with any dog, you can't beat a whippet! She's the most laidback, gentle creature (see below! :thumbsup: ) I've ever come across and yet she still catches her dinner most nights.


edited to say excuse the baby pjs in the background... :oops:
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Mort said:
Hi Everyone,
I'm a brand new member and I wanted to stop by and say hello. I stumbled across the site while doing some research. It seems like a wonderful place; everyone seems so friendly... and it definitely contains a fantastic wealth of information too :thumbsup: I've spent a fair bit of time reading past and present messages and have found a huge number of tips and tricks and have also spent several hours laughing (and sometimes welling up) over the many tales and adventures recounted. So, a big thank you to the owners, operators and all the members. Keep up the fantastic work!  :cheers:

If I may, I'm also seeking a little help and advice from anyone willing to offer up an opinion based on their experience with Whippets (it always feels a little rude to jump straight in with questions, but I'm hoping I can be forgiven (w00t) )

To cut a long story short, I've been living on my own for several years now and it's a lonely old life sometimes. Although I've been saying that I would do it for a while (there never seemed to be a right time), I'm now seriously looking to find a doggy companion that I can hopefully give a good home to.

I did a fair bit of initial research to try and find an appropriate breed that would be suitable for me and, most importantly, that I would be suitable for them! I must admit though that I've fallen for Whippets in a big way and based on the information I could find there are very few other breeds that seem to be as suitable. Although I feel a bit like I want to rush in head-first, I also want to be responsible here. 10-15 years is a serious commitment after all!

So if I might include a little bit of an introduction about myself, I wonder if someone would be kind enough to offer their opinions about how suitable my circumstances would be for a Whippet (and vice-versa)?

A little bit about myself and my circumstances to help you judge.

My name is Adam  -- I guess that doesn't help much, but just for completeness ;) -- I'm 28 years old and I live in Warwickshire. I'm self-employed and work from home so I'm here pretty much 24 hours a day. Although this would be the first dog that I've ever "owned" myself (I hate that term), I don't recall a time when I haven't lived with them until I moved out of the family home.

I live in a 3 story terraced house on the very outskirts of a town. I don't have a huge garden, but I am surrounded by fields and countryside which could provide some fantastic opportunities for running and walks.

I do sometimes get quite busy with work to the point where I could only spend 30-45 minutes for walks in a day, but those occasions are relatively rare.

I'm ideally looking for a dog that is fun loving (I actually like dogs who are a bit cheeky :thumbsup: ), is a devoted companion, but also has some individuality / is not too obsessive.

I realize that this is probably nowhere near enough information to form an accurate opinion, but hopefully it's enough to get a general idea. If you can think of anything else which might help ensure that I'm making the right choice, please do ask! It will help immensely.

My second question is about the Sight Hound aspect.

I've read a lot about how you should never let a Whippet go off-lead because of their instinct to chase. "Never" seems a bit extreme, assuming the area is safe, but I will admit that it does concern me a little. My parents have two cats and my neighbour has two rabbits. I'd be horrified if I were ever responsible for my dog having injured or killed them, but by the same token I wouldn't want him/her to spend their entire life on a lead.

How likely is this to be a problem if I attempt to socialize him/her with smaller animals as soon and as often as possible?

The other aspect to this is the thought of them running into traffic and injuring themselves. As I mentioned, I do live on the outskirts of a town and there is a main road near here. Although I'd of course keep them on a lead at all times during walks near population, there is the possibility of an escape etc.

Really I'm just trying to gauge how paranoid I'd need to be (any more than you normally would with a dog that can run at 30mph ;) )

Anyway, I'll leave it there. I have so many more questions, but this is already turning into a wall of text!

My sincere thanks in advance for any advice or opinions that anyone is willing to offer.

Kind Regards,


Sorry I haven't read everyones replies, :b

I'm a first time dog and whippet owner to my Smirnoff is 5 Months,

I can't at the moment let smirnoff the lead as she is very stubborn and hasn't got her recall down to a tea yet... but I am going to take her racing once the season starts this might be something you would like to consider, ( I didn't like the idea at the beginging but seeing as they like to run I think it would be somewhere safe and enclosed for her to run)

If you socolize your whippet and see what the breeder has sosclized your whippet with then small furry animals won't nessarly bother them, Smirnoff is not bothered by Cats, but trys to chase birds in trees :blink: lol

Whippets are very bouncy and can also be very dosile, they sleep alot but so do all dogs, they are always doing cheeky things too !!! ( like chewing high heels when your about to go out :lol: )

Hope this might be of some help,

hope you choose a whippy and if you do be nice to see it on here :)
Hi Mort,

If you decide on a puppy rather than an older dog then its best to get one in the spring or summer as house training is a lot easier. Whippys dont like the cold and wet!
Hi Adam and welcome to K9 :thumbsup:

I am a newby in this forum as well, but the advice that people give you on here is priceless.

I own a german shepherd Jasmine, whippet x greyhound Jasper, 1 very large black cat Winston and also 4 Guinea Pigs.

Jasper has been with the cat and the guinea pigs since I owned him at around 6 weeks. He has never bothered about the guinea pigs, (infact he licks then and they are obssesed with him. As soon as he goes out in the garden they start to shout him so that he can lick them through the cage. When they are out and about he never bothers with them, but will chase bunnies up the fields like a bat out of hell.

As for recall, I have never had any problems with Jasper, I just make sure that the area is safe and then let him rip, I feel it is necessary for him to have a good blast every day it stops him from being naughty at home as he is only 7 months.

I must admit I am now totally hooked, and there is truth in its hard to have just the one, we are considering our second now.

I am a housewife with three kids, my husband works shifts and that leaves me on my own at night when the kids are in bed. Jasper has to be near you all the time and makes me feel very wanted and far from lonely.

Your circumstances sound fab, and I wish you all the best in finding your first whippy.

Don't forget to let us know how you get on and we want piccies!!


Hi Adam

I am new to this site as well. I have enjoyed all the great pics and helpful information. Whippets seem VERY popular in the UK.

I am from Canada and got my first whippet seven months ago. I too did lots of research, as I wanted to make a good choice and took it seriously. I was worried about recall and roads as well as squirrels and bunnies. I live in the city, but have a field behind my house. It is close to a road, but not on one. Having got my dog at 12 weeks of age I have been able to work with her on recall. Most of the time she's very good. She likes to know where I am and normally comes quickly with a little kiss noise I make. When she hears me use her full name she gets that I'm serious and want her back.

I love coming home to my whippet. She is cuddly and sweet. A wonderful companion. I was just on my laptop in bed where she was lying next to me and on me. I had to forgive her today for getting into a deck of tarot cards and eating one of them!! (devilish) While outdoors she runs like the wind and I marvel at her. She is highly social and popular. She does have quirks, which I understand is often the case with this breed. I like this aspect of the whipppet.

I can't imagine my life without a whippet now. I suspect there will be another on the horizon at some point. (Now that I have fallen in love with Noah on this discussion group!)

I tried to attach a picture of my baby but I don't think it worked. Her name is Kat. She is from Lepus Sighthounds. Her full name is Katrina/Walking on Sunshine.

Good luck. Once you're drawn in it's just a matter of time until you have one!! So, go for it!! Life's too short to be without whippet.

Hi Adam and a big welcome to you. I agree with everyone on here. You will never be disappointed in a Whippet. They are the ideal companion and usually get along with all other people and animals. They have a beautiful nature, lovely to live with.

My Whippet Bluebell lives with my little mongrel and three Jack Russell Terriers and all get along fine. Bluebell is top dog...No-one argues with her !! She loves her bed and her blankets and is THE biggest couch potato ever !!

I rescued her through JRWhippet Rescue and she was about 14 months old. Do think about rescue and oldies.....You really will not be disappointed. Some of them have a really hard time through no fault of their own. Bluebell was skin and bone and had been abandoned by a band of gypsies which was really cruel as she is the sweetest girl and so affectionate as they are as a breed. They are also very sensitive and trusting so it is very easy to hurt them.

She had a dreadful scar on her head ( vet thinks caused by barbed wire) and hard areas on her legs with having to sleep on a hard surface.....she is the lovliest girl and came home with us and settled down immediately. She was no bother to house train and is exceptionally clean.

I have had dogs all my life and Whippets are just great in every way. Greyhounds too are very similar and many in rescue too looking for someone to love.

I wish you all the best and hope you will soon be back with a wonderful companion and lots of pictures.
hello mort and welcome to k9! i think you have made the right choice in whippets they r a great loyal fun loveing breed that u cant go far wrong with.

my fella is a mort too.....ur not a big ginger bear are u, hideing out in by backroom?? (w00t)
Wow. I step away for a day and look what happens (w00t)

Many thanks once again everyone for all the fantastic advice! I didn't expect to get such a response when I started writing my initial post, so thanks for making me feel so welcome.

I think I'm definitely seeing a consistent thread throughout everyone's posts... that one is certainly never enough :lol: I might just have to invest in a bigger sofa/car/bed before too long. I'm certain that I'll have my work cut out with just one initially though, so I may have to resist for as long as possible!

As I mentioned in my original post, I'd already fallen in love with Whippets in a big way (thanks in no small part also due to the many fantastic stories, pictures and videos I found here) but I wanted to make sure that I really was making the right decision. I'm more confident than ever now that it definitely was, and I'm really excited.

Now I just have to get the ball rolling. I've just moved into my new home myself, so I'm still a little disorganized, but as soon as I'm finally settled in I hope to start looking for my little guy in earnest :thumbsup:

Thanks again everyone (have I said that often enough already?). I'm really looking forward to participating in the discussions in the future, and hopefully sharing my own pictures of shredded toilet rolls and innocent expressions with you all :lol:

p.s. julie_s & madjasper, I love your Whippet pictures! I can just imagine both of them sharing the caption "What? No Mum, I'm not playing with my food" :lol:

Kind Regards,


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Mort said:
Wow. I step away for a day and look what happens (w00t)
Many thanks once again everyone for all the fantastic advice! I didn't expect to get such a response when I started writing my initial post, so thanks for making me feel so welcome.

I think I'm definitely seeing a consistent thread throughout everyone's posts... that one is certainly never enough :lol: I might just have to invest in a bigger sofa/car/bed before too long. I'm certain that I'll have my work cut out with just one initially though, so I may have to resist for as long as possible!

As I mentioned in my original post, I'd already fallen in love with Whippets in a big way (thanks in no small part also due to the many fantastic stories, pictures and videos I found here) but I wanted to make sure that I really was making the right decision. I'm more confident than ever now that it definitely was, and I'm really excited.

Now I just have to get the ball rolling. I've just moved into my new home myself, so I'm still a little disorganized, but as soon as I'm finally settled in I hope to start looking for my little guy in earnest :thumbsup:

Thanks again everyone (have I said that often enough already?). I'm really looking forward to participating in the discussions in the future, and hopefully sharing my own pictures of shredded toilet rolls and innocent expressions with you all :lol:

p.s. julie_s & madjasper, I love your Whippet pictures! I can just imagine both of them sharing the caption "What? No Mum, I'm not playing with my food" :lol:

Kind Regards,




Welcome to K9. I am proudly owned by a beautiful fawn whippet bitch called Kiah who will be 2 in March. She is beautiful, extremely clean, loves all other animals (including our cat who does not reciprocate and tries to scratch poor Kiah every day, but she keeps on trying to make friends anyway), and is so friendly to all(but she will chase rabbits but thats allowed) . She causes a sensation at my son's school gates, the kids love her. She gets more obedient every day, but alas she insists on sleeping on the sofa, its a whippet thing you know. If she had half a chance she would sleep under my duvet but I have to draw the limit there. If you do buy a whippet, you will be so glad you did, the very best of luck to you and post lots of photos.

Regards Susan (Willington Derbyshire)