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Hello,new to the forum :)


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I am new to the forum and i have 3 dogs,2 pugs and a frenchie.

Our pug puppy is named Minnie,she's 5 1/2 months old and as of yet don't have a solid diagnosis for her condition as she only stands 6 1/2 inches high and weighs just over 3lbs..she's so tiny.

Regardless of all her problems she is the happiest,cutest little puppy!

I look forward to reading and hopefully learning from this forum :)
Oh dear - her heart is okay? Could she just be a 'small' one... 3lbs is very very small!

Welcome to Dog Forum!! I am Anna..

I would love to see pictures of your lovely sounding dogs!
Oh dear - her heart is okay? Could she just be a 'small' one... 3lbs is very very small!

Welcome to Dog Forum!! I am Anna..

I would love to see pictures of your lovely sounding dogs!
Thank you Anna :)

Yes they seem to think her heart is fine but have suggested she could have hydrocephalus and have advised having her put to sleep since she was 6 weeks old which i have refused each time.

we have lived thinking she would deteriorate and start having seizures and then that would be the end for her but as time goes on i'm beginning to think she is suffering from some form of dwarfism!

I really do hope it is dwarfism as it is the kinder of the 2 conditions and our baby would be with us for a lot longer.

I am just trying to figure out how to post photos lol x
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Oh she is tiny!

Does she act 'normally'?

I love your ruffers - they are all adorable.... sadly hydrocephalus is a plague to some lines in your breed I understand?
aaaw bless her, she is so tiny, aww!

Good on you for sticking with her, you know if she's happy and enjoying things, is she growing at all? She may have a late growth spurt or something, maybe? Must be a real worry, i'd be trying to feed her up! I bet she'd be football shaped if she were mine, good luck to you, and your lovely pack!
aaaw bless her, she is so tiny, aww!

Good on you for sticking with her, you know if she's happy and enjoying things, is she growing at all? She may have a late growth spurt or something, maybe? Must be a real worry, i'd be trying to feed her up! I bet she'd be football shaped if she were mine, good luck to you, and your lovely pack!
Her growth seems to be that of a 6-7 week old puppy when she is actually 23 wks now.

She is the biggest eater out of the 3 of them,she could eat all day long but doesn't gain weight at all,she eats that much sometimes that she looks like a football and can barely walk,i have to take her away from her food or she will carry on and on :eek:/

It's almost like her brain doesn't register that she's full...but still she is quite scrawney!
My kids want your puppy! :lol:

I hope its nothing more than a genetic issue xx
My kids want your puppy! :lol:

I hope its nothing more than a genetic issue xx
Haha bless them!

And yes i really am hoping and praying that the vets are wrong about hydrocephalus,it's been a tough few months wondering wondering how and when we are going to lose her :(